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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Notice her comment at the end where she says the birthing person “should have the ability to control what happens to their lives”. That’s the most telling part of all from a woman who is extremely careful in her phraseology. Interesting! So at light speed we’ve moved passed the control over my body talking point and right into control over my life. We are literally moments away from condoning murder for convenience. This…is the real ‘inconvenient truth’.
  2. You can keep it all day. I’m not backing down and I’m not going to agree with your self appointed leftist role of America’s language police. Not happening!
  3. And the name calling continues. Or should I say in the immortal words of Pewee Herman… “I know you are but what am I?”
  4. Well it must be nice to live in the fantasy nation that you’d like to exist. Democracy isn’t always easy but it’s far better than living in a nation where unelected judges, clergy, or dictators control your life. I sincerely applaud you for putting your money where your heart is. And so I also assume you can imagine how pro-life Americans felt for the last half century when their money was used, without their consent mind you, to facilitate abortions.
  5. Might I suggest that you start a fund to help them while America works through this transition? Again…settle down. I trust the American people to work out the details.
  6. Prejudiced? Antagonistic? How exactly? Your immature nonsense might play in middle school but not here.
  7. And your solution is to have society live by only the rules that ChiGoose wants us to? Patience…this will work itself out.
  8. I was having an adult conversation with another adult about making our shared language more clear, and then you butted in with the juvenile name calling. May I suggest that you stay in your hate filled corner until you’re told to come out?
  9. I actually designed a building that was named in his honor. I got to meet the Chandler family at the dedication ceremony and passed along sincere condolences from the entire Bills fanbase.
  10. And yet here you are singling out these good people as if they must be separated from the herd. There’s nothing at all I’ve said or suggested that looks down on anyone. If you’re reading that into the discussion then the problem is yours not mine. Ever think of that Dr Freud?
  11. Hey now! I’m the one who started that dialogue and cle23 and I were actually having a nice adult conversation until Billsy jumped in with immature name calling and hatred. (No offense Billsy.)
  12. But…at the same time YOU demand that they be treated as special. It goes both ways here. You’re just choosing not to see it.
  13. So you’re the one to blame for $7.00 gas! Enough of this Putin Price Hike nonsense.😉
  14. Whereas you immediately dismiss him because his parents were successful, why exactly? Isn’t that the same thing as dismissing someone of a different race…again something they had nothing to do with?
  15. Remember….You have to break a whole ton of eggs if you want to fundamentally transform America.
  16. Oh come on. So if she mentioned fried chicken…you’d be okay with that? You 100% absolutely know you wouldn’t be.
  17. Because I don’t agree with your opinion on many things. I see. You don’t disagree with people?
  18. So it sounds like you’re saying we don’t need all of these new words and letters (LGBTQ…) to distinguish between people. Everyone is just a person….right?
  19. Okie Dokie…thanks for sharing your thoughts this morning. Keep up the Trump hate and name calling. It’s where you live.
  20. You and I agree here. We’re coming at it from a different line of attack. Let’s use the VHS vs Beta analogy. The market won out there, as it should here. Like you, I’m not convinced this push for renewables is sustainable….and I 100% know that government is the wrong entity to decide for us. (My house has been solar powered for fifteen years. It works really well in Southern California.)
  21. Thanks for the discussion. It’s really appreciated. I try to be an outside the box thinker. I cannot stand hyphenated America. And I hate the fact that we have very uncreative people steering our discourse in the media, advocacy groups, and government so instead of looking for compromise they look for ways to actually enhance the conflict. I feel the same way about abortion and have said so many times on here. We simply have to look for ways to get along lest we end up in an existential divide.
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