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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. The vast vast vast majority of people in the nation’s largest state, California, do not use public transportation. Just saying.
  2. Supposed person? You have got to be kidding…right?
  3. Okay….back to actual reality. The Senate majority leader literally encourages a mob to threaten Supreme Court Justices…and then violent protests and an actual death threat ensue. Republicans do/did what exactly?
  4. Exactly what can and may happen in each State. The End
  5. The use of the power of the State to put down unrest and silence dissent. Of our two parties….which does this better describe?
  6. I guarantee it’s on the table it’s probably where you and I differ though. This committee isn’t afraid of what Trump did (paste tense). They’re trying to to make sure he’s barred from running again (future tense). I’m in the camp that believes he has no intention of running again. In fact, I hope he doesn’t. Washington is a deep deep swamp of crooks and hacks. There isn’t a single layperson who can fix it. I believe Trump tried but he was caught totally off guard as to the depth of the corruption. It’s an insiders game and they don’t want anyone shining a light on them.
  7. The answer is c. Trump felt that the election was sloppy at best, given the unique circumstances surrounding voting during the pandemic, and wasn’t willing to simply accept the explanation he was being given that ‘oh well, there’s nothing you can do about it’
  8. Again…good points…but the remedy is to recall a board member or in the case of the superintendent of schools (the executive branch) is to fire him/her….which is the result in the case of the 2020 election. Congress certified the results and Biden is the President.
  9. Yes…some on here do call you disgusting…but I on the other hand, just find you really amusing.
  10. Good question. As I said it’s only somewhat analogous because being a Board they have to vote in the majority before taking any action. If you look at a School Board agenda it includes a Consent Agenda and Action Agenda. The specific analogy I think you’re asking about is what happens if a single board member attempts to convince District staff not to listen to Counsel, but unilaterally take action. Once again, nobody goes to jail. That Board member is simply told to ‘knock it off’.
  11. I do a lot of work with school districts. At every board meeting the District’s legal counsel sits right there on the dais. His/her sole purpose is to inform the Board (who are in most cases not attorneys) if what they’re proposing or are even thinking about proposing is within the Board’s jurisdiction and/or the law. It doesn’t mean the attorney is in charge, but they are there to bounce ideas off of. All of this is done in plain sight of the public. Nobody goes to jail for opining about an idea. I realize this isn’t completely analogous but it’s quite similar, and I know most on here are rarely in these type of spitballing meetings.
  12. Ok….I’m calling it! Show us pictures of your wife. 😉
  13. Thanks And since it’s been established that you’re not gay….why are you even involved?
  14. It’s a Biden Festivus miracle! Almost six months after he told Americans to expect some pain and sacrifice from Putin’s Price Hike (😂😂😂) he decides he too can actually help, and that his do nothing government can also endure some pain and sacrifice. What an utterly clueless Administration!
  15. I couldn’t agree more….stay the Fock away from our kids! If you want to indoctrinate them you can park your government funded candy van around the corner!
  16. The ultimate would be to wear the 1960 uniforms when we play the Lions on thanksgiving. It’d look like a scrimmage! 😉
  17. I’m in favor of a single bye week with the entire league having the same week off. That weekend would become a pseudo national holiday with people traveling, etc on a mid-fall weekend. But, I could very much get behind two bye weeks (same idea of a league wide bye), an eighteen game regular season, and only two preseason games.
  18. Reading comprehension is your friend. Someone said only Republicans fall in line behind a specific leader and that if you openly criticize Trump, you’re an outcast. The same is 100% true of the Democrats with Obama….clear enough for you? The two major political parties are very much alike….even for those like you who choose to live in your DNC party line hypnotic fantasyland.
  19. I have one word for you son…..plastics! Enough said.
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