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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Losing it? I’m fine actually. Thanks for asking! One person’s Trust the Process is another person’s Defending Democracy….but you don’t really want to live in a ‘democracy’ do you? It only appears to suit you when you get your way.
  2. Like clockwork….somebody pushes back on your nonsensical Twitter posts and off you go! Here’s a hint: get off Twitter! You’re being manipulated by people only interested in making a fast buck. God Bless America!
  3. You’re missing the point, and it’s really very odd. What most people mean by being political is doing something contrary to your beliefs and positions just to score an electoral or legislative advantage. Some would call it being hypocritical or insincere. In the case of Texas, I don’t see how any of that fits. Are they taking actions to prove or make a point? Sure! But that’s not what the vast majority of people call being ‘political’.
  4. Oh brother. They’re both legislative bodies. You REALLY don’t know how anything works…do you? What the Right has consistently opposed is various levels of the court making decisions that should be made by the legislative branch. The Republicans, like the Democrats, are free to put up any legislation that they’d like. It doesn’t mean it will pass. But at least it’ll get some honest debate. It’s how our system of government works.
  5. Morning Chef I guess we’re going to disagree on what doing something ‘political’ means.
  6. Why are you so afraid of the legislatures actually legislating? Triggered much?
  7. Chef….now come on man! When someone says that an elected official is being ‘political’ it generally means that they are doing things just to get elected. You can’t really believe that Texas officials aren’t sincere in their concern for an immigration problem that they didn’t create but that they’re bearing the brunt of. Can you? On the other hand, if you’re trying to say that everything a politician does is political then your comment is literally pointless. Sorry. And I agree with Doc here. The ones being ‘political’ are the officials in the until now un-impacted cities who suddenly changed their tune when the impact hit their doorstep. Now THAT’S being political.
  8. Because you’re trying to put this on Texas as if this problem started yesterday. But it didn’t. They had a year and a half of this madness in which the Federal Government has abandoned its responsibilities and specifically targeted them. I believe Texas has been more than patient. They’ve waited, they’ve spoken, they’ve pleaded, and they’ve screamed. To label their current actions as political is ignoring everything that’s gone on since the Biden Administration appointed Kamala to fix this. Sorry…but I believe Texas passed desperation a long, long, long time ago.
  9. No!! Sorry Chef….I know you don’t like to hear but YOU ARE WRONG.
  10. Keep deflecting. These last few back and forth posts have proven that you don’t have a clue about the basic definitions of the hate speech you’re so quick to spew. Time to get back to class. Study hall’s over.
  11. And we all now know you have absolutely no idea what fascism means. Thanks for playing.
  12. Chef….with much respect…my grandparents came here legally from Italy. My maternal grandmother and her daughter, my mother, could NOT enter the United States until my grandfather could prove he had a job and could support them, so they stayed in Italy for two years!! And that same grandfather couldn’t just hang around wherever he entered. In case a geography lesson is needed, Buffalo is NOT anywhere near Ellis Island. Nobody is being used as a “pawn” here. If you came here to work, the assumption is you’re going to go where there’s work. And to think that the federal government is going to help Texas is laughable! This is not an act of OMISSION by the Biden Administration. This is a blatant act of COMMISSION.
  13. Do you know anything at all about how an economy works? Anything? Yes! Higher wages makes prices go up! What do you think higher wages do? Let me guess: You think the company is just going to eat the pay raise. 😂😂😂😂
  14. OK…Alphabet Soup and Abortion “Rights” are being left up to the states to decide which is the EXACT OPPOSITE of fascism….but that doesn’t fit Joe’s narrative so it’s better to just paint everyone with the broad brush of leftist hate speech.
  15. Not saying that all. I’m saying that Bernie preached that raising wages would help the lower class…and it didn’t….just like so many of us rightly predicted. He’s an idiot.
  16. I was never a big Daboll fan but I can’t understand the apparent ‘hate’ on here for him. He had NOTHING to do with the Bills strategy against the Chiefs last year. I think it’s great that the Giants won. Good for them. (If Patriots fans hated every former coach that’s now with another team they wouldn’t get any sleep whatsoever.)
  17. I totally agree and it’s funny that I had the exact same thought when they showed him on the sideline last night BEFORE the injury.
  18. Wait….never going to leave Washington? I think you mean Joe Biden. 😉
  19. Chef, I’ve got to side with Texas here. I don’t believe Texas has the authority to bus people back to their home country. Their only recourse is to bus them deeper into the United States. I honestly don’t see the problem. I’ve seen no reports that they’re being treated inhumanely and I highly doubt that the immigrants care where they end up so long as there’s work for them when they get to their final destination…just as immigrants have done for centuries here in the New World. If a side benefit is that the rest of the country wakes up to a uniquely border state problem, so be it. The Biden Administration is telling the rest of America that there isn’t a problem. Texas is demonstrating that there certainly is, and nobody is harmed in the process.
  20. Bernie and the Gang got exactly what they wanted: rising lower tier wages. Unfortunately we ALL got exactly what everyone correctly predicted…much, much higher cost of goods and services. I can only hope that nobody listens to that old socialist lunatic ever again.
  21. And your point is what exactly? Geez….TDS runs deep in you. He’s literally broken you beyond repair. Time to seek professional help. Stat!
  22. And characterized by a canceling of political dissent.
  23. The defining characteristic of a fascist government is that it seeks to silence (or cancel) political dissent. Can we PLEASE get the terms correct?
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