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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It’s how disputes are settled every day everywhere. Both sides go into the discussions sure they are 100% in the right and by the end of the process a solution is reached that isn’t mutual destruction. This doesn’t work on the first day of a dispute but after length of time and the amount of death and destruction we’ve seen in this one (to pretty much a back and forth stalemate) you’d be shocked at how quickly this would be over.
  2. What you’re describing is pretty much the same in every street or playground fight. Then someone from the outside steps in and breaks it up.
  3. Given our track record we’ll be lucking to get a tea cup of drinking water out of that plant in the next thirty years. 😉
  4. As long as it takes, right? That’s the current party line. Pathetic
  5. So what we have now is the best a civilized world can do? Sure!
  6. I didn't mention Biden here. Everything isn't about partisan politics Tibs. Do I think the Biden Administration should've done more leading up to this conflict? Absolutely! Do I think more can be done to end it now, instead of continuing to stoke the fire....absolutely!
  7. I agree. And when you realize the same about Hillary, we’ll have really made some progress.
  8. That’s what the discussions need to be about. It’s how all conflicts eventually end. Someone steps in and breaks up the fight. While most seem to believe we’ve yet to reach that point, I think we’re well past it. This has reached a virtual standstill and both fighters have punched themselves out. Just like on the playground it’s time for an adult to step in and separate the two. But instead it looks more like the circle of kids surrounding the combatants are still egging them on, and even throwing them rocks, bottles, and knives. It’s ridiculous!
  9. We need to get actual adults around the table. This has gone on long enough.
  10. And for six long years now you’ve convinced yourself that Hillary’s loss was someone else’s fault.
  11. You’re correct….most regular people want it to end. Those who can actually do something about it, aren’t nearly as motivated.
  12. Ukraine is the perfect scenario for the military industrial complex. The Left hates Putin because they’re convinced he helped Trump defeat Hillary. The Right loves a good war regardless of who’s fighting it. So the result is a conflict that nobody’s interested in stopping. Unfortunately there are real people caught in the crossfire and nobody cares enough to do much more than put a bumper sticker on their car.
  13. WTF…they’re using a book that uses the word “####” and calling it educational? Oh come on! And in posting this I just realized that even PPP won’t let me type the word. And this book is for seventh graders?
  14. Post of the decade! Very well said.
  15. Oh come on! I’m going to check on that drying paint.
  16. Isn’t that the RB who almost came to the Bills? What in the world was he thinking?
  17. Apparently the NFL has a Developmental League. Nice!
  18. Shhhhh! You have to coax a kitten to that saucer of milk! You’re gonna spook ‘em.
  19. Right on cue! Post of the day!
  20. I have some paint drying out in the garage. I think I’ll go check to see how it’s coming along. Stay tuned.
  21. Let’s hope it’s not the first and last. We’ve seen that for way too many seasons now!
  22. On the contrary, you own the patent on the pretzel recipe. You’ve let the former President fry your brain. Why spend so much energy and time on it? The Bills are playing the Chiefs on Sunday night! There’s more than enough to worry about right there alone.
  23. Total nonsense story. So what documents were being moved? Nobody knows or cares to ask. Just more of the general smear campaign. Could it be he was moving personal documents that are none of the government’s business? No…..I’m sure it was the nuclear codes.
  24. Huge mistake to bring in Trump. It’ll backfire for sure if he’s allowed to speak.
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