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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Sure....make sure you toss in "the last two Presidents". Hilarious!
  2. I have no idea who the genius was that suggested replacing a handshake with a fist bump. A handshake upon meeting is a universal sign that we’re about to have a discussion based on some level of honesty and trust. Whereas a fist bump infers that we already agree and are on the same team. (Of course, during Covid, the germ concerned turned the gesture into something closer to ‘you’re probably unclean’.) No matter how you spin it, this was not a good look. Idiots!
  3. And your personal contribution to this existential fight is, or has been, what exactly?
  4. I have family members who had top secret clearances. They couldn’t believe what she, and those around her, were able to get away with. They would’ve been in prison in a heartbeat.
  5. Virtually everyone agrees with that approach. Even really staunch Pro Life advocates. Do not believe the crap you’re being sold.
  6. Shocking! They gave themselves an award for publishing a completely fictional story…and now they don’t want to admit they fecked up? No? Really? Where’s Milly Vanilly when we need them?
  7. The inalienable rights are those not given to people by government but by the Creator of the Universe. This is NOT complicated.
  8. Maybe so…but never forget that ‘he’ is God…and you are definitely not!
  9. It’s not an invasion! It’s a minor incursion, dammit! Your entitled to your own set of facts but not to your own politically correct spin. 😉
  10. Hey, don’t you realize, it takes a whole lot of looking the other way to stay silent while thousands of innocent African American lives are snuffed out day after day after day. But what the heck, one man’s ‘progress’ is another man’s racially targeted extermination.
  11. Can you use a bigger font? My old tired eyes are having to squint more and more these days.
  12. "My Bible"? By the way....did you just admit that we've actually been killing babies? YIKES!
  13. I like winning. I just didn't know we were at war. Good to know! I'll start hording nylons and chocolate bars.
  14. And the same can be said for the Baby’s health and life…but you already know and choose to ignore that inconvenient truth.
  15. Maybe, and maybe not. I’m pretty sure that there'll be dozens of challenges to the progress made by the Court’s recent correction. Were you thinking there wouldn’t be? Relax! Trust the process.
  16. And now you want to get into theology? There are medical practice laws in place for all sorts of things, such as assisted suicide, to make sure doctors aren’t just killing people under their care. The process will work itself out, through the legislative branch, where they’ll decide what unique statements need to be made surrounding abortion. Relax! Trust the process.
  17. I thought the same about my eight-track player, then my betamax tapes …’progress’ isn’t always all that it’s cracked up to be. 😉
  18. There are already medical practice laws in place to take care of such things. Keep your blouse on.
  19. It’s not a skirmish…it’s a “minor incursion”. And don’t you forget it! 😉
  20. Did you ever think that anyone could walk into a clinic and claim their life was in danger? Or that a planned parenthood center wouldn’t just start writing that in every record? No….that would never happen! Just like every death was suddenly from Covid for the last two years. Follow the money! You know… the line that Uncle Joe can’t remember. The part about all men being CREATED equal. That part!
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