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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. You pretty much always count on Graham to ‘muck’ things up. I’m sure his intentions were good but good intentions don’t score many points in Washington these days.
  2. If she won’t go to the border then we’ll bring the border to her.
  3. There’s no way I’m posting a photo on here with trolls like you lurking under every bridge. No offense of course.
  4. Now that's the Tibs we all know and love! Good to see you back on your A-game.
  5. You forgot to mention Putin! I'll wait if you wanna go back and edit your post. 😉
  6. I also have a signed football from the year he gained 2,003 yards. He was making an appearance at the local Twin Fair (I don't think those still exist.) My mother stood in line....so I guess that makes her an accomplice to Ron and Nicole's tragic death. Who knew?
  7. Heard a story on the radio this morning on my way to the gym. Apparently the LAUSD is running promo ads where they tell kids not to be food-shamed. The ads go on to say that at all foods are equal in value. Then something, something about oppression....and you can guess the rest.
  8. So now we know the American people are/were the "boobs" then. And they were played like a fiddle by the partisan DNC-media. With two years of a Biden Administration pretty much in the books, it's amazing to me that anyone would still be standing with this hapless, angry old man. I guess it just shows that PT Barnum was right all along!
  9. So it’s your opinion that the American people purposefully voted to put an end to peace and prosperity? Sure they did! Or…is it more likely that they were purposefully lied to by the leftist advocates in the traditional and social media. I’m guessing it was the second one.
  10. Unfortunately the ‘they’ in your sentence is the independent Federal Reserve, not the Biden Administration. So in effect we’re stuck in a tug of war between the two. Biden has both feet on the gas pedal and the Fed is pulling the emergency brake. That’s a recipe for blowing up the engine.
  11. All of that peace and prosperity was a real downer!
  12. Go right on ahead ignoring the Biden Administration’s fiscal policies. It’s clearly working. 😂😂😂
  13. That’s part of it for sure. So when that happens how does it make sense for the government to print trillions of additional dollars? Answer: it doesn’t. It makes the problem worse.
  14. Silly Billsy. If I have a photo of me with OJ from back in the day does that make me a supporter of murder?
  15. Yes, it is imaginary money. In reality, all money is imaginary. Inflation does not mean that the things you buy are suddenly more valuable. Inflation means that the money you have in your wallet is less valuable.
  16. Too late! We already have inflation.
  17. Obvious and simple answer: stop flooding the market with newly printed fantasy money.
  18. I’m sure they do. Thanks for the discussion.
  19. You’re right! I’m sure without Joe at the wheel it would’ve been a major incursion instead of the minor incursion he opened the door for.
  20. Is Joe coming out tomorrow to tell us it’s ZERO again? That should be fun.
  21. Again, we disagree. And it’s OK to do that as well. Something has to change here. Someone needs to do something. If you want to call it a stunt I’m fine with that. Abbott’s trying to shake things up. Nothing else has worked. This wasn’t his first move, or even his go-to solution but you can only yell for help so many times before you have to shoot up a flare. No?
  22. I’m predicting sunny and 75 here in Southern California, in case anyone was wondering. 😉
  23. At this point, it doesn’t really matter, so long as it’s cold. The stalkers are stalking the stalkers. 😳
  24. And with that resume you ended up a Biden supporter? Interesting.
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