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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. All of that peace and prosperity was a real downer!
  2. Go right on ahead ignoring the Biden Administration’s fiscal policies. It’s clearly working. 😂😂😂
  3. That’s part of it for sure. So when that happens how does it make sense for the government to print trillions of additional dollars? Answer: it doesn’t. It makes the problem worse.
  4. Silly Billsy. If I have a photo of me with OJ from back in the day does that make me a supporter of murder?
  5. Yes, it is imaginary money. In reality, all money is imaginary. Inflation does not mean that the things you buy are suddenly more valuable. Inflation means that the money you have in your wallet is less valuable.
  6. Too late! We already have inflation.
  7. You’re right! I’m sure without Joe at the wheel it would’ve been a major incursion instead of the minor incursion he opened the door for.
  8. Is Joe coming out tomorrow to tell us it’s ZERO again? That should be fun.
  9. Again, we disagree. And it’s OK to do that as well. Something has to change here. Someone needs to do something. If you want to call it a stunt I’m fine with that. Abbott’s trying to shake things up. Nothing else has worked. This wasn’t his first move, or even his go-to solution but you can only yell for help so many times before you have to shoot up a flare. No?
  10. I’m predicting sunny and 75 here in Southern California, in case anyone was wondering. 😉
  11. At this point, it doesn’t really matter, so long as it’s cold. The stalkers are stalking the stalkers. 😳
  12. Here’s where we differ. I think Newsome NOT busing them out is political. I’d label Abbott’s solution as practical, not political. 😉 Only a politician, when faced with a problem, sits there and postures instead of doing something about it.
  13. I simply don’t understand why it’s so odd for legislators to get together and legislate? Is it really that hard? It used to be the norm. Now, they get together to do the easy things, like sending billions of dollars overseas to fight wars in far away places. What’s the old adage? “Can’t see it from my house!”
  14. This is how legislation is crafted Kay. A proposal is put forth and amendments are offered. Trust the Process. It’s long overdue on abortion.
  15. Sure! Let’s see if a woman can find a doctor who’ll tell her that her two year old isn’t viable! Sure!
  16. Trust the process doesn’t mean go running to the court to get what you cannot get done at the ballot box. But…we know that actually fits both sides of the aisle from time to time.
  17. The legislative process is a B word…isn’t it? It’s way easier to have an activist court just rule by fiat…..or have executive orders commissioned with a pen and a phone. 😂
  18. Keep deflecting. Democracy lives…Trust the Process. No matter what the Red Menace wants you to believe.
  19. Everyone is always running for something Chef. Once again you can posture that everything an elected official does is political….and I guess to some extent/definition it is….but suggesting that Biden’s immigration policies aren’t real or that they aren’t impacting Texas is nothing short of ridiculous.
  20. The defining element of a democracy is NOT that you can do whatever you want. Were you asleep during Social Studies today?
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