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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Tibs….lately you’ve grown fond of calling virtually everyone a POS. Once again…calm down and go outside! If nobody’s going to say it, I will….this place has become a real problem for you.
  2. Whatever you do Ron… do NOT get in an airplane. And if you find yourself in one do NOT look out the damn window!!!
  3. Wouldn’t that be yet another reason why someone that old shouldn’t be President? Gosh these people are such partisan hacks!
  4. Biden’s wallet? Since when did the executive branch hold the power of the purse? How do these hack journalists’ get these jobs?
  5. You’re becoming more unhinged by the day Tibs. Step away from the keyboard and go outside! This isn’t healthy.
  6. We are pushing right up against $7.00 per gallon in California. Unbelievable!
  7. And that helped Trump how?
  8. No doubt, to us Bills fans…but the general public wouldn’t see it that way.
  9. I’ll disagree. You kick the field goal and take the lead. If not, why/when do you ever kick a field goal then? You should always go for it.
  10. Here’s the thing. The offense is centered around a single player…Josh Allen. And the defense is a total team effort. There are no real stand outs on this defense (although Milano is pushing to become one).
  11. Ugh….never like the Bills on natural grass.
  12. I’m not the least bit concerned about rain. The field isn’t natural grass. Footing should be fine. The Bills will be fine. Play ball!
  13. All kidding and fingerprinting aside…this is a really fascinating story. So far, nobody has claimed responsibility. It’s like a murder mystery dinner theater. There are quite a few characters who have a motive but which butler actually did it?
  14. That’s it? That’s what you got? Hurricane relief is the reason to throw everything in the middle of the table and redistribute at will? Sure….sounds like a great strategy. You go first. Throw it all in there.
  15. And as everyone always says…As Austin goes, so goes the nation!
  16. Good thing the new render-less stadium will have covered seats! 😉
  17. Close…it’s actually a swimming pool in Palm Springs. It’s beautiful out here in the sun today. You can do it! Head for the light! 😎
  18. Hardly. You can hunker in down there in your protected bunker claiming everyone else is afraid of everything but those living up here on the surface of the planet know otherwise. You really ought to come up for air once in a while. You’ll find that the vast majority of people to be really, really nice. Come on, you can do it. Here kitty, kitty, kitty it’s going to be OK.
  19. I know. You were REALLY hoping to go mining for a bunch of gay-hate. Unfortunately you aren’t going to find any here. Better knock on the next door.
  20. Why is this difficult? Your iPhone will show you the hour by hour weather forecast in any city…24 hours out….and It shows a significant chance of rain throughout the entire three hours tomorrow afternoon.
  21. Lets hope the Ravens spent most of the last week game planning about how to attack his weaknesses. And likewise, I hope we didn’t spend hours on fitting him for pads, equipment, and engraving a nameplate for his locker. Sheeesh!
  22. Now we just have to wait and see if the rain only falls on the Bills side of the stadium! 😉
  23. That’s actually TWO terms. I simply suggested that it would’ve been far more creative/efficient to come up with a single word for that type of union. And I stand by it.
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