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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Wow! This is a place for actual discussions…if you want to come on here and yell at someone may I suggest you go in the bathroom and scream really loud?
  2. The discussion is not about her body. It’s about the baby’s body…but you know that.
  3. You can dislike Trump’s policies, or whatever, but it’s a bit over the top to accuse him of *****. Is it just possible you have a secret boy crush on his daughter? Hmmmm?
  4. In a word….yikes! Is it possible to bury your head in the sand any deeper? Sure….that’s not a baby. Why? Because you can’t see it from your house? Nice!
  5. So you’re not a father then. Please knock off the nonsense then until you’re old enough to have a child. Leave the parenting to those of us who actually have children. What’s your word again? Oh yeah….IDIOT!
  6. And to think that the current administration is supposed to be the ones with all the foreign policy expertise. Talk about an unforced error! Clueless
  7. Tibs….there are some odd things to set your hair on fire about but this is definitely not one of them. This Putin obsession doesn’t play with the American people.
  8. You are aware that the Bee is creative, purposeful satire right? It’s not hate speech.
  9. Does that warning pop up every time Nancy takes to the podium?
  10. It’s an interesting question for sure but I think there’s a middle ground. Until you have your QB you probably need to settle for a middle of the road serviceable roster. On offense, anyway.
  11. The big one is getting the QB pick ‘right’…and we’ve all seen how hard that is to do. I still say, get the QB first and worry about everything else later.
  12. Wait until the woke mob in San Francisco realize that their city is named after a catholic priest. Uh oh!
  13. In this case you are more correct than ever. Talk about a huge unforced error by the entire Administration. While in the midst of a “war in Europe”, the Biden nitwits just got the Chinese to say that they’d shoot down a plane carrying the Speaker of the House. Way to go Brandon!
  14. So if the oil companies are gouging their customers now, why weren’t they under the last Administration? Let me guess…Putin, something, something? The evil corporations liberal talking points are old and tired.
  15. As the Bills learned so well while they wandered in the NFL desert for nearly a generation, you can waste a ton of money signing players up and down the roster, but until you have a QB you’re not going anywhere. (No offense Tyrod.)
  16. What I find interesting is that long long before there was ever a hint of a January 6th Tribunal, I happen to hear Mr Patel on a local radio station explaining how they offered the national guard. But now that the story has shifted from ‘Trump pushed for a riot’ to ‘Trump didn’t stop the riot’ the Clown Show has to look for another way to prove the conclusion they’ve already come to. Public ‘hearing’ my arse!
  17. Gene…if I’m not asking you to go to church with me, why does the secular orthodoxy demand that I go to church with them? Like YOU said, raise your kids anyway you want, but leave mine out of it.
  18. So in your world view men should be allowed in the womens’ restroom? Because that’s what they want to do? You see, the point is that nobody cares what you do in private, assuming you’re not hurting someone else, but the minute you start bringing your ‘secular’ fairly tale out into the public eye you’re going to rightfully get big time push back.
  19. Can we see Nancy’s phone records showing when she called the White House asking for help?
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