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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. And so now state legislators will craft laws that take differing circumstances into account. Trust the process. Stop the fear smear.
  2. First you’re gonna need some deep red spotlights and maybe a couple of those life sized nutcracker statues they sell around the holidays. If that doesn’t work… let the beatings continue until moral improves!
  3. Yea….but you’re not pretending to be President of a super power.
  4. Or in Joe’s case…straight to the ‘ol record player.
  5. SURE there are. On a political message board I’d have thought we could get even a basic consensus on political terminology. This is NOT a democracy. At least not on the federal level anyway. In fact, it was set up very purposefully not to be one.
  6. Have you been there lately? Specifically I mean since they opened LA Live next door?
  7. Now that a few days have passed since the Red Menace gave his papal address it’s clear that it was a total flop. Straight to DVD.!
  8. If there’s even the slightest chance they found the secret to playing THIRTEEN SECONDS of solid defense I sure hope they let us all see it before tomorrow night!
  9. So if the Supreme Court ruled that this should be decided by east state’s legislature then why is it still a national issue? Why not take the debate to the streets surrounding your State Capitol? Seems simple enough.
  10. Rampage….with all due respect, and speaking as an architect….we are NOT the ones who come up with that word. The architects are hired to design what our clients request. As I’m sure you know that these facilities are very expensive. Constructing any venue that’s only used 10 times a year is pretty ridiculous when you stop and think about it. But with regards to Chicago I believe they’re talking about a multi-venue complex, much like SoFi Stadium in Los Angeles. The Arlington Park site is a former horse race track, just like Hollywood Park was where SoFi currently stands. What most people outside of LA don’t realize is that the SoFi site is also home to The Forum (where the Lakers used to play), and that the new Clippers arena is under construction on the same site. The football stadium itself even includes a second indoor concert venue under the same shared canopy roof. It’s a HUGE multi-use development with shared parking, office buildings and housing. It’s an amazing project! My two cents. Sorry for the lengthy post.
  11. Yeah but it’s fun to poke the bear! As a Californian, I chuckle at the discussions over election integrity. Not sure if it works the same way elsewhere but we the occasional ballot measure or recall election. To get the item on the November ballot the sponsors must first collect thousands and thousands of signatures on petitions. Volunteers stand out in front of the local grocery stores for weeks collecting signatures. And virtually EVERY time the powers that be scrutinize those signatures and toss out at least 1/3 of them. Every single time. So much so that it’s now common knowledge among those seeking a ballot measure that they need to over-collect by at least 50% just be safe. So…election fraud? You bet there is!
  12. Doc, It just goes on and on and on and….on. Where’s Wiley Coyote when we need him? Sheeesh
  13. Exactly! And more importantly the people who took out those loans wouldn’t be taught the horrible life lesson that their government is really Santa Claus in disguise.
  14. I’m actually going to give a shout out to Tibs here. I appreciate his advocacy for Biden. It’s a much better take than just saying you don’t like the last President. But…I’d like to see Tibs put some meat on the bones of his position. For example, what policies is he most pleased with since Biden took office?
  15. It’s all in good political fun until somebody loses an eye. My recommendation is that BOTH sides pull back a bit before this gets completely out of hand. Unfortunately we’re mired in a game of political chicken right now, and I fear for the worst.
  16. I’ve said it before. Refinance the interest rate or extend the term of the loan but do not forgive it. Nobody learns anything from this dumb political tactic. (Unless you count that we all learn that we too can be pandered to if we play our cards right.)
  17. Oh come on. YOU really want to leave that one out there? I’d react but it’d be way too easy. 😉 Enjoy your Labor Day Go Bills!
  18. Never liked them all that much…but I saw them play when I was in college.
  19. No worries. It’s two sides of the same coin. I tend to be one that focuses on what happened BEFORE people got to their current circumstances and hopes society would emphasize good decision making. Stay married. Support each other. Raise your children! Avoid debt. Stay home until you get your homework done instead of going to that party. It’s amazing how much difference a few simple but not always the easiest of life choices will change anyones present circumstances.
  20. Biden’s supporters are hopeless. They see the world that they want to see, not the one we’re all actually living in. Ya gotta keep the globalist order going. Sell those bombs! Who cares if a few innocent people have to leave their homes and bury their relatives. It’s all going to better in the distant future. Just trust us. Heck….We haven’t screwed it up since the last war. Can’t see the carnage from their house.
  21. Tell that to the thousands of homeless and dead Ukrainians. Once again…pathetic nonsense from the Biden clan. Nice job Joe!
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