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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. So when Obama makes an appearance we’re all supposed to call him private citizen Obama? Really now? Okie Dokie
  2. This is the mistake that the Right keeps making. The devoted Left (and now the Democratic Party) are after much much more than Social Justice.
  3. BillSy is very old school. He sees the country through the lens of Republican versus Democrat. It has virtually nothing to do with the ‘current administration’. He’ll be boiled alive before he ever figures out the water’s getting warm.
  4. Don’t get distracted by the distractions. Remember, they’ve got to break some eggs if they’re going to ‘fundamentally transform America’. They’re playing the long game while the Right squabbles over the day to day news cycle.
  5. These people are tone deaf! Keep throwing those celebrity parties while the citizens struggle to buy groceries.
  6. Stupid protestor! Shouldn’t he have frozen himself? People setting themselves on fire are a HUGE part of the climate problem.
  7. Wait till the Italians tear down the coliseum because of the whole gladiator slave thing. Russell Crowe will lead the movement. (He already made his money from the movie version.)
  8. Never forget...they have to inflict a lot of economic pain before their hostages will allow them (even beg them) to completely Transform America.
  9. In a manner of speaking yes. He is above THAT law. If I assume you have a job, there must be some rooms and file cabinets that you cannot access but that the president of the company can….no? I’d actually defend Obama in the same way. Does that make him a POS?
  10. And there in lies the question: Does a law specifically written and intended for subordinates’ security access and clearances also then apply to the President, who by his/her very job description has the ultimate in clearance access? In my opinion….no, it definitely does not.
  11. Life is about priorities House. It’s time for you to make some tough choices. 😉
  12. Don’t fall for that line of crap. The fake narrative is that these states need or demand federal money to survive. They don’t! The government creates these programs, and then says “hey, look who’s applying for the funding”. I saw it every single day in my line of work.
  13. It’s definitely a riddle. I recall a few months back where he mentioned he was stopping at Tim Hortons to pick up something for his staff, or something like that. So besides that hint, I’m pretty sure that Trump slept with BOTH of his sisters.
  14. These people don’t know the first thing about your typical Trump supporter. It’s all just Putin, something, something 24/7.
  15. Well we now know that’s not true.
  16. That’s why God created fourth down. 😉
  17. I could’ve punted in the Opener! I was there and ready.
  18. I’m always curious as to what you do for a living….because unless you were locked in a cell or on a deserted island, you missed a great four years! Sucks for you I guess. Too bad really. But I’m guessing it explains ‘some’ of your perspective.
  19. Not yet…give me a couple of hours. But back to the question….was for years of peace and prosperity that much of a problem for you?
  20. And how did his version of 'running our republic' harm you?
  21. Did he sleep with your sister? If not, then why do you care so deeply? This Trump-hate is a bit over the top....no?
  22. Or, we could just enforce the laws that we already have on the books. Lawmakers ignoring laws is gross negligence.
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