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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Breaking news just released: Personal note from President Trump on the top of the stack inside one of the boxes. ”Tell the guy dressed like a water buffalo that we’ll never give up, never surrender.” The Big Guy
  2. Have you looked into the judge? I’m guessing not. Do you know where the FBI Director was last week? And now where he is this week? I’m guessing not. CNN won’t tell you any of this.
  3. Yes I’m sure you’re right. Trump himself rented a uhaul and backed it up to the Oval Office. He called me to help him move but I claimed to be busy. I hate it when people need help moving. Don’t you?
  4. You’re of course right. We lost so many school aged children to Covid 19. 😂😂😂😂. Oh wait….no we didn’t.
  5. Dude….you realize that Billsy has decided to dredge up every anti Trump thread he can find right? You just responded to a post of mine from over a year ago! WAKE UP!
  6. Goose….you said it in your very own response. It’s how things are ‘supposed to’ work. Calling Dr Freud!
  7. Ha! Now you want Trump to help the people who just broke into his house while he was out of town? Sure Goose…that’s probably what he’ll do!
  8. Translation: The Bills are ending up with a new modern stadium located out in the distant suburbs. Your seat will be covered, you’ll be able to surf the internet, and there’ll be more bathrooms. The end. (Quoting Seinfeld…”Not that there’s anything wrong with that.)
  9. I’m going out on a limb here but could it be that Trump was actually the Big Guy? Hmmmm?
  10. Given the recent news out of Florida….shouldn’t the National Archives issue a warrant to seize the video footage? I mean, we need it for the historical record….right? Where’s the FBI goon squad?
  11. Augie…..don’t look now but you might just be….me! Similar story growing up. Where’d you go to high school? I find it interesting that now that they decided to keep the stadium way out in the outskirts, they’re looking to develop around it? If they wanted to do that they should’ve put it downtown. Now don’t get me wrong, it didn’t matter to me where they put it, but once it’s out in the suburbs the ship sailed. Just make it the very best game/event day experience and leave it at that.
  12. Skimmed through it quick and didn’t see him mentioned……Dennis Shaw. NFL Rookie of the Year at QB, and then not so much. While I loved reading all the other names, none of them were Rookie of the Year.
  13. Does ‘inside’ mean there’s a dome after all? 😂😂
  14. By ‘tamper with’ did they really mean they were trying to determine if the machines had been rigged by the Democrats? Hmmmm?
  15. Skimmed through the back and forth from so many responses but I want to thank the OP for providing the physical comparison. I’d have never guessed they were actually that similar. As some have said, it clearly comes down to more than just physical makeup. Interesting…. and thanks!
  16. I always think of it as a branch of a Bills message board. So Tibs, on the dawn on another season…what do you think? Is this the year?
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