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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. You answered your own question but quite possibly don’t even realize it. This entire proceeding is about things they say COULD HAVE happened or that some Trump people WANTED/HOPED TO see happen. The problem with that logic is that those things didn’t actually happen. The government wasn’t overthrown. None of the ‘armed’ protestors killed anyone. And the nut jobs who were all worked up into a froth, left peacefully of pretty much their own accord. But the so called select committee doesn’t want anyone to know that we already saw the end of the movie and that it ended with a whimper, everyone went home, and Congress certified the election before nightfall. The End
  2. So the latest story is they’re accusing Trump of attempting to call a potential witness, saying that it’s tampering or something. And yet this entire proceeding being done on national TV (not in private like Grand Jury does) is the poster child for tampering with the entire American jury pool. But….you know…Trump or something.
  3. I didn’t say they would. I said they should. But then again there’s almost nothing that the current commissioner has done that I’ve agreed with. 😉
  4. You’re right. The mistake that Nancy is making is thinking that the allegiance is to Trump, the man. It isn’t! It is to the idea of a Trump figure who’ll speak truth to power. The best analogy I can come up with is that Trump was John the Baptist. He is not the savior.
  5. Hey! At least I got him to call me a bigot yesterday. I consider that a big win. 👍
  6. Of course he is….but then again you were saying that for FOUR YEARS leading up to January 6th. So there’s that.
  7. So if I'm understanding this correctly....the latest line is that President Trump "wanted to do some things"? While I understand the gravity of the discussions, there is a HUGE gap between wanting to do some things and actually doing them. This isn't a look into Christmas future. This is a glimpse into Christmas past. The Committee doesn't have a time machine. At least I don't think they do.
  8. Winner....Best post of the month!
  9. I don't disagree with you....but the Supreme Court is not there to do the work that the Legislative Branch is unwilling to do. That is not their function. This entire case boils down to the Court reminding the country of that very fact. Is it pretty? No it is not! But neither is the inconvenient truth that over the last fifty years, literally thousands upon thousands of lives have been prematurely snuffed out. I will still trust the process (maybe I'm an optimist) knowing that once laws are adopted that people's behavior will begin to change. Just like it did over the last fifty years.
  10. Which is exactly why the legislative branch needs to get to work and LEGISLATE!
  11. What does that translate to for my NFL Preseason BBQ? Let’s see if the White House can provide the conversion table. 😂
  12. You thought we were going to change a half century old ruling with zero transitional issues? How freaking naive are you? TRUST THE PROCESS!!
  13. I see. So Twitter gossip is the new substitute for the work of the US Congress? I’m going to have to look that up in the constitution. 😉
  14. People can indeed be concerned about both and so should Congress. With that said, can you tell me what channel the nationally televised hearings are on the border? Crime? Inflation? I was flipping through channels last night and couldn’t find them. I may have to upgrade my DIRECTV package…again. (They call me all the time. 😉)
  15. Never been a fan of Overstock. Ever since they had to run commercials telling their customer base that they didn’t just sell over stocked merchandise. 😂😂
  16. Pretty much any and all of them. By the way, by definition, there’s only one God. Just because people call God by different names doesn’t mean there’s more than one.
  17. Not exactly. We have moved into a Post God social norm. This has been tried countless times throughout the history of mankind. It never ends well.
  18. Americans have always moved, driven, or flown to reach a destination that affords them the opportunity to do things they cannot do where they live. And most of those things were frivolous (drink, gamble, smoke pot, buy firecrackers or medications). The Left’s hysteria about this issue is ridiculous. Let the process work itself out. Trust the Process!
  19. I watched a lot of Harry in college. He was a man amongst boys. This just shows how really really hard it is to pick NFL talent. These are very young men, just coming into adult/professional life, and almost always a long way from home. I wish him well in Chicago. I hope it’s a wake up call. He has a ton of potential.
  20. I’ll say it again. I don’t think they need two bye weeks but I would have the entire league have the same bye week right in the middle of the season. “Bye Week Sunday” would become like a national holiday promoted as a day do things with family and dedicated to acts of community service. All of the other major leagues already do it, by inserting a de facto bye week called their All Star week. In international soccer (football), they do it a couple of times each year so that some of the players can get in a game or two with their respective National teams.
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