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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Or maybe…just maybe…you actually don’t know how ANYTHING works. (No matter what color the font is.)
  2. Unbelievable. You really don’t know how ANYTHING works, do you?
  3. Isn’t there any news from the Eastern Front you can be focused on today?
  4. Huh? Are you completely crazy? You cannot have votes counted BEFORE Election Day! Sheeesh
  5. I’m actually in favor of a National Voting Day. Get rid of one of the outdated holidays where people use it to go shopping and replace it with this more important civic duty. There’s nothing wrong with voting in advance. The problem, as Goose well described, is that it takes days to count them all afterwards.
  6. No bemoaning here precious. I just want everyone to have some dignity, and not be relegated to some hyphenated form of relationship, like we fought so hard against when it wore the title of the ‘special’ seating area on the bus.
  7. People can argue all day long about how much is the ‘right’ amount. But…what other people pay in taxes has virtually zero impact on your life. It’s just divisive rhetoric meant to pit one group against another. Which is of course the ultimate goal of the Left.
  8. Goose….you love to be condescending. (Sorry if you don’t intend to be.) Everyone knows how votes are counted. The problem isn’t a technical one. It’s one of perception. When votes are counted long after other votes are already in it gives the perception that something nefarious might be going on. This is one reason why I support same day, in person voting. In a divided country, perception, not voting, is the biggest ‘threat to democracy’. My two cents.
  9. Thanks for working in a derivative of “freak” into this latest post. It’s appreciated. Remember….We’re trying to uphold some standards here.
  10. Tick, tick, tick….it’s Election Day. Time’s up for your nonsense. I hope the last two years have been worth it to you. Might I suggest you do something a tad more constructive with your time.
  11. If you want to pay more in taxes, please do so. Or…if you want to give money to the good work of a cause, charity, or non profit you appreciate please to do so. But please stop demanding that OTHER people, who already pay more than you, pay more in taxes. It’s a ridiculous and petty position to take. I couldn’t care less what a billionaire is paying in taxes. It’s proven to have zero impact on the ability of the federal government to overspend whatever amount they take in. Once the government proves they can live within its means, then we can start the discussion of what other programs we need as a society and how much everyone is willing to chip in for them. Until that time…..STFU! (Sorry)
  12. I’m not exactly sure what this thread is about. Yes, the Kelly era team lost regular season games. But after the first Super Bowl it was all about getting into the playoffs where you knew their experience would win the day. The current era Bills don’t have that…yet. In fact, they have almost the opposite problem. They’re still holding their breath in the playoffs and the Chiefs loom like an ever present boogie man.
  13. This is going to be a bit Captain Obvious but the best way to ‘fix’ the Bills is to get healthy. Yes, I realize that all teams have injuries but being 6-2 with as many as the Bills have had is pretty amazing. It shows how good this team really is. It also shows that injuries (which are out of anyone’s control) may sadly be the biggest single variable in the modern NFL. If the Bills aren’t healthy going into the playoffs, or their opponents aren’t, then Xs and Os don’t matter all that much.
  14. Unbelievable! Is this an official tweet from the President of the United States? “We don’t get to”? Really Joe? What a total semi-fascist!
  15. 1984????….and yet neither the world nor democracy came to an end. Thanks for proving the point. Classic! 😂😂😂
  16. Once again with the childish nonsense. You asked others on here when they decided they were straight. So when did you decide you were trans? And yes, I think it disrespectful to relegate my many gay friends to a second class, hyphenated relationship label just so people like you can claim they were compassionate and tolerant.
  17. Projects like this are generally contracted under either a Guaranteed Minimum Price, commonly known as Lowest Responsive Bid, or a Guaranteed Maximum Price under which structure any cost savings are often shared between the Contractor and the Owner. Overruns, or Change Orders, as they’re commonly known, come from three main categories: additional owner requests, design deficiencies, and unforeseen conditions (soils, etc). When a good team of architects, engineers, and contractors is assembled changes can easily be held under 5% of the total cost.
  18. Unfortunately for the Democrats the employment percentage is a collective statistic whereas inflation is a personal one. If the price of everything you buy has gone up you don’t give a rats arse if the guy across town has a job. But we’ll know more tomorrow.
  19. Well said Goose. And the real fundamental is that for some internal polling strategy that I’ll never understand the Democrats refuse to ‘feel the pain’ of the voters. Who’s running things over there, Leslie Frasier? 😉
  20. True story….back in junior high school (a long long time ago) I was researching something for my science fair assignment. I can’t remember what my project was about but I clearly remember a factoid I learned along the way. Back in the Middle Ages some thought that rats were created from dirty rags and filth, because when those things were present, so were rats. It’s much the same with law enforcement, but it’s no longer the Middle Ages. The Left is convinced that crime comes from police presence, because they always see police officers at crime scenes. Nothing has changed in the last 500 years.
  21. I’m still waiting for BillStime to tell me when he decided he was Trans.
  22. Disagreeing is when people say that they think Oliver is "doing his job". What I read so often on here is people flaming on the post, implying that the person isn't a real Bills fan.
  23. I'm not sure why people get so upset about people critiquing players on a Message Board devoted to Bills football. Do you guys think the players read this stuff? Is it some sort of voodoo superstition? I actually agree with the OP. I never heard Ed's name mentioned once yesterday, and thought about making a similar comment, but didn't because I thought maybe Oliver was actually inactive yesterday. Should he be cut? Obviously not. But....step back for a minute, and ask yourself if it looks like he's having the break out Contract Year that many were forecasting before Week One. Again, obviously not.
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