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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Bring it on! The current President just called me an enemy of democracy.
  2. That’s a shame. It was cringe worthy. I don’t think people understand how dangerous his kind of partisan political rhetoric truly is. There’s no denying that Trump said some pretty aggressive stuff for sure but it was always directed at the people in power from the swamp to the media. Biden is directly targeting the voters. Unbelievable!
  3. I’m way less concerned about Kamala being at the podium. Everyone knows she’s a nitwit. Biden is getting a pass because of his age and resume. She will not.
  4. You really need to watch it. Unbelievable! This country is in big trouble.
  5. I’m not as quick to blow off the idea. The Bills have played against top tier QBs like Mahomes, Rodgers, Lamar, and Stafford this year. Zach Wilson has nowhere near the skill set or experience of any of those guys. I wouldn’t be surprised to see the Bills defensive brain trust force him to do and see things he’s not expecting.
  6. It was way worse than that. Biden went on national television and literally blamed the ongoing pandemic on the “unvaccinated”. He knew that was patently false from his own experience. Everyone knew it from their own experience. And yet he said it anyway. The Great Unifier…my arse!
  7. Last night, a week before an election, the sitting President of the United States gave a nationally televised address in which he declared that unless you vote for his party you are anti-American….and THIS is what you’re worried about? This is dangerous stuff people. Do not be distracted.
  8. It’s way worse than that Irv. The President of the United States just went on national television and vilified millions of supporters of his political rival by associating them with the actions of some crazed, drugged out nutcase. All apparently with no knowledge of any connection whatsoever. Unbelievable. Where’s Adam Schiff when we need him? Ukraine phone call, my arse!
  9. The desperation grows with each passing hour….and this Saturday there’s one less hour. I’m waiting for the Executive Order to stop the national clock adjustment to give Biden’s cabal more time to study for the test.
  10. Times up! The Select Committee thought they could run out the clock right up and through the midterms. TIME IS UP! Bye bye Felicia.
  11. So Joe, it only matters if regular every day voters question election results? But when entire swaths of elected officials boycott the inauguration of an American President…that’s acceptable Joe? Or the Speaker of the House tearing up the State of the Union address on national television…that’s acceptable Joe? What an utter piece of political trash!
  12. And these things will be worked out. You seem to want them to opt for immediately ‘pulling the plug’. I pray to God you’re never the one laying there in distress. You’ll be a goner. Once again, we’re talking about an actual human life here!
  13. Goose…I’m neither an attorney or a doctor but aren’t the things you’re describing the sort of cases that are regularly adjudicated in medical courts of ethics? I’m certain all of these cases will work themselves out. Give it some time for the process to work. The Supreme Court decision, like every ruling in a major case, will have ramifications that lower courts and legislatures will work through.
  14. Well at least they got rid of the armed marines and the menacing red lighting! Next time I hope they work on the actual speech! Absolutely desperate and horrible.
  15. A bunch of armchair GMs on here can watch the meltdown and say ‘what the heck’…but what does that say about the professional pundits who were all saying the Broncos were for real just two months ago? Amazing
  16. Okay Doc…does the doctor who authored the tweet have a point? What’s up with the President’s hand?
  17. Huh? Talk about a nitwit! The discussion is not about ‘having a baby’. It’s about killing a baby. Sheeessh what an idiot.
  18. Oh know…looks like you’re the ‘fool’. I don’t work in finance. So that right there shows you how hard it is get every fact correct. BOTH sides spin every story to their political advantage. That’s not the problem. The problem is that the press has stopped asking good questions….on both sides.
  19. Oh come on! This crazy dude isn’t your classic Trump supporter. He’s a not job! How you overlook that the sitting President just suggested this was an act of right wing extremist is beyond me.
  20. We’re not to that stage…yet. We’re still in the ‘you just told me that exact same story ten minutes ago’ stage.
  21. One man’s “fake news” is another man’s “disinformation”. If you haven’t figured out that both sides are doing this, I’m not sure what to tell you.
  22. My Dad’s almost 90. He’s declined more in just the last year than in the ten years before.
  23. Yes….but do they sell professional football teams? Hmmm? 😉
  24. When the ‘gashing’ begins I normally avert my eyes. 😉
  25. Is it a valuable program? I guess. But it was conceived as a self funding program. If it was poorly constructed, or poorly run/adjusted over time, that doesn’t mean you dip into another well for what you clearly believe is a bucket of untapped tax money. That’s not how social security was ever supposed to work.
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