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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. The discussion was on if we should write a blank check. You don’t want to even give a total anonymous opinion on a limit. So I’m guessing that’s much closer to bull then I’ll ever be. Answer the simple question!
  2. Keep digging the hole. You’ll find that rabbit eventually.
  3. So we shouldn’t try and draw the line at burning a church?
  4. Correct. So why not answer the question he posed?
  5. Now do Biden and Nancy on abortion. We’ve been over this!
  6. So everyone else on here is supposed to express their personal feelings…..just not you. I see!
  7. Fake news. Holding up the Bible in front of a burned church sends a message to those trying to damage to the building. It’s not a symbol of Trump’s personal religious feelings. Sheeesh!
  8. I’ve got only two words for you people: Zach Ertz
  9. And down the troll infested rabbit hole we go.
  10. Okay? You find it odd that someone would hold up a Bible in front of a church? If you say so, it must be right.
  11. Care? No....but it makes for an interesting study in human nature.
  12. Thanks! I’m genuinely interested to hear who’s still buying into the mask narrative. It’s an odd phenomenon for sure.
  13. I’m curious…I live in extremely diverse California and I’d say the overwhelming number of people still wearing masks are Asian. Are you seeing the same thing?
  14. I figured it had to be something like that. Hard to believe that the average Oregon fan cares all that much so many years later. It’s not like he’s had much of a stellar NFL career.
  15. It’s funny you mention New York (New Jersey) because even though we play there every season, that’s one stadium I’ve never even thought about visiting. It looks to be totally without character.
  16. While not what anyone wanted to see happen, the season ending injury to Hyde is providing a season experience for current replacements. So far, the defense is holding up just fine. On the defensive side of the ball Edmunds future is the key to the draft.
  17. San Diego? 😉
  18. What’s up with that tiny pocket of yellow in western Oregon watching the Atlanta v Cincinnati game?
  19. I’ve been to many road venues over the years and with the exception of Oakland have always had a great time. Oakland was a sewer of the worst behaving fan base on the planet. Not sure how it is now that the Raiders moved to Vegas.
  20. It’s got to be the 49ers so that we can finally erase the Curse of the Boomer who wrongly predicted that matchup for way way too many years in the early ‘90s.
  21. Frank, you’re correct here. Politicians are not clergy. They are not supposed to represent their own views but rather the will and view of the people they serve. Thus the term “representative”. At the same time, if a political figure does claim to be a member of particular religious group then it’d be a good idea to clarify their personal vs their representative role view from time to time to avoid this needless confusion. Finally, with regard to Trump holding up a Bible in front of a church, I’ve never understood the outrage. What did you want him to hold up? A copy of Sports Illustrated? It’s a symbol of what a Church building stands for, much like a cross. Get over it.
  22. Great overview. So how about we just do what McCarthy said and put in some effort to make sure there’s a measure of accountability for the tax dollars we’re shoveling into this conflict?
  23. So you’re saying womens rights groups are purposely looking the other way? If true, and it might just be, then that makes them total frauds.
  24. There’s a hidden agenda here. There’s no chance women fought so hard to reduce the objectivism of women to give it all up to a bunch of guys playing dress up! If these same men were dressed in black face, or as American Indians the outrage would be able to be heard from outer space. This is wrong for more reasons than the fact that there are children present.
  25. Note that I didn't ask if it was fine by you. (no offense) My question is where are the Women's Rights advocacy groups in all of this? If this blatantly objectifying behavior isn't something for them to unanimously rally against, then what is?
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