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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Tibs…please resist becoming a BilLStime clone with every ounce of your being.
  2. The President of the United States just gave a totally staged ‘address’ to the nation where he called the supporters of his main political rival TERRORISTS…claiming that anyone who supports him, or wears a red hat, doesn’t have a soul and ‘no’ that’s not the least bit fascist. Unbelievable!
  3. You have to play press coverage with your corners, and pray your safeties can stop anything over the top. Then, let your interior linemen stop the Bills totally average running game. What Josh has learned, and I’ll never figure out why more teams don’t, is that as soon as he sees soft coverage he throws to the outside for an easy five to seven yards.
  4. That’s a mirror you’re looking at Tibs! Don’t you recognize your own image? 😉
  5. The hilarious part is CNN shows him with a mask on while declaring the pandemic is over. That should go right next to the reporter standing in front of the burning building while CNN declares the riots to be mostly peaceful. You cannot make this stuff up!
  6. So what you’re saying is that so long as they follow your well outlined roadmap with the NEXT bus load it’s ‘gentlemen, start your engines’. Thanks…let’s roll!
  7. This is the Bills formula. If they never punt, the opponent better match them score for score, or it’s over.
  8. Just spread the offense (and therefore the defense) out and run Josh up the middle. Don’t over think it!
  9. Everyone, including me, can laugh at this but I’m guessing Coach McD is totally pissed!
  10. 7-9 forever baby! It’s our happy place! I’ll never forget just praying we’d be listed as ‘in the hunt’ while preparing Thanksgiving dinner every year…and pretty much always were.
  11. The distinction is that the Bills Center reached out and purposefully touched the Titan D Lineman. When you do that, the penalty is on the offense. Simple! It was the correct call. Hey Shaw were you also distracted by the stupid Eagles game from inside the stadium? 😉
  12. Once again an eye roll is the only fitting response.
  13. I still believe this was a brilliant stunt (or whatever Chef Jim or anyone else wants to call it). It’s been nearly two years of this nonsense from Biden and Harris and nothing has changed at the border. What’s the definition of insanity again? Come on Kamala….get to work! Or just like OJ looking for the killers, is she still in search of those ‘root causes’.
  14. Worse It was discovered that her daughter wrote some of the aggressive Covid opinions, but under her married name, so nobody knew they were related. Sheeesh
  15. Price of gas has been steadily creeping up again in California. Probably why we don’t hear to much from the regime these days.
  16. The distinguishing characteristic is that they use the power of the State to silence political opposition. Sound familiar to what we’re currently experiencing? It should!
  17. Hey! We’ve got a county lead health official here in Los Angeles County, still giving weekly press conferences, who won’t give up or into any of this. She’s living like it’s still two weeks to slow the spread, and has become the laughing stock of the media and citizens alike. Everyone calls her the Fake Doctor because she has no medical training whatsoever. 🙄
  18. It does make sense. The purpose of these asylum laws is to keep people from country shopping. It’s not a tourist program. The United States can accept people from other countries, but it’s my understanding that we do not have to.
  19. I’m not a biologist. 😉 But I did misspeak…zinc bolsters your immune system. Which is why so many Covid treatments also included it as a supplement.
  20. Has something changed? I thought international law was that asylum seekers had to seek asylum in the country that shares an immediate border with their home country? Is Venezuela now adjoining the US?
  21. Gene….zinc is actual science. It helps your body absorb ‘stuff’. You can tell I’m not a doctor but I do know that. I thought everyone did.
  22. Some very pedestrian play calling. Come on Dorsey. Turn the play card to the other side.
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