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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Invasion: an incursion of a large number of people into a place. Sounds absolutely correct….no? Or is another pronoun required?
  2. Billsy…..dogs and cats may have to start living together because we may have found something that we actually agree on! 👍
  3. Well at least you're being honest with yourself and the others on this board. We can drop the independent arbiter of facts pretense.
  4. I take the time to write out how this is all supposed to work, and within minutes, the Board blows up with the usual cast of characters screaming at each other. People need to take (or retake) a basic Government Class. It would cure most of this.
  5. I should also add that the Supreme Court isn’t called that because they’re a really, really, really good court. Their job is to take cases that require an interpretation of the Constitution. Everyone on here is somewhat correct….but the problem is not the Court! If you want to change the Constitution the Founding Fathers set up a process to do that, and that process has been used many times throughout our history. Once again, the problem is with the spineless, corrupted Legislative branch….on both sides of the aisle.
  6. Andy, the Supreme Court is not there to make decisions based on what is popular with Americans. In fact, there job is the exact opposite. They're the branch that stands in the way of tyranny of the majority. It is the Legislative Branch that is rightfully concerned about the 'will of the people'....which is why they are called "representatives". And this is exactly the reason why the Founding Fathers set the system up the way they did. The problem is not the Court. The problem is that the Legislature has gotten so concerned with getting re-elected that they keep kicking the can over to the Judiciary to make the tough decisions. The current Court is trying to fix that. To use a biblical reference, this is like Pilate and Herrod not wanting the make a judgement on the fate of Jesus. Make sense?
  7. Chi....the committee made a couple of major tactical mistakes in their credibility, so you shouldn't blame people for reacting the way they are. These were self inflicted wounds, or unforced errors as they say at Wimbledon. The first was putting Adam Schifty on the Committee. He has less than zero credibility with the American people. Would it have been that hard for Nancy to tell Adam that he had to sit out this year's witch-burning ? The second was to sensationalize the hearings by putting them on prime-time television. The broadcasts have failed miserably. All it's done is to cement people's opinion that this is a show-trial....because they themselves made it into a 'show'. If this was anything other than political theater, then just go about doing the people's business and get on with it. Make whatever recommendations you are going to make, and let the chips fall where they may. The American people have seen the "Trump is a Devil" musical more than once now, and it's gotten really old. (Just like the Jurassic movies, of which the latest one is a disaster, by the way.)
  8. Delete...if you ever get into the 37% income tax bracket I'm guessing you won't call it "only" 37%....and if you already are feel free to send in more money. The rumor is that they'll gladly take it. The problem is that you eventually run out of other people's money.
  9. Honest question….are you sure he wasn’t planning on going John Hinkley? We already know he scoped out the parade route. Do we know he wasn’t also scoping out the motorcade?
  10. All the same? You mean deplorable? Haven’t we been down that road? 😉
  11. Deflecting, discussing….the pills are causing you to be even harder to follow than your usual hate filled TDS rants. Maybe back away from the medicine cabinet for a bit.
  12. Wouldn’t it be way easier to reverse the results of an election by having the legislature boycott an inauguration, lie to the American people about false collusion with a foreign advisory, humiliate the President by tearing up the State of the Union address on national TV, and ram rod not one but two impeachment hearings? Isn’t that the civilized way to do it?
  13. I’m good….thanks for asking. I’m still here. Although if Madonna and the dude from Green Day threaten to leave again I may have rethink my long term plan. 😉
  14. Discussing? So now we’re discussing? Interesting. Most people don’t call people bigots as an ice breaker…but then again you clearly run in a different social circle than most people.
  15. And now….the obligatory name calling….own it Billsy! Your guy’s in charge.
  16. Triggered? The font gets bigger the more mess Uncle Joe creates. Don’t blame me for this disaster.
  17. I’m sorry? You get your feelings hurt there? Your guy is in charge now….deal with it! Own it!
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