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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. So you’re saying that the reason it went over my head is because there’s literally no connection between the two topics whatsoever? That’s what I thought. 😉
  2. Well I’ve never been all that tall. 😉
  3. I’m not exactly sure where you’re going with this. One of the reasons we are a Union of States is so that weaker states can get assistance from stronger ones. But the intent wouldn’t be that a single State is weak on everything. You cannot pick out a single issue and point to it as an example of every issue. Some states have nearby rivers and ports, while others have rich farmland, etc
  4. I’ve saved you all the waste of time. Here’s the transcript of the speech: I really mean it. This is no joke….man.
  5. You could literally post this sort of thing a hundred times a week. There are all sorts of things being funded in Washington. These particular two are completely unrelated. Not sure how in the world this is in any way ‘classic’….as you defined it.
  6. Darn straight! We finally got back to our sweet spot….inflation, open borders, run away crime, and funding wars in faraway countries. It’s good to be back!
  7. I was looking over the roster and was shocked to see Crowder listed to be as small as they report. I always thought he was taller. Go figure.
  8. These people are the Kings of Stupid Slogans!
  9. That is indeed not right. The constitution requires very specific warrants be issued. The government is explicitly not allowed to come into your home, vacuum up anything they want, take it all back to their office, and then sift through the findings.
  10. So nothing about Ertz? What the heck’s going on over at OBD?!!
  11. Just don't copy those tiny plastic seats. Europeans are much smaller people! 😂😂
  12. The math shows that a 1,000 yard fourteen game season translates to a little over 1,200 yards for a seventeen game schedule. I contend that if they use Singletary like we saw at the end of last year (more like a Thurman Thomas role) he could indeed hit that mark. But…everyone needs to keep in mind that this isn’t baseball. These guys cannot play too many more games without being totally worn out come January.
  13. Thanks for sharing. I’ve often surmised the same thing. The problem isn’t going to be ‘climate change’. The problem is going to be a flat out energy shortage. I’m certainly no expert in the field but I always thought they should’ve invested way more research into nuclear.
  14. Ha! Do you have a passport? Ever held one in your hand? It is NOTHING like a piece of paper. This is yet another reason why Trump’s lawyers needed to be there when this seizure was being conducted. And believe me you’ll be demanding the same representation if it ever happens to you!
  15. I think you misunderstood my response. I am not at all shocked that a money making school is trying to …make money. The problem isn’t the school! The root cause of this is the access to cheap money. The government keeps getting burned by this brand of empathetic thinking time and time again. It’s what eventually resulted in a the housing mortgage crisis.
  16. When you see that short list laid out that way…. the Browns are idiots!
  17. I actually find this interesting. I would have thought the Bills would be one of the younger teams but I guess they’ve evolved over the last couple of years. It means to me that the the Front Office is going to have their work cut out for them going forward. Lots a cap space juggling ahead and definitely time to start hitting big time with draft picks.
  18. Someone else already answered but, yes. Once again the biggest challenge is rain. There’ll be a significant gutter system to capture and direct runoff.
  19. Simple: The roof doesn’t slope towards the interior of the stadium. It slopes towards the perimeter. Remember that the bigger problem is rain, not snow. If you don’t want the snow sliding into the spectators, you definitely don’t want rain ‘sliding’ off. Trust me, it won’t be a problem. 👍
  20. Thanks for sharing these images. They’re a great representation of what can be done these days. Populous is known for some pretty contemporary design work. I’m guessing this will not be your grandmother’s stadium.
  21. So here’s the part that I found hilarious….which I heard on the Today Show this morning. Apparently the Keystone Cops who conducted the raid scooped up everything in a desk drawer, including his expired passports. They ‘claim’ those were taken because they were in the same drawer as some of these secret documents. So, they mean to tell us that these nitwits can’t tell the difference between a passport and a piece of paper? Really? Were they supposedly in some sort of a big hurry? Why exactly? They took NINE HOURS to go through things. Were they afraid the homeowner was going to burst in on them? Sounds an awful like an illegal search and seizure to me. Ham handed nonsense.
  22. They ‘target’ the specifically? Everyone targets everyone. Do you think Mastercard isn’t targeting you with their commercials offering cash rewards? Everything isn’t about the inner city! It’s just not.
  23. You touched on it up above. If the government wants to reduce the cost of college then subsidize or reduce the cost of PUBLIC universities and colleges. This is exactly what’s done with K12 education. It makes literally zero sense to forgive selective loans.
  24. You and I aren’t far off. Where I differ is if you want the government to pay for things then it has to be on a go forward basis. Those that took out loans knew that they were taking them. Why not just refinance the terms to a lower interest rate or a longer term? Better lessons will be learned!
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