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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Three years after the cuts? You’re really reaching now. Desperation!
  2. Impossible! He didn’t have time for any of that. He was obviously too busy sleeping with your sister
  3. You’re sounding REALLY desperate tonight. Step away from the keyboard and go outside.
  4. Worsen inflation? Not possible! There is NO inflation…Joe fixed it. He told us all so. 😂😂😂
  5. On THAT we definitely agree.
  6. Still get excited, and still yell a bit. My daughter and her mother in law joined us for the game. The mother in law is a great friend and a sports fan. Her husband is a high school football head coach. So when it was close all game long she asked me why I looked so on edge, I responded that I’ve been watching and waiting for SIXTY years and I’m praying this is finally the year. Her answer? “Oh, that makes sense.” 😉
  7. If true, is there an obvious heir apparent as our DC on the current coaching staff?
  8. Very well summarized. It’s infuriating to watch as a fan but I have to hand it to them for sticking with it.
  9. They just showed a graphic where the Eagles have a great point differential in the second quarter….but check this…the Bills currently lead the league with a +95 points. Doesn’t sound like much? The Bills would have to lose the next three by 30-0 then 30-0 and then 35-0 just to even that out. (Or …lose every single remaining game by 9 points.) Yikes!
  10. Well lets keep fighting another useless war then….nothing to see here.
  11. The two players I’d like it to be are Singletary on offense, playing the Thurman role on short passes with slashing runs. And, Edmunds on defense, playing the shut down Kelce role eliminating Mahomes only real weapon.
  12. We’re “half the distance to the goal” of seeing them there renderings….again. And again.
  13. I didn’t watch the entire replay of last year’s playoff game last night but I did see the touchdown and ensuing comments leading up to the infamous thirteen seconds. What I honestly didn’t recall in the excitement of it all was how absolutely sure Romo and Nantz were that the game was over and that the Bills had won. They never even imagined the Chiefs could do something with those few seconds. I’m guessing the Bills thought the same thing. Really poor execution by the coaching staff.
  14. Thanks for sharing that. It’s really pretty cool!
  15. Even the people who wrote it don’t believe that it’s true! But like Santa Claus, nobody’s going to tell BillSy otherwise.
  16. That crazy Joe Biden is a real wizard if he now reports that rising prices were the reason he ran for President. The fact is that inflation was nearly flatlined from the day he left with Obama, six years ago. (Which in and of itself is actually part of the reason you’re seeing the rapid rise now.) That’s some crystal ball he’s hiding there!
  17. As with everything associated with these people, they rode this horse too long. Nobody cares anymore. If the opening hearing didn't offer a single bombshell that anyone can remember, and the final one ended by simply asking the former President to come in and talk to them.....it smells of a very weak case indeed. Without the tape, text, or email of Trump saying that he was orchestrating an armed coup (insurrection), this has fallen flat on its obviously political face. You see this in court cases all the time. You know the case is falling apart when the central theme changes from "You did something wrong." to "You didn't stop other people from doing something wrong".
  18. Gary.....remember that we don't know the age, experience, and maturity level of everyone on here, so pardon me for the schoolyard analogy....but indeed it somewhat does apply. (everything you learned, you learned in kindergarten). Mediation is used to resolve all sorts of disputes. In fact, it is really, really rare that ANY other form of dispute resolution ever works. I believe these two combatants have now punched themselves out. The front line of this war has moved back and forth now for months and months with neither side making any significant progress. This is the exact time in any conflict when BOTH sides are generally ready to resolve it. Of course, they aren't going to say that in public because there's a ton of pride involved for both, but I'm betting both are dying to have someone step in.
  19. Mind telling us what line of work you’re in Tibs. Inquiring minds want to know.
  20. These people don’t care. They’re in the business of war and war needs customers.
  21. I can’t imagine why Russia would be concerned about NATO expanding right up to their doorstep. Nothing to see there.
  22. The standard is now ‘bad behavior’? Since when? The entire town of Washington DC has been on bad behavior for decades!
  23. I’m sorry, that’s too many whatever’s for one post.
  24. Why in the world did she need a film crew? Sounds to me like she was just waiting for something to happen? No! Not Nancy!
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