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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. I was at the game and for the first time in a long time sat about midway up in the end zone…where you can really see the field, and each play as it develops. The thing I noticed more than anything is that Josh was under very little pressure all night long. That was even made less of an issue when he was getting the ball out so quickly. I’d swear that on virtually every pass play he had his pick of open receivers to throw to. The short inside routes were like shooting fish in a barrel and just to keep the defense honest he’d fire a cannon shot on an outside route now and again. It looked like a video game.
  2. Thank You! And for everyone else in the class….THAT is actually the distinguishing characteristic of “fascism”. I have no idea what everyone else on here thinks the word means, and I’m certain Joe Biden and his puppeteers don’t know.
  3. So if I understand this correctly, a number of Democrats didn’t attend Trump’s inauguration because they were protesting Russian interference? 😂😂😂 There simply aren’t any sharks left to be jumped!
  4. Swing batter, batter, batter, swiiing batter!
  5. Give me a break! "Lock Her Up" was a campaign slogan from a guy who had zero power or authority at the time he, or his campaign, created it. It was NOT an address to the American people from a sitting President with armed marines standing behind him. Nice try Billsy.....not even close. Keep swinging and missing.
  6. I can tell you the reason. These people have no intention of ever relinquishing power. They’re dreaming of the left dominated California where the opposition is nothing more than a quiet distraction. To do that, you need to demonize your opposition.
  7. Exactly why those who put it together should be sacked. Want to bet they won’t be? As a person who spent his career in an artistic profession, everyone needs to understand that these things don’t just happen. They’re carefully choreographed and designed. Frightening when you think about it. This wasn’t some hot microphone gaffe.
  8. The funny part is that in any other administration the people who put that disaster of a speech together would be out of a job by the next day…..but not in Joe’s version of America. It was extremely intentional. Divide and conquer!
  9. Speaking as an architect, it's always a dance when public funds are involved. On the one hand, believe it or not, you don't want the renderings to look too nice because some people are bound to say "We're paying for THAT?" On the other hand you want the renderings to look really nice because you'd like people to say "That looks like a really great use of public funds." So....yes, there may indeed be an actual connection between the release of these images and the finalizing of the financial deal.
  10. We were at the game and the "goofball of the night" award goes to the Rams DJ, who tried to get the home crowd amped up with some sing-a-along crowd participation songs. What was his first selection, you ask? Yep....he played SHOUT, and the Bills fans went nuts! The crowd around us couldn't figure out what had just happened as every Bills fan stood up in unison and started singing/dancing in the aisles! Talk about an unforced error.....sheeesh! PS: nice write up Virgil!
  11. Extremely well timed! If my math is correct you won’t have to make any decisions between attending/watching the Bills and some annoying kids birthday party! 😉 Congratulations! Your life will never be the same, and you’re going to love it.
  12. Anybody want me to yell out anything specific from my seat at SoFi tonight? I’m taking suggestions. Keep ‘em clean.
  13. I’ll ask again…since that speech was specifically targeting his political opponent, doesn’t everything associated with that speech have to be paid for by the Campaign?
  14. Trump’s tax cuts? Trump moved the top rate right back to where it had been prior to the Great Recession. What you call a tax cut was actually just a reset….with the recession then clearly over.
  15. If you’ll notice…Billstime’s solution to everything is to add or expand another bloated government program. Easy peasy! Just throw another trillion on the pile.
  16. Slight correction, but an important one: the President doesn’t “send in the National Guard”. He approves access to the Guard so that the local government authorities can utilize them. And when they don’t….you end up with January 6th.
  17. Bringing some cold beers and Italian deli sandwiches to SoFi tonight. Just hoping we’re actually there in time to eat them!
  18. Hey Art! I love what you did with the addition to the Guggenheim. 😉
  19. Soccer season? Come on! It’s football season over there…no? Which match did you go to? PS: Hope you feel better!
  20. I just hope I’m in my seat in time to see the first play. I hear traffic getting into SoFi is a real mess! 😉
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