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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Funny you put it that way. I don’t have his phone number…but I’m betting that the Biden Administration does.
  2. Note that I didn’t say you’d be able to grow ALL of your food in the restaurant parking lot. 😂 But the concept still applies. The closer you are to the point of consumption, the more efficient the source of energy. That’s not a political statement of any kind. It’s just a fact.
  3. If you’re making a reference to Climate Change, I’m pretty sure the roof on the new stadium will be way down on the list of priorities. 😉
  4. London isn’t all that windy but it does rain a lot. Remember, the European soccer season spans the cooler, wetter, part of the year. They’re less worried about sun. I hope that helps.
  5. I’m not sure I’d go that far but the Good Samaritan is generally misunderstood.
  6. Bingo! Put another way….There’s no difference between farm to table food and farm to table energy.
  7. I’m betting that 99% of Americans don’t even understand the underlying teaching point of the story of the Good Samaritan.
  8. Not trying to be nasty Alf, but your statistics are spot on. And the US could easily find itself in the exact same predicament if we’re not careful. Regarding my reference, I’m going to guess you don’t know the story told in that episode do you? Look it up. You’ll learn something.
  9. Yes. The stadiums have a solid roof. Because of how they design soccer stadiums with fans sitting just a few feet from the touch line (sideline) the front row seats can get wet with wind driven rain but everyone is dry. Piece of cake!
  10. Excellent…we agree. I’m serious about the Star Trek episode. Good science fiction takes you out of the constraints of your current location and time to tell a story that makes you pause and think. I recommend you find the episode on a streaming source somewhere.
  11. You don’t think it’s time to stop this? Really? You think that after six months the solution is going to be found in more arms sales and Twitter handles?
  12. Tibs, pretty much the entire world supports Ukraine. That’s not the issue. The problem is that there’s nobody trying to stop this. All we have are kids on the playground surrounding the bully and the victim screaming and cheering them on. Where’s the adult? Who’s going to step in, pull them apart, and break it up? This has gone on way more than long enough. It’s past time to send everyone to the Principal’s Office. This reference is going to be a bit wonky but I urge you to watch an episode from the original Star Trek series called “A Taste of Armageddon”. (I remembered the story but had to look up the title.)
  13. Nice try Tibs. You're zealous appetite for a foreign conflict is positively ghoulish! (By the way, I didn't approve of Bush's war either.) (And adopting other people's kids is not the intent of the pro-life movement.)
  14. So if I understand you correctly, the GOP is trying to exterminate the human race by killing pregnant women? Even you cannot believe that to be the case. If someone misinterprets a proposed law, and ends up killing themselves, or putting themselves in grave danger because of that misinterpretation....is it on the lawmaker or on those (such as yourself) who are desperate to invoke mass hysteria? Again.....let the process take its course. Trust the process!
  15. Odd immature response from someone presumably sitting on the other side of the planet. When the foreign bought bombs start dropping on WNY, I’m going to trust you’ll feel the same way. Clueless!
  16. The newest European soccer stadiums have roofs that cover every seat. It’s not that difficult with modern engineering designs. It’s been said many times on here…just Google the new Tottenham Stadium in London. It was designed by the same architectural firm.
  17. What are you people debating? I don’t think anyone disputes that the world experienced a pandemic. The debate is over the way the various governments reacted to it. Clearly the last couple of funding bills were completely unnecessary. Just like pandemic, there’s no sane debate out that.
  18. Wrong Tibs. War is supposed to be horrific. It’s why the civilized world should try so hard to avoid it all costs. When it’s reduced to you sitting in your recliner, sacrificing NOTHING, while actual people are being killed and thousands of families are left homeless then it becomes a distant video game…not a war! Hey President Biden, how about doing some diplomacy and stopping this thing! How about that? Important trip to Saudi Arabia my arse.
  19. Is this our version of Abbey Road? I may to put it on my list of must see American historical sites
  20. How is that pro Putin? Might I suggest you pick a rifle and go join in the struggle? You seem utterly fixated on it. Which you’re free to do, but it seems a tad first-world when done from the bleachers!
  21. I’m sure most of the texts had something to do with how they planned on using their reins as whips the next time they got out on horse patrol. 😉
  22. That’s all the Left has ‘left’. Keep selling fear to the American people and see if we all will freely submit to the transformation of America. It ain’t working.
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