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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. You're out of your core competency here Tibs. But there are many places you go to if you want to learn more about the message of the Bible. Let me know if I can help to show you The Way.
  2. Good for you Tibs….you found something in the actual Bible! Now if you’ll keep reading you’ll find a boatload of passages that will teach you why your post doesn’t deliver the message that you think it does.
  3. Grow up. Gay marriage is definitely not the same as traditional marriage. It’s neither less or more. But it’s also not the same. That’s why we have language. Is that a concept that’s so hard to understand? Have a great evening.
  4. I have many black friends, clients and business partners. And yep I’ve had these discussions with my gay friends. Do you think they don’t know they’re gay? Keep living in your little hate centric bubble.
  5. You’re a clueless twit. I have family members who are gay. Neighbors who are gay. Coworkers who are gay. I live in a community that’s way more diverse than yours will ever be. Go preach your new world order nonsense to the uneducated. And if you’d like to have an adult discussion without your go to childish memes I’m more than willing to engage. If not….enjoy your evening.
  6. I’m not better than gay people. So now that we’ve established that….now what Karen?
  7. Sure Billsy….another day another subset of self appointed societal victims. And you call all of us “Karen”? Give me a break! And yes, I maintain it would’ve been far less divisive if the LGBTQ community would’ve adopted a new word for their unions instead of demanding we change the definition of long standing word. But that isn’t the point of the ‘equality’ exercise is it?
  8. I’m curious as to whether you’re all experiencing the steep recent rise in gas prices in the rest of the country that we’re dealing with in California. While they trended down for a few weeks they’re now right back to the high point again, if not even higher.
  9. So there it is! Slip in a bit of racism for good measure. I’d love to find out when the last time you were in a Christian church. I think you’ll find the faith to be extremely diverse. But thanks for the smear campaign! I’m sure that the millions of black and Hispanic Christians will appreciate your deep concern for their salvation. Unbelievable
  10. Yep! Next he’ll be calling his political opponents terrorist fascists while standing there with armed marines in the background. Shameful.
  11. Shameful…..Christians who love their country! Lions, and tigers, and bears….oh my!
  12. This is going to sound a bit glass half full but I’d rather have these injuries on defense than on offense. The Bills D relies heavily on a team approach. The biggest concern is for communication in the secondary as they pass receivers off in the various zone coverages. That’s what burned them in the deep ball to Waddle yesterday.
  13. Close but way worse. This is slow methodical march to make Christians into the next deplorable subset of Americans. These folks know exactly what they’re doing and they are not playing around.
  14. Your posts get nastier by the day Tibs. I think it’s time you take a break from this place. It’s not healthy. I hope you’re OK
  15. Just read your own post Tibs! Sheeesh…..it was just yesterday. How drunk do you get before a Bills road game anyway.
  16. This thread is from the person who thought that the Bible is a pro-slavery fairy tale. You cannot make this stuff up! 😂😂
  17. Ugh…no he’s not and neither are all of the Democrats who encouraged rioting in the summer. Sorry Tibs, but it just doesn’t work that way in this country.
  18. Do teams bring their own dugouts to a baseball game? And yes…I agree….the Bills knew it going down there
  19. Yep..and it’s literally ridiculous that the visiting team doesn’t have shade covering and more significant air conditioning systems on their sideline.
  20. This game makes me wonder if the NFL needs a heat warning. That game should not have been played.
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