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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Never forget…we’re trying to fundamentally transform America so as to bring about a new liberal world order. It’s not complicated.
  2. Liberty Bell inscription: “Proclaim liberty throughout all the land and unto all the inhabitants thereof.”
  3. So knowingly committing a crime to stop an alleged crime is OK? Wonderful…at least we know the rules now.
  4. What these early sketches show is that there’s a ton of property surrounding ‘Rich’ Stadium. I can’t see the construction on the new stadium having much, if any, impact on the existing Stadium operations or game day experience.
  5. And it’s your position that our legislators can’t write some ‘common sense’ abortion laws?
  6. Thanks Niagara….you and I agree on way more than we differ on. I’m extremely conservative on fiscal issues. It’s not my government’s job to spend money that I haven’t given them to spend. No matter how noble they claim the cause-de-jour is. I’m relatively liberal on social issues but I draw the line wherever children are involved. They are truly the most vulnerable among us. I’ve always chosen to judge people by their character and not their skin color. I’m completely opposed to victim culture, cancel culture, and woke culture that are eating at the foundation of my once proud country. I’m 100% opposed to illegal immigration. This is the fault of those knowingly breaking our laws….period. And our lazy government needs to make it far easier to get invited into the country…legally. Lastly, I’m completely fed up with the Washington ruling class. It’s indeed a swamp! While so many want to pitch this as Right against Left, I believe the real struggle is between Inside and Outside. And that was the existential threat of a Donald Trump. Is he a brash jerk? Of course he is! Did he touch a nerve with the media, career swamp, and elected cabal…you betcha he did! Go Bills!
  7. Wake the heck up! We aren’t there yet! The reason why capital investment is flowing there is because it’s an INVESTMENT. The problem we have is that the ruling class nitwits are putting their thumb on the scale before we have replacement technology. They’re playing a very dangerous game with the American public.
  8. Niagara….with all due respect…aren’t you Canadian? While you’re welcome to chime in from the cheap seats, you really need to preface every post with the fact that you aren’t an American taxpayer.
  9. Exactly…it’s way past time that the legislature start doing their jobs instead of kicking the can over to the courts so they don’t have to make any of the tough decisions that’ll jeopardize their re-election campaigns.
  10. Let me guess…her running mate will be Cassidy ‘Something to the Effect Of’ Intern-to-the-Powerful?
  11. Yes, but that would be far more acceptable than her wasting my time and my tax money.
  12. So I’m putting you down as a solid ‘no’ on Trump….right? Hard to tell from your extremely nuanced post.
  13. Now the legislative branch is going to have to do their job…and actually legislate! Doesn’t everybody understand that all this is about is a bunch of sleazy politicians (on both sides) hoping that they won’t have to make the tough decisions? It’s way easier to simply collect money for your re-election campaign and then sit there doing nothing but passing laws about dog walking.
  14. And you know this how? Did you have dinner with him? Did you ask him for money, and said ‘get lost’? I understand that you don’t like his personality but there are countless stories of people who actually do know him that would dispute your opinion as baseless.
  15. So it was obviously those parents faults for not aborting their children before bringing them along during the commission of a crime.
  16. There are no sharks left to be jumped. Trump has infected the Democrats worse than the Wuhan virus.
  17. Good rule for life....NEVER go on twitter. The end.
  18. And there it is! Finally Chi Goose admits to being an all-in Trump hater....as opposed to the outside, unbiased arbitrator of facts, and PPP's own Minister of Truth. Thanks for clearing it up. I shall read all of your future posts now thru the lenses of TDS colored glasses.
  19. If this turns out to be true, and counsel wasn’t there, I suggest that this entire Kangaroo Committee be held in contempt of Congress!
  20. Thanks for sharing this. It’s really quite true. But…the answer to this age old challenge is certainly not to snuff out the unborn before they are born. Doing that is the ultimate out of sight, out of mind.
  21. I think some of the problem is that most people have never been to Washington…even as tourists. The majority of Americans believe the President works at the Capitol. He doesn’t. In fact, he only goes there once a year, to make a speech. They simply don’t understand the three co-equal branches of government….and probably don’t understand the concept of co-equal. Our extraordinarily expensive public education system needs to spend a bit less time on grievance month and a whole lot more time on basic civics.
  22. Geez…exactly! Which is proof that Trump was not trying to stage a coup! Doesn’t anyone actually think anymore? What was he going to do from the steps of the Capitol….legislate another tax cut for the rich? I forever shocked at how little the American people know about how this freaking country works!
  23. Well now we’re getting somewhere! So this gal from the steno pool doesn’t think the actual President knows where the country is run from? That’s why when he was told they were going back to the White House, he instead wanted to go to some big building up the street? Sure…that sounds right.
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