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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Or breaking an emulsion. Okay…now I’m getting hungry. 🙁
  2. See my secondary response above. I have no idea why they’d have laminated glass in a patio door. Remember this is not the same as dual pane insulated glass….which is what I think the officers might’ve been mistakenly referring to.
  3. It may be odd, but it’s indeed a fact. By the way, if you go to your patio door (or any window paned door) you’ll find a little white text imprinted on the glass telling you that it’s tempered glass. It’s normally in the lower corner of the pane. It’s required by the Building Code. Tempered glass is custom made to fit and must be fired in an oven so that it shatters into little pebbles when struck. (Being a Chef….Thought you might like the oven reference.) 😁
  4. If you're ready to listen without assuming I'm pushing ANY sort of agenda....laminated glass is not thick glass. It's made from an inner layer of virtually unbreakable "plastic" sandwiched between two layers of float (plate) glass. This makes it similar to plywood, to use a wood analog. It also means that when struck with a hammer, it tends to bend, and definitely would not shatter on the floor. The outer glass pane will break but tends to stay adhered to the plastic core. This plywood-like strength also means that you would have to strike it over and over again, very hard, to make a dent in it or bend it far enough to release it from the glazing stops (which are the trim that hold the window pane into the frame). In fact, you would probably pop the nails/screws out of the stops of what appears to be a wood paned patio door, before you would break a piece of laminated glass. We specify laminated glass in prisons. It's not the same as tempered glass, which is what they use in your car windshield or by Code in your sliding patio door. Tempered glass breaks purposefully into pebbles so that you do not get cut by the shards if it happens to break when the door is slammed (or struck by a hammer). I'm not saying ANYTHING about the incident, but based on the evidence, I highly doubt it was laminated glass. Maybe more than you want to know....but there it is.
  5. Yes, but the type of glass was in the police report, so it must be true. 😉 I'm really NOT taking a side here, nor do I have one, but if someone was trying to get through a pane of laminated glass with a hammer, the ENTIRE neighborhood would have been woken up...not just the house being 'monitored'. And more importantly there would NOT have been shards of glass on the floor either inside or outside the door.
  6. Maybe. His long throws were absolute rainbows….but the Bills secondary can’t break up a pass to save their lives. Sheesh
  7. Put them ALL in walking boots or body casts until Thursday. 😉
  8. Chef….I’m simply explaining how laminate glass works…which you clearly don’t know. (I’m guessing it wasn’t covered in culinary school.) I’m not taking anyone’s side here. RELAX!
  9. I’m guessing it’s just precautionary. He seemed fine when they showed him on the sideline at the end of the game.
  10. For those who were asking a week or two ago, today reminded me an awful lot of a mid-season win by the Super Bowl era Bills teams. Playing an inferior opponent, it wasn’t always pretty, but the got the win they needed today. Now…those ‘90s teams would NOT let up against the Lions. Get the momentum and keep the momentum.
  11. And you choose to do so by unilaterally smearing everyone with words like ‘freak’, etc and you don’t see the hypocrisy in your approach? Fascinating.
  12. What’s obvious is that you spew hateful crap on here on a daily basis but apparently have never had time to buy a mirror.
  13. Wait. Since when has criticizing people’s actions meant that you want them killed? Come on man! Enough already.
  14. I have as well. But attending a conference is nothing like preparing to play a football game. Like I said, I’m not trying to be critical. It’s just an interesting discussion.
  15. I’m actually curious to see what the team decides to do in the upcoming week. I saw earlier that they were going to go home and come right back again for thanksgiving. I used to do stuff like that for work, and then always said “what was I thinking” when all the travel was said and done.
  16. You mean they can’t win today? Why so down on a Sunday morning? Most Bills fans don’t get down until sometime around mid afternoon.
  17. Yikes….or we could just win today, and move on to Thursday against the Lions.
  18. Ha! Don’t be an arse. It’s way too early out here for your schtick.
  19. Terrible incident of course, as is every killing, but how exactly did anyone declare ‘open season’ on this group of people?
  20. Now you’re an expert in window glazing too? Is there ANY subject that you don’t defer to anyone on? Sheeesh dude!
  21. All very odd and not consistent with the properties of laminated glass, which is specifically used in high security applications. It’s REALLY REALLY hard to break through laminated glass. You’d have to beat on it repeatedly….and I mean repeatedly.
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