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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. The Bills stadium will of course be unique but looking at recent projects from the same architectural firm should give you a bit of a hint. Speaking as an architect, what Populous’ portfolio of recent work is most known for is a more contemporary imagery, as opposed to a historically referenced ‘style’. Now it’s only a guess but I don’t expect a brick clad industrial looking stadium like you see in Seattle. Instead I expect a much more modern aesthetic. I’ve been to Tottenham. The best I can describe it is it looks like a spaceship landed in a neighborhood of old brick row houses. It’s incredibly cool! Although I’m not sure what the next door neighbors think about it.
  2. It’s part politics and part human nature. Everyone…and I mean everyone…finds it easier to spend other people’s money or to ignore other people’s problems. This latest stunt (or whatever you want to call it) has brought what should be a shared American burden to parts of the country that until this week were virtually oblivious to the issue. I therefore think it’s a good thing. And lest you think it’s all partisan, the same could be said for issues that inversely impact republicans and/or democrats. While many quote the NIMBY slogan, I’ve more apt to quote the mirror image, “I can’t see it from my house”. The latter explains why so many trendy policies are ridiculous at their core. While you may not be able to see the problem from your house, it doesn’t mean it isn’t happening!
  3. From his posts he’s also convinced The Handmaids Tale is a documentary.
  4. It’s much less notable when you’re sitting in the stadium. Your eyes adjust to the changes in light level much better than the television cameras can.
  5. The Bills stadium will definitely not be like SoFi. It will have a roof covering the seats, but open to the sky over the field. And SoFi has no A/C or heating for that matter because as you experienced it’s actually not an indoor environment. SoFi is three distinct and physically separated structures. The retaining wall they used to sink the playing field almost eight stories into the ground. The stadium itself which is a conventional stadium. And finally the glass covered canopy that spans across the entire facility including creating a covered plaza that encloses the adjacent indoor theater venue.
  6. Mitch McConnell? So you've got another GOP member to add to the list, along with Liz Cheney, Kinzinger, and good 'ol Mitt Romney? Funny how you only seem to recognize those that roll over for whatever program or spending Bill that the Left is pushing these days.
  7. Exactly….wouldn’t the appropriate response from Massachusetts liberals to have been to say thank you and offer to accept thousands more?
  8. Get this….2,000,000 illegal aliens have literally walked into our country just this year, but when a grand total of 50 end up in Massachusetts, the internet blows up. And I’m riled up? 😂😂😂
  9. Keep lighting your hair on fire. You honestly thought the flood of illegal immigration was going to go on day after day after day and NOBODY was going to do anything? You really have to be kidding me! And, if you illegally enter another country, I’m not sure you’re in any position to pick where you want to live. It’s not like they were sent to Death Valley! But, to be constructive, how about you take a few illegals in at your house? Get in the boat and row.
  10. That’s correct…but they were NOT being deported. Happy Friday
  11. Sure…sounds like Florida sent a ‘trickle’ just like you quoted that they did and they were not swooped up in dragnet against their will, if you actually read your story. They were not harmed or damaged. So…..Welcome to Martha’s Vineyard!
  12. So your point is that there’s no problem at the border? Excellent… Let’s Go Brandon!
  13. You haven’t been paying attention. Florida has been a dumping ground for the Biden’s illegal immigrant redistribution program. I’m pretty sure Florida cannot swoop up people on their streets once the feds have dumped them there. If it’s like california it’s illegal to ask someone’s immigration status. So Florida is making a point that BEFORE they incur the ongoing costs of maintaining these people maybe it’s time some of them were dispersed so that other communities could pay their “fair share”. It’s not a cost…it’s an investment! (That’s what you guys always say, right?)
  14. You are aware that Florida doesn’t share a border with Mexico, right? Where’s the Governor going to get these people? I believe it’s illegal to round them up at the local Home Depot! Sheeesh
  15. Let this sink in for a second. There are only four US States that share a border with Mexico. In just this past year there’ve been more illegal immigrants who’ve broken our laws and ignored our sovereignty than the entire population of one of them…New Mexico, with a population of just barely 2 million people! No matter how you slice it, this is wrong on so many levels. Shame on every one in charge and on those who are purposefully choosing to look the other way.
  16. Where do you get your news? I live in a state that’s literally inundated with illegal immigrants and there was no major movement to throw the DACA people out of the country. The movement was to make them earn their citizenship.
  17. Not sure why they’d impact it at all but what’s your guess?
  18. The NFL does some really odd stuff and this is yet another one. The excitement of MNF was that the teams, fans, and city knew that all eyes were on them. Not sure why they’d want to take that spotlight away…but so long as Goodell is Commissioner I’ll keep scratching my head until it’s raw.
  19. I experienced the same thing in Los Angeles last week. When the tickets first went on the market, right after the schedule came out, prices were significantly higher than what they were the week of the game. Significantly! Now I haven’t looked into tickets for Monday night but from the prices people are quoting on here you could’ve gone to the game at the utterly amazing new SoFi stadium for the same cost if not a little less.
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