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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. And there it is! Play the race card. Figures.
  2. I’ve not read much of this thread but yikes there are a ton of nuances to this matter. For example, you’d have to believe the Bills have some cause of action if this was known to player but undisclosed at the time of the draft…much like an injury. Has this been brought up? (Not that there’s much the organization could get from a recent college grad.)
  3. I’m not sure what this thread is about. The current version of the Bills is virtually scoring at will WITHOUT a no huddle strategy. They just played a game in which they scored a touchdown on every single possession for heaven’s sake. Why would scoring faster be better than that?
  4. Okay with Ford gone….can we NOW, finally get back to bagging on Edmunds? Let’s go people!
  5. Nuclear codes? I’m feeling lucky if AT&T doesn’t make me change my password every other week just to pay my cellular bill!
  6. Glad to hear it’s all worked for you…and was honestly astonished to see a quote from me dating back over a year and half ago. I got out of debt early on and have never regretted it. Oh sure, could I have made a percentage point on the difference here or there? Probably. But I’ve enjoyed every day of my debt free lifestyle and wouldn’t trade it for the world. It took real discipline early on, and now that I’m recently retired I’m not only glad I made the choices I did but super thankful that my wife was raised with the same spending/saving habits. Cheers!
  7. I’m guessing he’s demonstrated he can do it in practice week after week. It’s not difficult to simulate.
  8. While I appreciate the breakdown, the point of bringing in guys like Blackshear is to see what they can do. He’s certainly looked the part in both talent and heart. He may not make THIS team but he definitely didn’t blow the audition. Not sure what else he would’ve done in two weeks under the lights. And, while a walk on, it’s not like he went to a D3 school. I’m rooting for the kid. He showed me a ton when he was desperate to get back on the field after getting dinged against the Colts. My two cents.
  9. To this day I keep the ticket stub in my wallet from the Miami game when we broke the streak. A lower level ticket was $13.00. Not too shabby!
  10. Is it just me or are safeties over ‘hyped’? (Had to do it!)
  11. Wait….did you think his show was the nightly news with Cronkite? You do know Star Wars isn’t real….right?
  12. Wait…who DOESN’T have nuclear secrets? I just moved and I must’ve tossed a few boxes of them. Lots more room in my garage now!
  13. To be found guilty you first gave to have someone investigating your crimes. Hunter is on tape committing multiple crimes and yet nobody’s investigating him, or punishing him. And his father both benefited from it and is enabling it and yet the same group of nobodies are neither investigating him or punishing him. So, I’m sure your right…not!
  14. I look at this a bit differently. Liz comes from an old guard political family. She did what she ‘thought’ was right but probably had no idea why she even thought it. She just believed she needed to protect the establishment…whatever that is. My hope is that less and less of the old guard remains in the coming years. We need more new people in there willing to push back against the ever growing State machine and their beltway lobbyist vultures. Unfortunately our system seems to swallow them up all too quickly. So she wasn’t the first ‘bum’ to be thrown out and she definitely won’t be the last.
  15. I know you don’t like it, or refuse to accept it, but that man you hate so much was the actual President of the United States.
  16. Give it up. When the gestappo raids HIS home he’ll be singing a completely different tune.
  17. Yikes! You have to be kidding me. If you ever get involved in a civil case I guarantee your lawyer is going to tell you that these people are NOT your friend. So…’intertwined’ with papers? Sure! Sounds plausible that the President stored his long expired passports with his office pens at his house in Washington, some 2,000 miles from his actual home. Sure he did.
  18. As opposed to the DNC promoted bloodshed from a couple of summers ago? Was that the right kind of bloodshed?
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