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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Dumb? Hardly. Illogical? Definitely! There’s a difference. Point proved within fifteen seconds! Thanks Billsy!
  2. The Left has literally no sense of logic whatsoever. The first things in that ridiculous tweet have nothing to do with the last one. In fact, one could almost say that they actually prove the last one. Total idiots! But keep right on posting tweets Billsy….you keep proving the point. Oh wait, I thought you guys hated tweeting.
  3. Why is it so hard to understand that the man hosts a provocative political opinion/talk show? Does someone think his show is marketed as a hard news program?
  4. We already learned that the line in Martha’s Vineyard is drawn at 50.
  5. Can we at least get a ‘Please knock before entering’ sign? How about that? Tibs…your position is laughable. No country allows this sort of rampant law breaking!
  6. I can appreciate the clamoring for a dome but people act like it’s the new normal. If you extend a radius out from WNY you’ll find there are very few domed NFL stadiums in the immediate vicinity and all of them are much, much newer than Rich Stadium. Cleveland Cincinnati Pittsburgh New York Chicago Philadelphia Washington New England Only Indianapolis, Detroit and Minneapolis have indoor stadiums. I’m not saying it’s right or wrong, but the trend seems to be to build covered or indoor stadiums where it’s HOT…not where it’s COLD. (Texas, Arizona, Los Angeles)
  7. So what his record and the many years of evidence has shown is that he’s a talented defensive coach. Period.
  8. If you watch the play before the pick six, Everett makes a great catch and run to get the Chargers down into scoring position. He gets up and immediately motions to the bench that he needs to be taken out. The Chargers ignore his request and elect to go fast, thinking they have the Chiefs on their heels. Herbert makes the mistake of throwing to his exhausted (or possibly injured) receiver, who just stands there instead of making any sort of move/cut on his route, and when the ball is intercepted he continues to stand there with virtually no attempt to stop the defender…but instead fumbles for his mouthpiece which has popped out at the moment. So, what happened on that fateful play? Answer: the Chargers screwed up! Watching it live last night I couldn’t believe they didn’t sub Everett out. Dumb.
  9. That’s impossible. My next door neighbor has at least ten packages delivered every day. 😉
  10. It’s interesting to read how you put it, but the goal isn’t to stop them from ‘wanting to come’ to America. We all love that they want to come. The goal is to stop them from breaking our laws and disrespecting our sovereignty as a nation.
  11. That may ultimately be true but until there’s an official policy or program, this is a stunt. And as Chef well knows; you have to break some eggs to make an omelette.
  12. Chef….everyone knows it’s a stunt. Everyone. The point is that this stunt wasn’t their first reaction. Something has to change here! They’ve begged and pleaded for TWO YEARS for anyone in the Biden Administration to recognize the problem and nobody will even acknowledge it! They won’t visit the border, they won’t even say the word ‘problem’. So is it a stunt……YEP!
  13. And hey! Don’t be hating on Spanglish. My daughter had a bit part in the film. 😊
  14. Just speaking from decades of personal / professional experience Ned. You don’t have to agree with it.
  15. I like your plan and agree with most of it…as I believe most Americans would or do. (Im not sure I support #4 though. Didn’t we try that already?)
  16. I’ve done that so many times over the years but inevitably SOMEONE tells me what happened before I actually get to watch it. Extremely frustrating!
  17. That’s absolutely hilarious! I had a partner that would do that all the time. He retired before we could train him out of it! 😂
  18. Excellent then! Problem solved. Load up the buses. Let’s roll!
  19. In case you’all were curious, the sun’s out in Malibu today. 😉
  20. You’re obviously very passionate about this topic. What’s your solution? Or, do you even acknowledge the problem?
  21. It’s only transitory dammit! As George Costanza would say….It’s not a lie if you believe it to be true.
  22. I’m guessing it’s for political reasons. You do understand that he’s a politician, right? I’m not a big fan of Graham when it comes to political strategy or instincts but I still have to applaud him for trying to move the discussion/debate along. It’s an old school approach for sure, but it wasn’t that long ago when representatives from both sides of the aisle would work together to reach a compromise. This particular issue certainly needs one….but he’ll be burned at the stake by BOTH sides for even trying.
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