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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. The debate goes back and forth but I’ve always felt it was better to get the guys out there together for at least a full quarter so they can mesh in live action. Whether that quarter is in week two or three of preseason I’ll leave to the coaches. This is especially true for the offensive line, who really have to work as a cohesively timed unit. If you’re worried about injuries then it is that much different if someone goes down in the first series of Week One? Really?
  2. Who’s slogan was it? Let me guess….the GOP? (And yes there were indeed budget cuts to police forces in some liberal ruled cities across the country. The slogan is not un-fund them, but de-fund them.)
  3. What in the world did these guys need his passports for? Seems pretty heavy handed to me. It’s not like passports aren’t easily confused with standard paper files. And having just applied to replace mine I know that they’re good for a decade, so this’d need looking into records of his international travels long before he was even a candidate for office. Very sloppy invasion of privacy (the real definition of an unlawful search and seizure) by your government. If it was anyone else this would be grounds for an immediate lawsuit.
  4. “It’s Salman, not Salmon…you idiot!” Elaine Bennis
  5. On this I hope we all can agree. And for the record, she didn’t lose to Trump because of the convenient email nonsense. She lost because most people, including most democrats, cannot stand her….period.
  6. There’s a human side to this too. After Crowders volleyball set to a defender the other afternoon I’m guessing the Bills go with the guy they already know (Hodgins) over a Jets cast off. Now, it’s only one game but Crowder needs to step it up or say goodbye.
  7. He was QBing the Chiefs in my first ever game at the Rockpile. I can still hear the roar of the crowd and the clanking of beer bottles rolling down the aisles.
  8. Were you the President of the United States? Cool!
  9. Excellent….so with these papers back where they claim they belong, now they can turn their attention to the crack head, prostitution enabler that was flying on Air Force One this weekend.
  10. I’m sure you feel the same way about everything you have. Might as well just give it all to the Feds and then ask their permission to keep a morsel for yourself… .right?
  11. Seems like you’ve been gone awhile? Welcome back. Always look forward to your take on things.
  12. Oh brother. How did they inconvenience Trump? He was in New York at the time? They inconvenienced his lawyer who had to stand outside in the heat while they pulled this political stunt.
  13. So we need 87,000 agents to take care of drug dealers? Eighty seven thousand? Let that number sink in for a second.
  14. I don’t doubt it. So it’s the drug lord billionaire class we’re going after? Good to know!
  15. True story. I worked around this guy for twenty years and nobody in the circle knew he’d been skimming from the public bucket for quiet some time. It all blew up when someone figured out that a couple MILLION was missing.
  16. The older I get the more I question what the heck is going on. If these folks are supposed to be going after billionaires, do they really think there’ll be a lot of need for firearms? Is Zuckerberg planning a Wako-like stand-off? There aren’t 87,000 people in America that understand Zuckerberg’s taxes. 😉
  17. Thanks Tibs….. I’ll keep you posted. So far, so good.
  18. Speaking from personal experience, I actually know two people who went to prison after they’d spent years/decades in the public sector. One in a civil case for laundering money. The other for exposing himself to children in a public restroom. I’m pretty sure if you look through records you’d find more than a few photos of me standing next to both of them at events over the years. In a word…so?
  19. All valid points. But the points can be made without the name calling. My take: It’s way way way too early for anyone to make predictions about the 2024 election.
  20. That’s why I just retired. I figured it’s a good time to lay low. 😉
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