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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. May I politely suggest you just let the issue play itself out now? The American people will work it out.
  2. Nice resume there…sounds like you’ve got everything figured out. Good to know you’re on it.
  3. You have honestly got to be kidding me. There is zero justification for this kind of activity and NOBODY should defend it.
  4. You don’t find the word airplane either. Now…you go.
  5. Stupid Donald…Everyone knows it’s way more sophisticated (and evidently completely acceptable) to steal a squeeze while sniffing their hair.
  6. Say what you want…but ya have to admit that’s a really impressive room. I doubt they watch TV in there…or are allowed to eat off TV trays.
  7. Well this didn’t age well and it’s only two hours old. Hey…I tried. 😉
  8. Wait…what? You were under the impression that the people were gathering to offer their support of Biden? Okie Dokie
  9. Morning Tibs I’m actually glad to see someone on here supporting the President rather than just saying ‘at least he’s not the last guy’. Keep up the positivity! It’s a welcome breath of fresh air.
  10. You raise an excellent point, but that behavior doesn’t make it right. There are plenty of things that are illegal that otherwise law abiding citizens do all the time. (Go ahead…Check your speedometer next time you’re on the interstate.) But society doesn’t say ‘oh well’ I guess we should legalize it. I keep saying on here, now comes the hard work that has to be done by the legislature, in crafting laws that reflect some of the nuances and circumstances you so well described.
  11. Yikes…I rarely click on that sort of thing but that ten minutes shows exactly what’s wrong with today’s Left. It should be required viewing for everyone. The interviewer is a smug, privileged, un- self aware, pampered clown. And that guy worked for The NY Times? I say it again….yikes.
  12. If true….that’s something everyone should be taking a knee to protest against!
  13. Then it’s time we elect more intelligent people.
  14. The hysteria is dying down (as it always does) and now the real work begins of crafting appropriate and thoughtful legislation in each State House. Time for our elected officials to get to work.
  15. When I’m paying a higher percentage of my income than others are…I get to complain. Nobody wants to hear it, but I’m still going to complain. 😉 But…when people say I’m paying ‘only’ the highest rate there is….I’m going to complain, a lot!
  16. Very well said. That’s exactly how this country is supposed to work. People will move just like they do now. You’ve grown up with it. We all have. You just don’t pay any attention to it. Nevada, for example, had legalized gambling. Many states had a different drinking age…etc. And there are literally millions of people and companies relocating for tax purposes.
  17. They’ve been trying to build a single bullet train line down the middle of California for over a decade. They’ve gotten nowhere and they’ve exhausted all the money. And that’s just a single rail line through rural farmland.
  18. Hey! Back in the day we used to change our date of birth with a ballpoint pen so we could get in the bars…but that was a self taught skill. There wasn’t a class.
  19. So if the site was down where did the 14,563 enlightening comments I posted go?
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