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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. The impeachments have to stop. This has gotten to be silly.
  2. Why? Is it only down 19% now?
  3. I’m hoping you meant Mrs…..not misses. 😂😂😂😂
  4. Thanks for the well thought out response. I find it sad how within the course of a century we’ve gone from ‘The War to end all Wars’ to being instead in a state of perpetual war. It’s happened so gradually that nobody even notices or tries to stop it anymore. And again…this has zero to do with partisan politics. We are better than this!
  5. Literally everyone is aware Ned! The comments are on the media and Biden administration trying to convince everyone that it isn’t.
  6. To quote Marisa Tomei in My Cousin Vinny….”when the deer gets it’s head blown apart by the rifle shot do you think it cares what color pants the hunter was wearing”? 😉
  7. I’m laughing (and so is everyone else) at how hard they all tried to spin it that there wasn’t a looming recession. My memory goes back more than a month Tibs! And of course while the US President isn’t solely responsible, this particular administration is in a state of daily denial. It’s impossible to turn the ship around when you’re steering with blinders on. (Putin? Give me a break!)
  8. Or like saying after every loss ‘it’s very hard to win in the NFL’.
  9. Hilarious…the Dow is down 20% and now the Biden clan tell everyone to simply look the other way. Is this the latest transient blip? Even NBC is reluctantly saying we’re on the verge of recession. No….really? And what does the President say? “We’re heading into slight recession.” Is that like a small incursion?
  10. Yes I am. We've all become way way too comfortable with the inevitably of armed conflicts. We've seen the modern world embroiled in a state of constant ‘war’ for decades now. This is ridiculous! The war machine simply moves from one hot spot to another, hopscotching from region to region. There’s barely even time to take a breath before the next one breaks out. This has NOTHING to do with partisan politics. There’s clearly an appetite for it on both sides of the aisle. I find it to be a huge waste of time, talent, blood and treasure. This most recent conflict wasn’t unforeseen. Everyone saw the build up….everyone.
  11. How the mighty media darlings have fallen….New England v Cleveland now gets spotty coverage, replaced by Ravens v Giants.
  12. I’m certainly no fan of OPEC but the current administration has backed themselves (and all of us) into an energy corner. They can’t produce more oil domestically because they’re convinced oil is an existential problem. And they don’t appear to have a serious plan to transition to other forms of energy. To quote Irv…. What a mess!
  13. So you equate Trump telling the Saudis to stop flooding the market with cheap petroleum in their effort to eliminate the US oil industry, with Biden threatening the Saudis to produce more oil after he already killed the US oil industry? Okie Dokie
  14. Oh I see. So in your version what we’re witnessing is the GOOD outcome? Excellent
  15. Unbelievable. Keep selling those bombs people. The military industrial complex says thank you.
  16. By doing the hard work of diplomacy and assembling a coalition of our allies to make it clear that ANY incursion would not be tolerated…before it starts. How about that? But what were we doing…watching figure skating and hoping not to embarrass China while they were throwing a party.
  17. I’m not blaming Biden for the attack. I’m blaming Biden for the response and for not stepping in to stop it before the attack….and you know it. But instead of admitting it you fall back on childish nonsense as expected.
  18. Huh? It’s ridiculous because it’s been an utter disaster for the people of Ukraine. Everything isn’t about American politics! Get off your partisan soapbox. This wasn’t a surprise attack. This wasn’t Pearl Harbor. What was the Biden Administration doing during the build up on the border? They were watching the Winter Olympics!
  19. Actually I think we should’ve stepped in BEFORE any of this got started. But once it did, you go in strong and end it fast! So….if all we’re going to do is ‘manage’ a war then I don’t blame what you call the appeasers. The current Biden policy is utterly ridiculous.
  20. About whether we should be ‘managing’ a war? No, we shouldn’t. About whether from the very beginning we should have given Ukraine what they needed to win? Yes, we should’ve. But Biden was once again clueless, anticipating a small incursion (his words not mine).
  21. There must be a sale on the word ‘freak’ today. Good to know that inflation hasn’t consumed the number of times you can use freaks in a single post.
  22. You posted something about Pompeo, and I’m simply asking follow up questions. That’s what the question mark means at the end of a sentence.
  23. So you’re saying that for over six months we failed at ‘managing’ this conflict and therefore we’re NOW going to start giving the Ukrainians what they need? Or are we still just managing it?
  24. I’ve mentioned this before. A friend of mine is a middle school counselor. She tells me that every year after sexual harassment training her office gets full of middle schoolers claiming they e been harassed. The same thing happens every year after bullying training. Etc, etc. The point? Middle school kids are VERY impressionable. They will absorb and take on the attributes of just about any topic they’re presented. There’s no reason to rush into any of this life altering stuff. Once you’re an adult….have at it!
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