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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Quoting BillStime. Not sure what Darwin has to do with this.
  2. What in the heck is wrong with these head coaches. TAKE THE POINTS!!!!!
  3. He was arguably the best college football player I’ve ever watched in his hey day with Stanford. But with that said I’m not sure that the problem with our running game is due to the quality of our running backs. The O Line still doesn’t seem to have learned how to open holes on a consistent basis…and even CMC isn’t going to be able to fix that.
  4. Not sure if you’re arguing with me here or agreeing with me, but assuming it’s the latter….thanks.
  5. That may be true but from Joe’s hot mic comment he thinks he’s in charge and he thinks he’s been disrespected, whether OPEC intended it or not. As usual the Dems thought they could enact all of this ‘hope and change’ and that the rest of the nation/world would just sit and watch. They’ve yet to understand the concept that there’s always a reaction to every new policy. They always seemed shocked.
  6. Talk about having missed the mark…in a thread dedicated to Uncle Joe being disrespected by OPEC, Tibs has managed to work in a debate about legalizing pot. (I wonder why….no I actually don’t) Sheeesy!
  7. Tibs…I know it’s really hard for you to understand but having a different opinion is neither hate speech, or foreign propaganda. It’s actually what makes this country unique and great. I’m sorry if your yearn for a time when everyone thinks in lockstep with the central government’s position or when alternative opinions are silenced, but I’m praying we never get to that point.
  8. Ugh…the tweet said they’re targeting GOP voters with an influence campaign. So it’s your position that Fox News is the source for this campaign? How exactly? Russia isn’t running ads anymore? They’ve switched to directly paying television network commentators?
  9. Another serious question met with childish nonsense. I’m honestly curious what those advertisements would look like. Out here we have Dems running ads that are labeling Republicans as anti-abortion. Now those I can see, even if they make no sense with California being firmly ‘pro choice’. But what does a Pro Russia political ad look like?
  10. This is an unforced error on a grand scale. Middle and lower income people do not have the disposable income to keep dumping money into their gas tanks and grocery carts on a weekly basis. Not sure what the Biden Administration was thinking here, or if they care, but they were clearly caught flat footed by all of this. Transitory, my arse! There’s going to be some serious damage before we get to the new green utopia (which we never will) that these people’s religion are pining away for.
  11. Tibs…..living in bright red california we never see anything “targeted at GOP voters”. So I’m curious as to how exactly the Tweeter believes Russia is doing this or if they can cite an example.
  12. The stat I noticed was the halftime line in which Allen and Pickett had essentially the same number of completions but the Bills had close to three times the number of yards off of those receptions.
  13. For the old timers on here I remember when the Bills lost a critical game to the Dolphins during their infamous decade long winning streak for this very same thing. I cannot recall the exact circumstance but I believe Miami was either given a crucial first down to retain possession and then ran the clock out, or the call overturned a turnover, or something like that.
  14. The refs appear to have gotten it correct. What I want to know is why is the rule written that way? Having watched the play it sure seems to me like that should be a catch. I wonder what circumstance the NFL foresaw that made them write the rule the way they did. Anybody?
  15. Same mistake as the Ravens last week. Kick the field goal and tie the game!!!
  16. Can’t blame the announcers. It was over at halftime and they knew they had over an hour of airtime to fill. It’s not as easy as it sounds.
  17. Well as George Costanza found out…they usually give those jobs to ex ball players.
  18. Was watching some of the Utah v UCLA game yesterday and they showed the all time Utah Rushing TD leader. There was Moss sitting miles above any other RB. I don’t know when exactly he went downhill but he certainly has.
  19. If that is the rule it’s another stupid one.
  20. Refs were horrible all day. Missed calls all over the field against both teams.
  21. Looks like they gave up on Prime Time so now they’re hoping to win out against Days of Our Lives….which I hear is another popular soap opera.
  22. Well living here I can confirm it’s a mess alright.
  23. PPP is just fine. It could do with A LOT less name calling, cussing, and junior high level memes, but I enjoy the sparring. Don’t take any of it too seriously. I know I don’t.
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