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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. I love this place. While I’ve used the word now and again, I’m not sure I’ve ever actually written ‘behoove’. Well done. 👍
  2. I’ll answer as best I can. This entire ‘identify’ premise is First World nonsense. Your last examples are physical traits, like height or skin color. Those traits you either have or don’t. However identifying as a ‘gender’ is completely different. Nobody knows how the opposite gender feels. That’s just what you make up in your own head from watching other people around you in the society that you live in. But your perception doesn’t make you a male or female. Put another way, I’m a man. I have absolutely no idea how a woman feels, no matter how much I convince myself that I do. Period.
  3. Shouldn’t you first have to be old enough to drive before you start to worry about the price of gas?
  4. I’ll say it again, for anyone who wants to listen. Trump simply put the highest income rate back to where it was before Obama raised it due to the Great Recession. With the recession over the upper bracket went from 37.5% back down to 35%. Big deal? Hardly!
  5. Who’s the we? You aren’t claiming to be a taxpayer, are you?
  6. My personal views don’t matter Goose and neither do yours. I’m willing to trust the process. You clearly are not.
  7. An abortion terminated the life of an innocent child. An abortion terminated the life of an innocent child. An abortion terminated the life of an innocent child. Shall I keep going? Trust the process Goose.
  8. No need for a cartoon. You can look at it in real life. Did you see the news segment where the Spokes Babe from Ford tells the reporter that the power for the electrical vehicle she's selling 'comes from the building' that they're standing in front of? And when the reporter then turns and asks the Spokes Dude from the local power company where the building's power comes from he, without hesitation, says....."it comes from COAL!".
  9. Tibs.....we've gone over this. Where do you think the electricity for electric vehicles comes from? Cars don't make power. They consume it.
  10. Nancy must’ve decided she’s completely gorged herself on the food trough.
  11. So you’re saying Trump was “The Big Guy”? I hadn’t heard that theory but it makes sense…I guess.
  12. Ah yes....the classic 'they voted no on this' nonsense. You do realize that are often legitimate reasons why members on BOTH sides of the aisle vote no on a particular bill, right? It could be that they don't think that the bill goes far enough. Or it could be that there are line items inserted in a specific that they believe should not be included, or might be harmful to their District. As a member of a Board myself, I have often voted no on particular things on the agenda, even though I know that my vote is not going to change the outcome. Still, my fellow Board members know why I am voting the way that I do. All Board members do this.
  13. Agreed....and the key to that balance rests squarely on the shoulders of the O Line coach and his blocking schemes. You cannot be balanced when the running back heads straight into a wall of humanity every time he takes the handoff.
  14. I just hope the new OC doesn't try a bunch of Daboll-like gimmicks such as not running the ball for an entire half, or vice versa. I hated his play calling. Always felt to me like he was just messing around up there.
  15. You do realize, those aren't that same thing.....right? Your response is like the old saying "I can't be out of money! I still have checks."
  16. Huh? I believe the principle at work here is that 'the market' doesn't like uncertainty, so when the Fed raises (or lowers) interest rates it makes it more clear for investors, and companies, to plan business strategies for the months ahead. Raising interest rates doesn't necessarily mean that companies' stocks are going to tank. The market's forecast the future for investors. It's not a report of past or present.
  17. Maybe you guys can take a break from screaming at each other for a minute, but it's always been my understanding that the President does not have the authority to order up the National Guard. His authority extends only to making the Guard available for others (mayor, speaker, etc.) to utilize their services.
  18. When 90% of the American people believe the country is heading in the wrong direction I’d say we already have a “minority controlled government”. Mission accomplished!
  19. After the Bills win the super bowl will any of that really matter? Pigs will have learned to fly. Dogs and cats will be cohabitating. And hell will be frozen solid! Go Bills
  20. Please. I have family members with disabilities that would find this to be downright humiliating.
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