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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. I’m not trying to take away your point of view. It’s a valid one. But, with all due respect, get off your high horse. Donate and volunteer all you want. I certainly do!
  2. Tell that to the thousands of homeless and DEAD people of Ukraine. Pathetic!
  3. Once again, you want to measure the results. I’m talking about the approach, which your childish responses show you simply don’t understand. But…yes, there were indeed many successes in the four years of Trump. Did Kim continue to fire missiles? Nope! Did Putin invade the Ukraine? Nope! Did the tariffs crush the US economy? Again…nope!
  4. Once again, you clearly don’t understand the approach. And I’m guessing you’d rather put your money on a failed politician who’s run the entire country into the ground. To each his own I guess.
  5. Put the alcohol away Tibs. I know it’s a holiday but this isn’t your best look.
  6. I’m happy to articulate it. Trump believes in praising his foreign adversaries publicly but dealing with them privately. I believe it’s the same way he deals with business negotiations. You’re free to like a different approach but it’s clear from your stupid memes that you and Tibs don’t even understand it.
  7. Fascism: A form of government headed by a dictator in which the government controls business and labor…and in which opposition is not permitted. Is it me or does this actually describe the current DEMOCRATIC Party?
  8. and this is from someone who just sits there calling everyone a fascist? I realize you don’t like Trump. But…you could spend fifteen minutes trying to understand where he’s coming from. You clearly haven’t!
  9. You STILL don’t understand one single thing about him….do you? Simply astonishing!
  10. In America everyone makes their own way in life. Everyone! You simply deal with the circumstances you find yourself in each and every day. Everyone does. In my now well seasoned life I’ve seen this more times than I can count. Less advantaged kids who achieved all sorts of success. Well off kids who fell flat on their face. The key to life is being happy in whatever circumstance you’re in, and then digging into a serious plan to change your circumstance should you want to. This is still America. Compared to everywhere else that’s ever existed, it makes little difference who your parents are, or where you come from.
  11. Everyone makes their own decisions in life. You just don’t parachute into a set of circumstances.
  12. Yes I’m sure all those thousands of dead and homeless Ukrainians were happy to provide you with an excuse to blame Trump from your comfortable easy chair in WNY.
  13. And on the seventh day God invented punctuation (or maybe that’s what he rested from…I forget) 😉
  14. Maybe but trailer trash don’t typically have much student loan debt.
  15. It’s going to take twenty minutes just to shake hands after the coin flip!
  16. Wait ….”God Biden”? That’s a bit over the top even for you, no? 😉
  17. Simple….because in Biden’s version of the world only those making more than $400k are the new deplorables.
  18. You do realize they can be shown in more than one place at the same time right?
  19. These people really don’t know what fascists are…but as long as you can make cartoons and redefine the language, I guess it’s all good.
  20. Close. They are of course not HIS policies. Nor did he stage or script that frightening show from the other night.
  21. Billsy The point is that Biden was sold as being DIFFERENT from Trump…not the same. Now we all know it was just a sham.
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