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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Thanks for jumping in. Honestly. Don’t take the bait. While Republicans obviously don’t like the way the last election was conducted or it’s outcome there have been very few, if any organized protests, violent attacks, or really much if anything since the one time January 6th event…which democrats are playing for all the ring out of it. Do not let the media sway you to their fear agenda. ALL of this is because they’re trying desperately not to get shellacked in November.
  2. First, I’m not deflecting anything. I posed a pretty reasonable question. Second, I’m not the slightest bit outraged. I’m just pointing out the double standard you’re so quick to ignore. Third, looking for an adult in the room…yes, that’s what the country was repeatedly told Joe would bring. He hasn’t. That speech was a unforced error, of theatrical rage. I’m not the slightest bit sure what his handlers were thinking. The optics, the staging, and the messaging were extremely poorly timed. But in your worldview so long as you get a cheap thrill from some MAGA bashing it’s all good. Oh well.
  3. The answer is obvious. Americans obviously like an ever present government, inflation, crime, and foreign wars way more than anyone anticipated. Go figure! 😉
  4. Once again you’re missing the point. I don’t understand how if you think Trump was soooo bad that your promotion of Biden is to have him mimic Trump? It makes zero sense. What happened to the unifier? What happened to having an adult in the room? Where’s the cool hand on the steering wheel? So…it was all just bull crep!
  5. It’s fantastic! Gives me a free moment now and again to come on here and see that TDS is alive and well. I’m consistently amazed as to how they’ve built this guy up into the Devil. The fixation is mind boggling. It’s clear that these Trump haters must be really really scared of something that’s much bigger than Donald Trump.
  6. I’ve often mentioned this: If every player was to play for ten years, and they don’t, each season would see 5.3 new players on the roster. And that doesn’t even factor in free agency, and the other ebbs and flows of roster formation. So it looks to me like the Bills are right on schedule. Nothing to see here.
  7. I’m sorry but I don’t see it. The pressure on the Bills won’t start to hit until the playoffs, and possibly even the second round for that matter. If they somehow fail to make the playoffs it won’t be pressure, it’ll be because of either serious injuries, or a complete collapse…the latter of which I really can’t see.
  8. I remember those really well. Back in the day it was like looking at Tomorrowland! And considering the small budget they had to work with, the now aged Rich stadium has held up really well.
  9. Why not pull out the ‘ol classic: “What difference does it make?” That one worked for a certain someone. No? Hmmm?
  10. Now what? I have to hand it to you. This latest point has even less to do with the topic we were discussing than your usual diversions. My point remains. I’d be interested in having a discussion about whether a President can use the presidential podium, with military backdrop to make personal attacks on a US citizen that quite possibly could be his opponent in the next election. I don’t think he can.
  11. You missed the mark here. I don’t believe Trump called Biden anything. There’s a difference. I didn’t think you could use your elected office advantage to make personal attacks on an opponent. For example, here in California, a School Board Member or Superintendent cannot promote a school bond measure on company time. They cannot even use a District supplied cell phone to ask for campaign contributions.
  12. I’ve never spoken to President Trump but yes I would give him the same advice. And…just to toss this out there…isn’t it illegal to use the Presidential pulpit to attack your political opponent by name? Doesn’t this have to be done via a Campaign Office? Isn’t this what the Ukraine impeachment was all about?
  13. As I said, I didn’t watch the speech but if your poll ratings are under water wouldn’t it have been a better idea to reach out to your many critics and pledge to do a better job of bringing the nation together? What’s to be gained by saying a single negative thing about anyone? Biden simply doesn’t have the reputation or gravitas to pull that off. Yet another totally unforced error. (And believe me, Trump made a ton of them as well.)
  14. Too bad I missed the big speech. Sounds and looks to me like the Great Red Menace did an excellent job of bringing the nation together! 😂
  15. So you’re saying that the reason it went over my head is because there’s literally no connection between the two topics whatsoever? That’s what I thought. 😉
  16. I’m not exactly sure where you’re going with this. One of the reasons we are a Union of States is so that weaker states can get assistance from stronger ones. But the intent wouldn’t be that a single State is weak on everything. You cannot pick out a single issue and point to it as an example of every issue. Some states have nearby rivers and ports, while others have rich farmland, etc
  17. I’ve saved you all the waste of time. Here’s the transcript of the speech: I really mean it. This is no joke….man.
  18. You could literally post this sort of thing a hundred times a week. There are all sorts of things being funded in Washington. These particular two are completely unrelated. Not sure how in the world this is in any way ‘classic’….as you defined it.
  19. Darn straight! We finally got back to our sweet spot….inflation, open borders, run away crime, and funding wars in faraway countries. It’s good to be back!
  20. I was looking over the roster and was shocked to see Crowder listed to be as small as they report. I always thought he was taller. Go figure.
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