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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. The dome or no dome discussion seems to have gone down a new cul-de-sac. I thought the original essence of it was to have the stadium (if funded by public referendum) (and probably if downtown) be available for year round events, thus getting more return on the investment. Now that it’s going in Orchard Park and the funding is secured, are there really that many people who still want it to be completely indoors? Really? Speaking as a once long time season ticket holder, but admittedly no longer living in WNY, I loved sitting outside and the experience would only be better if I wasn’t getting wet. I never minded the occasional snow…that was actually fun.
  2. I keep using the line Trust the Process because that’s where we are at this point and that’s how our system of government functions. There will be a legislative negotiation on a state by state basis just like there is on so many laws and regulations each and every day. It makes no difference what my personal opinion is (I’ve tried really hard not to offer one), or my faith, or yours for that matter. Each state’s legislative representatives will now sit and deliberate and I’m guessing that each will come to a slightly different nuanced compromise. And just like all laws there’ll be some amendments and tweaks along the way as new circumstances arise. If I was a betting man I’d say the majority of states will end up with a first trimester limit on abortion. How about starting a poll? Now THAT would be a great thread! Much more fun than having everyone screaming their personal opinions into the message board abyss!
  3. All of his rambling might be the reason to stand out in an open field with a river as a photo op background to announce a new clean water bill but what do his personal ‘health’ stories have to do with a Climate Emergency? Doesn’t anyone anywhere ask these questions?
  4. I’m sorry, I’m not sure I understand where you’re going with that. Please expand.
  5. Okay Mr Genius. If abortion is completely private and unchecked, then what’s to keep her from being coerced by her pervert relative (brother, father, uncle, etc) from threatening her if she doesn’t? Answer: it happens all the time.
  6. Andy…I’m not painting you as anything. I’ve never said anything like that in the entire debate. I’m the only one on here actually calling for calmer heads to prevail. Everyone else appears to want to scream past each other.
  7. And you know how she feels being returned to the home of her rapist? I see. And your professional training is what exactly? Are you even a father of a daughter? A father at all?
  8. To a great extent you are correct. The problem with your stance is that you give no voice to the voiceless victims of this horrible procedure…the yet to be born infant. I’m confident a balance will be struck.
  9. I can’t believe Leinhart didn’t make the list for his one quarter of preseason failure. The guy looked like he hadn’t attended a practice, meeting, or had ever seen the playbook! 😂😂
  10. You beat me to it! Pit him against Zach Ertz in an epic camp battle for the ages.
  11. You do realize that in your version of the world, the 14 year old is driven to an abortion clinic, says nothing, and is then raped all over again…right? I don’t want to get into a whole thing here, but people need to pump the brakes and think some of these issues through. The world’s problems are NOT going to be solved on Twitter!
  12. Yes? I was talking with my corporate photographer just earlier today and it never even occurred to me to ask him for his opinion on corporate, board, or legal matters. He’s super nice! Maybe I’ll ask him next time.
  13. Goose. You misunderstand. You are either going to trust the process, leave the country, or install yourself as Goose the All Powerful. (Has a ring to it. 👍) That’s just how it works here. Note, I’m not saying to Trust the Legislature to do what I personally want, but rather to Trust the Process. Because crafting legislation is in fact a process. I’ve been posting the exact same thing about Ukraine today, but unfortunately nobody has the patience to put in the effort anymore. Just send bombs, look the other way, and destroy a country!
  14. Not what I said at all Ron. I actually praised his outline. Goose is focused on how difficult and complex this issue is. I agree with him. And that’s why we elect representatives to work through these issues. Unfortunately these days are elected officials don’t want to do what we pay them to do. They’d rather pit one side against the other, and run to their donors telling them of how they’re in their ‘fighting’ for them.
  15. Knock if off Goose. When you run the world, you can run exactly the way you want it to be. (You don't actually run it....do you? If so, I apologize.)
  16. It took fifty years and millions of aborted human lives to get us into the above, thoroughly outlined, mess. It’s not going to be fixed in a month. Trust the process!
  17. It’s not up to me (or you) to decide what each side is willing to accept. You’ve clearly never negotiated for anything in your life or sat through a mediation or arbitration process in a civil suit. I have. And I can tell you that everyone walks into the room with your attitude. And some hours later everyone walks out with a solution. It happens THOUSANDS of times each and every day.
  18. Are you clueless? The broker doesn’t set the terms. They negotiate and facilitate them. Have you ever bought a house? Sheeesh!
  19. I just said the Biden Administration needs to broker the peace! Hello? Is this thing on?
  20. Questions......Is this ranking with, or without, Zach Ertz?
  21. I'm stilling waiting to find out who stopped the military coup? When will we hear from that witness? Please tell me it wasn't that gal from the steno pool who heard something from the friend of a friend.
  22. My home has been solar powered for the last fifteen years. I'm not trying to be holier than thou. My point is that everyone can talk a good story, but you can indeed make choices in your life that have a far greater impact (if there is one to be made) than the Elitists flying around the globe attending conferences and eating off the appetizer cart while sucking back drinks from the open bar.
  23. It's called 'brokering the peace'. What solution are you holding your breath over? Besides screaming PUTIN at everyone 24/7.
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