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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. And you know this because when just a few weeks before, when a different mob was actually physically assaulting officers in front of the President’s office building, Trump ordered them to open fire? Can you show us the video of that speech?
  2. You can keep playing the role of the disinterested observer Goose. And you have to know that I generally appreciate your take on things…and quite often agree. But it’s okay to give in on a small point once in a while. She was in the wrong that day, but she definitely should not have been killed.
  3. I am not defending the mob. But I am blaming the officer for shooting her. Please tell me you understand the difference.
  4. Not sure what you’re getting at here. The old Texas Stadium, with the hole in the roof, had covered seats and an open air field. These days they can even engineer it without the trusses that spanned the hole. Easy peasy!
  5. I dare the committee to show that video! This farce of a propaganda machine has to stop.
  6. Oh boy! Where to begin. So you’re saying during the next out of control protest, you’re good with the police indiscriminately shooting into the crowd, picking off an unarmed person to ‘make an example’ or something, something. So it would’ve been okay to shoot the protestors to keep them from breaching the doors of the Supreme Court, or the White House fence? Come on Goose…even you have to know that the officer should not have fired.
  7. I missed it. Was this gal in the Beast too? Or was she another friend of a friend of a friend.
  8. First Liam Nissan and now David Axelrod? They’re bringing out the big guns! 🙄
  9. I love Liam Nissan…but I have to admit I generally don’t seek him out for his opinion of political events.
  10. Now let’s ask Nancy’s attorney the same question. It was her office they were entering. The President works down the street!
  11. I guess I’m showing my age. When I grew up in WNY the stadium was filled with actual football fans…not just people who went there to drink there own beer in a big parking lot. I’m hoping that the return of a consistent contender will help to lure the fans back.
  12. What do you want to bet the missing text messages have literally nothing to do with the events of the day?
  13. Now post one the democrats during the Summer of Mostly Peaceful Riots Then do one of Chuckie in front of the Supreme Court
  14. Thanks 716....but that's not the point I was making. The big dome proponents on here were trying to sell it as a multi-use venue. I think they just really wanted to sit inside. The only way that made any sense, if it ever did at all, was to put the stadium downtown. Once that ship had sailed back down to Orchard Park, the dome discussion lost it's central mission statement. I personally believe the new stadium will be fabulous, so long as it caters to the football fans that have always been the core of the Buffalo Bills faithful. It has to be a great place to watch a football game....period!
  15. Our current cabal of corrupt elected officials won't even vote to exclude themselves from profiting from their positions of power.....and you think they'll vote to make it so they have less of a chance from getting re-elected. Not going to happen. But I definitely admire your optimism! 🙂
  16. Thanks. I’m game, but seriously doubt it would result in the improvements we clearly all want. It’s far more likely that over a short time the new party would simply be swallowed up by whichever existing party it most closely aligns with and whole lot of people will be conveniently, what’s the word….. disenfranchised.
  17. We already have alternative parties in America. They rarely, if ever, have gotten enough votes to gain office.
  18. And yet he apparently felt good enough to drive out to some river and do a ridiculous Code Red climate change photo op. This administration is a total clown show. Who’s really pulling the strings of this puppet President?
  19. This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated… dammit!
  20. Impossible… he did the virtue signaling fist bump, instead of a handshake! Where’s Mary Poppins when we really need her?
  21. Thanks....but nobody said going to NFL games was intended for 'geezers' like you and me. We're supposed to be sitting at home, letting a new generation of hardy young fans develop their own memories. With that said, when the new stadium provides you with indoor, plentiful restrooms, wide open concourses, and a covered seat, I'm guessing you're in-stadium experience will be extended by at least a year or two! (That is of course if you live to see the new place. 😉) Go Bills
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