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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Triggered? The font gets bigger the more mess Uncle Joe creates. Don’t blame me for this disaster.
  2. I’m sorry? You get your feelings hurt there? Your guy is in charge now….deal with it! Own it!
  3. Correction....Biden campaigned on raising taxes and never mentioned a thing about 'improving' the quality of government services, other than that he intended to increase the quantity of them.
  4. My God man....don't you realize we're in a "time of war" and "global peril"?
  5. At what point were they going to fire these weapons? Before, or after, they left peacefully without either taking over the Capitol or chaining themselves to the doors? These people act like we don't all know how the story ended. Do they think the guy in the bear suit is now Speaker of the House?
  6. You’re right…he hasn’t done anything. And he still isn’t.
  7. You forgot toss in something or other about RUSSIA!! And maybe sprinkle in a bit of RACISM for good measure.
  8. So all of those attempts to literally kill sitting members of ALL THREE branches of the government are okay with you. To quote a wise man: You are a good useful idiot.
  9. I assume you also mark your calendar to commemorate the day that leftist: Opened fire and shot a Republican congressman (legislative branch) Attacked the security perimeter of the White House (executive branch) Plotted to assassinate a Supreme Court Justice (judicial branch) What were those dates again???
  10. Oh, well, January 6th. I see. That’s pretty much the answer for everything. Carry on.
  11. Here I start a nice little thread with some little known Fourth of July trivia…and the PPP sewer takes it over in no time at all. Amazing! (But a bit expected.)
  12. How in the hell is this a “time of war”? Or a time of “global peril”? I cannot believe that’s an official message from the White House. It’s amateur hour at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Shameful! Hey Joe….get to work!
  13. Wait…my wife left me? So who’s that really good looking lady in the other room? 😉
  14. Hi Niagara….read up a few responses. (Ignore the 24/7 hate speech from Billsy.) Alf got the answer. I have to say that I didn’t know it myself until just before starting the thread. There’s so much of our TRUE American history that’s been glossed over throughout the years.
  15. Awash in hate and name calling like usual. Another day, another hate filled rant. Happy Independence Day….and remember to pause and for just one day thank someone today who fought to make it possible for you to be ungrateful.
  16. Keep pushing that fake agenda BillSy…if you say it enough times maybe even YOU’LL believe it.
  17. Winner!!! Well done Alf! Was it really that hard for people to Google this simple fact? Just like you, I didn’t know that, and don’t recall ever having been taught that in school. I’m willing to bet that less than 1 in a Million Americans know that.
  18. Note to everyone: The clean energy movement is indeed a noble one. But switching everything to electric power gets you nowhere if you have no way of producing mass quantities of electricity. Solve that first, before moving on to the next problem.
  19. Go ahead BillSy…it’s Ok…you can say it. You know you want to answer my question. You aren’t going to turn into a pillar of salt.
  20. Huh? I thought rock and roll was dead. Care to give it a try? Where does the quote on the Liberty Bell come from? Hmmm?
  21. Here I start a nice thread wishing everyone a Happy Birthday America and including a quote from one of the iconic symbols of our nation and within minutes the usual cast of PPP characters are screaming at each other, calling each other names…and still nobody can say where that quote comes from? A day devoted to commemorating our shared history and yet when asked, nobody knows anything about it.
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