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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. A new day dawns ….And….we’re off and running. Charity is wonderful but it is definitely not the job of government. Why’s that a difficult concept? I thought you wanted to separate the two?
  2. I’m sorry Tibs. I’m not following either you or Adam Kinzinger. What about Mr Trumps tweet has your knickers in a twist? Seems clear headed and reasonable to me. Are you concerned that a peace accord could be reached that will end this nonsense?
  3. You appear to be trying to connect an awful lot of dots with one post there.
  4. The price of gas jumped by over 15% in just ONE WEEK at my local corner gas station. Is everyone else seeing the same thing?
  5. He’s being played too if he thinks this is anything more than political gamesmanship. Remember…. I said EVERYONE knows. You are being played! Sorry to have to break it to you. And sorry to be the one to tell you that you’ve wasted so much of your life on here thinking it was all so serious. Sucks for you. But the sun will come out tomorrow…I promise.
  6. How is it possible that everyone on here (both left and right leaning) can see that all of this is nothing more than political gamesmanship but you continue to cling to the old party line politics day after day after day? Dude….you’re being played!
  7. At the time, Obama explained to the American people, that he needed those increased tax rates to help out during the Great Recession. With the Great Recession officially over, Trump simply put the rate back where it was. Nothing to see here. Carry on.
  8. Say what? I didn't start this thread. You'all have been setting your hair on fire about an imaginary theocracy. I'm just sitting here. But, apparently when it serves your purpose-de-jour you want to toss the word Christianity around? Nice! And when it comes to helping the poor, there is nothing stopping you from digging into your wallet, or giving of your time to help out all day, every day. However, hiding behind government, and then calling it charity is definitely not a biblical principle. Are rock concerts protected under the Constitution? I missed that part.
  9. You can all sit here and question the personnel moves, but I'm going to trust that the coaches and management that work with these players every single day know an awful lot more about the roster than any of us do. Of course, I may be wrong. (sarcasm)
  10. Sheeesh. Friend of mine fell off a trampoline in high school. He spent about six months in a body cast. But back to Dane, these athletes never cease to amaze me. They are young and fit and recover incredibly fast. Not to mention the quality of the care they get. If that had been me, I'd have been laid up until Christmas!
  11. 37.5%...but let's not split hairs. The Trump plan also eliminated the SALT deduction, so I actually paid more, not less, under Trump. If you ever get to the point where you earn some real money, please get back to me. And no, I didn't share the corporate tax rate as that is another stupid argument. As the primary shareholder of a major corporation, it makes no difference to me what the corporate tax rate is/was, and honestly neither should you. When my company makes a profit, those profits are distributed to the shareholders who then pay the higher personal tax rate. What do you think the corporation does with the money? Burn it in a fireplace?
  12. Wait....I thought we were keeping Christianity and Government separate? Not today?
  13. Just another reason why I always watch the cliff divers from up on the cliffs ABOVE the actual divers....you kids! (I trust your friend is OK)
  14. Now wait a minute! Ned and the others actually may be onto something. Putting 100% of your faith in government has been proven to have had an excellent track record down through the centuries. (Or at the very least it's bound to work this time....right?)
  15. Do you have any idea how utterly ridiculous those questions are to God? Classic twenty first century American attitude. Not sure if your argument is with me or God? If the latter you’ll need to take your questions to God. Go for it! Here’s a hint though, I’d lower the hubris a tad. Just saying.
  16. God is cool! I also don’t want him near government. But the inverse is also true…keep your godless government away from my ability to ‘access’ my God!
  17. And he’s done that without either raising taxes or reducing spending? Interesting!
  18. As I’m actually in the bracket, it’s personal to me! This tax cut for the rich bull is utter nonsense.
  19. Trump cut the uppermost tax rate from 37.5% back down to 35%. The same rate it was when Obama entered office. Huge tax cut? Hardly!
  20. Correct. You cannot tell me that over the course of a lifetime that they haven’t earned enough money to pay back a lousy student loan. Of course they have! Now…if they want to trade the debt for some other sort of service, I’m once again fine with that too. And before we go down the rabbit hole of ‘what if’s’ then I’m sure there could be some death or disability excuse, but I’m going to assume that’s be a tiny fraction of the population. (Nice tithe reference though…I see what you did there. 😉)
  21. No, he has gifted Mankind the unique character of free will. You have to look at things with a godlike timeline. As an example: I was sitting on the beach yesterday, reading a book, and watching while two little sisters fought, cried, and made up over and over and over again in the span on an hour or two. Their mother pretty much just sat there. She knew they would always make up and go right back to playing. God's timeline is much like the mother's. Your (and my) meager existence on this planet is fleeting. A vapor in the wind. Here today and gone tomorrow.
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