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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Please explain to us all what gay people look like. This, I’m dying to read.
  2. Hey! Mine is a photo of my scale model of RICH STADIUM! Yep…it’ll always be Rich Stadium to me…..old school, baby!
  3. I think I agree…but remember what the NFL (players, owners, etc) really wants is as much money as they can possibly make. That doesn’t make them evil. It makes them normal. It will find the appropriate price point. It always does. But depending on how out of hand it gets you may see a shift back to the time where everyone went to the local sports bar. That was me, back in the days before ST.
  4. Exactly…but as I’ve said, this type of hearing (disguised to look like a court case…thus the constant ‘under oath’ chant) should NEVER play out in public. They tried it with the impeachment but quickly realized there’d be a defense team. So now Adam Schiff and his cabal of jackals came up with a way to stage an impeachment WITHOUT a defense team. It’s not complicated. It’s truly disgusting politics but it’s not complicated.
  5. I’ve stayed out the Ray Epps narrative but watching that guy, he clearly sticks out like a sore thumb. There’s zero chance he wasn’t a plant. He comes off like a narco officer that walks the halls of your local high school pretending to be a student. And judging from the crowd’s reaction, ALL of them know he’s not a student. (I’m guessing he bought the hat in a corner gift shop.)
  6. We all yell and scream at DIRECTV…me included, but the root problem is the ever increasing salary cap and the contracts the players are signing. It’s a vicious circle that the fans are stuck in. Just look up the page a few threads and you’ll read about a Left Tackle who wants to get paid $2,000,000 per game! Come on Man!
  7. Speaking from California, I believe the nation would quickly discover that Newsome is no more than the west coast version of Beto, at best. Trust me.
  8. I apologize if you took it the wrong way. I’m not calling you stupid. The problem with the way this entire farce of a committee is being handled is that there is only one side to any of this being presented. There isn’t any cross examination, let alone a defense. If every court case was handled this way everyone in America would be in prison! If I give the committee the benefit of the doubt at the very least this should not be playing out in public. Even at your local school board meeting these sort of issues are handled in what is called ‘closed session’.
  9. Hard to believe those Super Bowls were thirty years ago. Geez, I’m old! Go Bills….please
  10. The same thing applies. People delete emails and texts all the time. It doesn’t, on its own, mean or indicate anything. I’m not saying it’s substantial or isn’t but do NOT simply accept or believe the stories you’re reading in the media, or from this committee. They are advancing a narrative. It’s their job. What’s unfortunate/purposeful is that they’ve acting like a Grand Jury (to use Tibs analogy) but doing it in public; not in private.
  11. It’s not that simple. Electronic communications have made it really challenging for anyone involved in a court proceeding. I dare you to go back through all of your texts and emails over the last two years and see if there aren’t a whole bunch you really wouldn’t want anyone else to see. Go ahead…I’ll wait. And I’m also betting that none of the ones you don’t want revealed have anything to do with the actual court proceeding. Do people go back and delete texts and emails…you bet they do! Does it make them guilty of anything related to the case…no it doesn’t.
  12. So in your world view you believe that ‘trusting the process’ means you get exactly what YOU want? I’d call myself pro-life and I believe everyone should be, but ‘trusting the process’ to me means that the issue/policy now rests in the hands of the people (through their elected representatives) and knowing that I may not get the legislative outcome I hope for. So…I guess we differ there. By the way….ILL…INI!
  13. It’s literally the central theme of the entire book! What the heck were you told it’s about?
  14. I wasn’t respond to you….but I’ve seen more and more on here lately. Everyone jumping into their trenches and opening fire in true trench warfare. We bypass the forest altogether and get lost in the trees and weeds. It’s right where the media and political class want us to be.
  15. That’s correct. We’ve gotten so used to First World convenience that people don’t realize that convenience comes at a huge cost.
  16. I can assure it’s done all the time. It’s not supposed to be but it is. Now you can go back to screaming at each other.
  17. I’ll refer you to the Old Testament and then you can catch up….we’ll wait.
  18. OK…I’m calling it! Fake news. This guy doesn’t have a single Ukrainian flag in his Twitter banner.
  19. Now do the “don’t say gay bill”….we’ll wait, counselor.
  20. I’m actually a LEED accredited professional. (Look it up) There are any number of things we ‘should have’. The challenge is viability of these should have ideas.
  21. You can roll your eyes all you want, but assuming the Chi stand for Chicago, then I'm also assuming you're involved in crafting legislation in Illinois, or lobbying your legislators? Not sure what all the rest of this Message Board chatter is about. Get to work!
  22. Funny you mention recycling. The latest stories are that we've recycled TOO MUCH, not too little. Some waste management companies have nowhere to put the stuff, so they're just collecting it and then dumping it in with everything else.
  23. I stepped away to get some work done. What did I miss? Is the guy in the bear suit the new Speaker of the House? Is Trump running the country for a secret bunker at Mira Lago? Is the coup complete?
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