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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. It is indeed conservative but believe it or not we actually plan in for what the industry calls ‘escalation’ over the life of a project. What we cannot plan for is ‘inflation’. That’s when price increases outpace escalation. It’s a real problem when trying to forecast the cost of any construction project right now.
  2. People also buy loads of drugs but I’m guessing you don’t sell them.
  3. It’s actually cloudy…but quiet, except for the waves crashing. Pod of dolphins just went cruising by. I’ll buy you a beer when you get out! 👍
  4. It’s quiet on the beach today…and I’m guessing he’ll run out of quarters for the cell block pay phone. 😂😂
  5. What so many voters on both sides of the aisle fail to understand is that modern day politicians look at ejected office as their permanent profession. They see their role, much like anyone in the private sector, to promote and expand their company. But in the case of politicians their company is the government. The concept of customer service is about as foreign to them as it is any private utility provider with no competition. So…every couple of years you run some advertisements praising yourself for how you’re fighting for the people, and then once elected you go back to your job/mission of promoting and growing your company…government.
  6. That’s definitely true. We’re experiencing that on projects every day. The challenge there is that groundbreaking isn’t slated for over a year from now and nobody has a crystal ball to tell them where prices will be at that time. I a project as large as an NFL Stadium just a 10% uptick can mean $150 million!
  7. No worries. One of the biggest scandals these days is the Democrats using the slogan of ‘defending democracy’ to mean anyone who opposes their agenda. The sooner Nancy heads off to the Cayman Islands, the better. She should know better but she simply doesn’t care.
  8. Of the two of us, I’m the one sitting on a beach, and you’re the one using the free computer in the sanitarium library.
  9. She’s pretty much a one topic politician. I’ve never heard her speak on any topic other than our involvement in foreign wars. (It could be that’s all she’s asked to comment on.) I’ve always given her a pass since she actually served, but to be in Congress you have to care about more than just one issue.
  10. Optics? Now what? Tax law isn’t about feelings and optics. Keep pushing the DNC class warfare talking points though. You’re clearly winning the day…..not!
  11. A common misconception. The overall funding is set, but that doesn’t mean the categories within the funding are set in stone. In construction projects there’s a difference between budget and costs. I deal in many projects where after the design is set, the Public Agency comes in and says ‘we want to implement a LCP’….commonly known as a Labor Compliance Program. This means there’s a unique requirement for labor unions etc to get the lions share, if not all of the work. At that point we tell the Client “so what do you want to cut out of your project to pay for your increased labor costs”.
  12. Oh come on! You guys have to admit that the look of that dark cloud hanging over the stadium on Sunday afternoon looked pretty darn ominous. I grew up in WNY but even I looked at those images and said ‘what the heck’!
  13. It doesn’t take this long to design a sports stadium. I’m guessing there’s a lot of construction budget and project funding talk going on behind the scenes, and until those variables are set in stone, all renderings are going remain under wraps.
  14. I’m guessing that he, like many others, have lost faith in the RECENT mail in voting standards and practices. As usual….nothing to see here!
  15. What propaganda are you prattling on about? Much like the legal v illegal immigration debate, the discussions surrounding the Ukraine invasion are not about whether Putin’s a nice guy. They’re about how much the US taxpayers are supposed to cough up to keep this war going. Tibs, this small incursion has been going on for months and months now with seemingly no peace discussions on the horizon. It’s WAY WAY past time for the adults to come in and break up this fight.
  16. I noticed Phillips celebrating the last touchdown with Josh. He was the first to meet the offense when they came off the field. I remember thinking….‘shouldn’t he be resting his hammy’?
  17. I cannot recall when it happened but there was also a pass interference call where I’d swear the defender never touched the WR. (And this doesn’t even mention the numerous offensive holding calls they didn’t call against the Chiefs while Mahomes runs around back there.) Really bad officiating all night long.
  18. I’m not so sure it was ‘immediate redress’ as the roughing occurred in the first half. I am sure it was a terrible call in an important situation. Something needs to be done to change the quality of the officiating. The fans are losing all confidence.
  19. I couldn't agree more. What the official said he was calling was the Raider's player supposedly pulled the Chief's lineman out of the way so the other Raider could rush the kicker. But...the player he was 'opening the door' for was already through the hole, and he wasn't the O Lineman's assignment. Terrible call! And, in this case, an actual game changer.
  20. Now the refs will call something phantom against the raiders.
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