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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Chef….everyone knows it’s a stunt. Everyone. The point is that this stunt wasn’t their first reaction. Something has to change here! They’ve begged and pleaded for TWO YEARS for anyone in the Biden Administration to recognize the problem and nobody will even acknowledge it! They won’t visit the border, they won’t even say the word ‘problem’. So is it a stunt……YEP!
  2. And hey! Don’t be hating on Spanglish. My daughter had a bit part in the film. 😊
  3. Just speaking from decades of personal / professional experience Ned. You don’t have to agree with it.
  4. I was shooting for just a run of the mill aggression. 😉
  5. I like your plan and agree with most of it…as I believe most Americans would or do. (Im not sure I support #4 though. Didn’t we try that already?)
  6. I’ve done that so many times over the years but inevitably SOMEONE tells me what happened before I actually get to watch it. Extremely frustrating!
  7. That’s absolutely hilarious! I had a partner that would do that all the time. He retired before we could train him out of it! 😂
  8. Excellent then! Problem solved. Load up the buses. Let’s roll!
  9. In case you’all were curious, the sun’s out in Malibu today. 😉
  10. You’re obviously very passionate about this topic. What’s your solution? Or, do you even acknowledge the problem?
  11. It’s only transitory dammit! As George Costanza would say….It’s not a lie if you believe it to be true.
  12. Keep preaching Bernie! 🙄
  13. I’m guessing it’s for political reasons. You do understand that he’s a politician, right? I’m not a big fan of Graham when it comes to political strategy or instincts but I still have to applaud him for trying to move the discussion/debate along. It’s an old school approach for sure, but it wasn’t that long ago when representatives from both sides of the aisle would work together to reach a compromise. This particular issue certainly needs one….but he’ll be burned at the stake by BOTH sides for even trying.
  14. If and when you finally get out of junior high school you’ll be better equipped to understand the economy.
  15. I’ll give you that. Certainly not the entire party, but certainly a good portion. And I’m not talking about the voters…I’m talking about the elected representatives.
  16. Huh? And…we’re back to your Trump obsession. It’s beyond clear that you don’t want to see what’s really going on. Enjoy the feud!
  17. You really don’t know, do you?
  18. So now that’s it’s been proven that the Clinton campaign made up a fake story and then induced the FBI to spy on both the Trump campaign and his administration you still think it started with Trump? It didn’t. And it didn’t start with Hillary either. Sorry to burst your bubble. PS: Santa Claus isn’t real.
  19. I don’t blame you there, but remember there are WAY more people than Trump who need to be held accountable. It’s a really long list. I’d recommend that you drop it. The only thing that comes from your blood lust is the same thing back in the other direction and the feud never ends. You can see that in countries all over the world and it goes on for decades and even centuries. It doesn’t end well. It never does.
  20. If you can’t get over your Trump hate I can’t help you. If you haven’t figured out that we are ALL being played by the media, government, foreign entities, and domestic business interests who work behind the scenes to promote and maintain this internal American feud I’m thinking you need to step away from the keyboard for a while. Keep your sense of humor is the best advice I can give you.
  21. Now what? THIS is your latest spin? 😂😂😂
  22. I’ve noticed the same pricing with hopes of making a trip to WNY this year. So with that, I’m wondering why so many think it’ll be the new stadium that will price people out of their seats. Looks to me like it’s already happening! And we don’t even have a roof yet.
  23. Working with the FBI to create false stories about your opponent and having those law enforcement agencies leak then to the media…also illegal. And…..Calling out an angry mob is not illegal. If it was the Red Menace speech would’ve have landed Joe behind bars. Tibs, you can keep up the partisan love affair but this goes both ways. If you can’t see that, I’m afraid you’re not going to like living in the country you’re so desperate to create.
  24. Like what? Trying to install their own electors? Trying not to certify results? Questions the accuracy of voting machines? Asking for recounts? The list is virtually endless.
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