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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Huh? What a stupid comment by the President! January 6th was NOT about law enforcement. Not even close. Nice try Uncle Joe.
  2. So when a Republican President asked questions about ACTUAL corruption surrounding his potential Democratic opponent that was impeachable. But when a Democrat President raids the home of his Republican opponent on the grounds of POSSIBLE future corruption …that’s considered what again?
  3. Well you certainly don’t fix it by forgiving loans. Maybe, just maybe, everyone doesn’t need to go to college! Maybe you can do the course work for your major in three years and forget about the waste of time electives designed to keep professors employed. How about those suggestions?
  4. What? Oh come on! That could literally be your response to anything then. I have no idea where you’re coming from on this topic. Forgiving these loans is one the worst ideas I’ve heard in a long time…and there have been some really really bad suggestions from our friends in Washington over the years.
  5. Nope I pay my taxes also… a ton of them. But would I rather the government send me the $10,000 that they’re selectively choosing to give as a Christmas present to the parents that told their kids to go get a loan? Yes, I’d rather have the money back.
  6. Chef, nobody’s arguing against this on the fiscal policy you seem to be focused on. The argument is on the fairness policy. Does this money matter to the government? No. Does it matter to the individual taxpayer? Yes.
  7. You mean like wiping secret sauce on them with a cloth? Sorry, you walked right into that one. 😉
  8. You’ve only scratched the surface of the people who should be livid. How about those that paid off their debt? How about those who paid for their college in full? How about those who chose not to go to college because of the cost? And contrary to your assessment, how about those who’s taxes either have or will pay for this? (It is NOT Monopoly money.)
  9. What was he doing with them? Answer: Apparently nothing. You’ve clearly made this guy into a boogy man under your bed. This is nothing more than politically motivated theater.
  10. This does nothing to make FUTURE college more affordable. In fact, it will have the exact opposite effect. These loans were already taken and the college courses were already consumed and/or wasted.
  11. There are only 32 starting punters in the entire NFL. There have to be more than double that number that came out of college just a few months ago. I refuse to believe that there aren’t more than a few who could do an adequate job. The Bills are not going to be relying on their punter to get them to the super bowl.
  12. Until you’ve seen the documents you and I literally have no idea.
  13. You guys are going down rabbit hole of classified or unclassified. The law professor I saw on TV last night stated that that isn’t even in the statute. The real question is whether the documents in fact belong to the government, which he stated….they do. If that’s indeed the case then I urge everyone to rewatch the Seinfeld episode where Mr Bookman is called in to retrieve the library book from when Jerry was back in Junior High. Once again, for those who haven’t been following along, this is a “show (story) about nothing”!
  14. Speaking as someone who actually lives in California, I can tell you that this place is almost unrecognizable these days. The state has become a aesthetic dump. If you can look through the trash, graffiti and homeless encampments you can just barely make out the natural beauty that attracted so many to come here….including myself many decades ago. If you haven’t visited lately I guarantee you’ll be shocked. Now, with regards to electric vehicles I have to say the mandate is probably the only way to get to where they want to go. Unfortunately it’s another virtue signal filled gesture that will do little to help the planet while having adverse consequences to the overall quality of life. But I guess that’s the goal. The Church of Climate Change requires sacrifices be made to the Earth God.
  15. As I’ve said, this is a flat out stupid, gratuitous and patently unfair idea. What they really want is to extend public education to be K14. This is NOT the way to do it.
  16. So if this is indeed a one time ‘sale’ then what did those ‘kids’ do to deserve it that the incoming class of college freshmen didn’t do? Once again, this simply cannot be legal. You cannot give random people money right before an election! If you can, this will really open the floodgates to even more outrageous corruption.
  17. And you believe what exactly? Let me guess….Trump was keeping the nuclear codes in his basement amidst his personal mementos just in case the border was opened, crime and inflation got out of hand, and war broke out in Eastern Europe? Oh wait….
  18. Yes, that’s what I got. So in a nutshell, the all knowing and infallible US Government lets a bunch of its employees pack up the President’s office and ship the boxes to his house. Then that same government decides they packed up the wrong stuff, wait until the homeowner is out of town, and then raid his home with weapons drawn to retrieve those documents (plus more for good measure) just to return them to the place they say they shouldn’t have been taken from in the first place. Yes…this is utterly STUPID story.
  19. This may have been asked and answered but is this a one time forgiveness or are they proposing that EVERYONE from now on gets a free $10,000 head start on college?
  20. Well done. So I’m going to assume that like me you believe this current debt forgiveness proposal has to be one the absolute worst ideas ever thrown at the proverbial wall.
  21. Go Bulls? And did you pay for it? Or did you pay off any loans you took out? I know I did.
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