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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Thanks….I’m not going to say what we all know about you. It’s been said at least fifty times today alone.
  2. Okie Dokie….if you say so. I still kick the field goal.
  3. I’m guessing they’re convictions had other charges besides ‘simple’ pot possession but I’m no expert on the subject.
  4. Nope…it’s actually just how Washington works. Are you ever going to drop the DNC Party talking points and figure out that you’re being played. We all are…so join the club!
  5. Well you can assume the Bills could have ‘easily’ scored a touchdown but we all know that neither the Ravens nor the Seahawks actually did. (And neither did the Bills just last year against the Titans.) I still kick the field goal….but that’s just me.
  6. That’s yet another patently ridiculous point. Once the Bill has passed it would be a dereliction of duty for congressional members not to lobby to allocate that some of those funds be spent in their home district or state….no matter which Party does it.
  7. If the field goal gets you the lead…I take the points.
  8. Plenty of blame to around. One thing I noticed is the Indianapolis passing game looked an awful lot like the old Bills passing game. Everyone runs out seven yards and turn around! I’m not sure that works no matter what day of the week it is.
  9. Relax Francis! I was actually happy to see that BillStime didn’t stick Trumps face on the security guard. 😉
  10. I couldn’t agree more. People are saying Wilson and Ryan looked bad…and they definitely did. Could it be that they ALSO need more time to recover and game plan, instead of playing on three days rest?
  11. Well I tried to have a somewhat serious discussion but we’ve ‘circled back’ to the partisan nonsense. Enjoy your day.
  12. Exactly, but you don’t start a lunar mission without a plan as to how to get the astronauts home. You may not understand it yet, but we’re on a collision course with some serious problems. The light at the other end of the tunnel isn’t daylight Tibs. It’s an oncoming train!
  13. You can think so (and I agree with the next week as well) but I think it has a lot to do with the short week, travel, recovery, and lack of preparation. Football isn’t like the other major sports. These teams need more time to plan and recover. I know it’s all about making a buck but the product and brand are suffering. They need to make Thursday night a second half of the season event after teams start having their bye weeks. (My two cents.)
  14. So it’s your opinion that Joe Biden is going to solve cold fusion in the next 24 months? Really? I’ll have what you’re having…and it’s early in the morning on the west coast! In all seriousness, this is whacked! Our leaders are playing with fire. All of the rest of this political squabbling pales in comparison to the size and scope of this one issue. You cannot wish and hope away the problems that are going to come from it. To quote Irv…It’s going to be a HUGE mess!
  15. Excellent play by Poyer and a really bad decision by the Ravens to go for it. The Seahawks did the same thing last night with the same result. Not sure when coaches became such riverboat gamblers but I’d kick the field goal in both situations.
  16. Certainly haven’t read through 45 pages so I apologize if there are already a couple dozen devoted to this but…the NFL should not be playing on Thursday night unless and until both teams are coming off a bye the week before. The product last night was akin to a preseason game. Horrendous! You know it’s bad when even the announcers are openly making fun of the game in real time.
  17. It’s been so long that I actually forgot we were even waiting. We are still waiting, right?
  18. Even if you’re correct, which you aren’t, what’s the current administration’s plan? I mean this has become seriously whacked! Not a day goes by where we don’t hear that we’re rapidly running out of supply at the same time that we have ever-rising demand, and doing literally nothing about it; other than pinning our hopes on technology that is by all estimates decades away at the very best. Tibs…with all due respect…this is not smart!
  19. I watched the game and saw that replay. I was absolutely amazed and impressed that the security guy could stand there facing away from the play and not turn around when he hears the footsteps and the crowd all screaming. Good for him! I don’t think I could do it.
  20. Gladly. And therefore the best course of action is to cut our dependency on these folks and become energy independent. Hey! Now, where have we heard that really smart energy policy before?
  21. Are there really that many people in federal prison for smoking pot? I’ve heard officials say that it’s very very few.
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