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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. I generally root for the underdog no matter who is playing in ANY sport. I chalk it up to sixty years of being an underdog Bills fan. I’m literally the exact opposite of so many fair weather bandwagon fans who jump on board to see their new found ‘favorite’ team win.
  2. Maybe, but the Chargers really didn’t have much of a choice and SoFi stadium now hosts a game every week. It’s interesting that the Clippers likewise moved from San Diego to Los Angeles and now after close to twenty years of sharing a downtown arena with the Lakers they’re opening their new arena right by SoFi Stadium in Inglewood next month.
  3. I’m older than you and living in LA for the past many decades I can tell you that there’s a grand total of ZERO people who care who the Chargers play. They would gladly trade two games against the Broncos for a home and home series with the Rams.
  4. I’d love to see a major realignment. For example, have both NYC based teams in the same division. And the same for both LA based teams. Those home and home rivalry games would be intense every year. They do that in the EPL and MLS and fans love it! There’s hardly anyone alive who even remembers the origins of the old AFL and NFL based teams. The merger was over FIFTY years ago!
  5. I couldn’t agree more! With all of the changes through the years I find it hard to believe that the NFL hadn’t reset the Divisions. Somebody suggests it every year but the NFL ignores it. With 17 games and 4 team divisions, there are less and less intra-division games. Just bite the bullet and realign everything geographically. Just like cleaning out your sock drawer, it needs to be done once a decade. 👍
  6. Probably the same group who said Josh had a cannon so run everyone deep and let him heave it out there! They seemingly forgot that he’s woefully inaccurate with that same strong arm.
  7. This can’t be right! I just responded to another thread that said Josh was having a mediocre season. Is the proverbial glass half full or half empty? 😉
  8. Before the season started almost everyone predicted that the Bills would be a far more balanced offense this year, now it’s a shock? Really?
  9. Thanks for sharing. I know it’s only two weeks but it’s really weird to see veteran guys like Goff, Stafford and Prescott all hovering way below average.
  10. Will any of this really matter after we win the Super Bowl in a few months? 😳
  11. Those seasons are a lifetime ago for an NFL running back.
  12. Just another day in the career of Kirk Check It Down Cousins.
  13. Pure trash! This is now the NBA on grass
  14. What in the world ? Come on NFL! He absolutely did take his own helmet off. Geeeez
  15. And yet Diggs has gone from a “go to” to a virtual afterthought in the Texans offense.
  16. Or maybe your defensive back shouldn’t needlessly jump up and hit the Chiefs receiver in the back on a clearly uncatchable fourth and forever throw. (Just spitballing here)
  17. Just a hair wide to the left. 😳
  18. Apparently you can’t grow decent grass in south Florida. That playing surface is awful.
  19. Last year it was Bernard early on.
  20. What did say this morning? Tua will always make the mistake!
  21. The shot of Josh proves you are not wrong. MVS has no idea what he’s doing out there.
  22. Poyer is like an old dude going out to play with his kids. Hes gonna pull a hammy!
  23. Now you do what Brady did for years….double up to end the half and start the next one.
  24. Does the Miami coach not know that it’s REALLY hot in Florida?
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