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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Isn’t it you’re…..not youre…..or did you mean your? 😂
  2. Virgil, I could be wrong but I believe the overhang is a pretty consistent ring (halo) around the entire top of the stadium. This isn’t at all like the current stadium. The sidelines and end zones are not separate structures with separate decks. If anything, it’s more similar to a NHL/NBA arena but with a hole in the roof.
  3. We’ve gone over this. The cross section drawings show exactly how much of the various decks will be covered. Some seats are covered by the roof, others are covered by the deck level above them.
  4. They’re a dime a dozen I tell ya!
  5. That’s a lot of ass kissing! You better buy some extra skin care products.
  6. And just think, the Bills scored five first half touchdowns without wasting a play trying to hit MVS on a deep ball. 😉
  7. You clearly need to take a sabbatical from this ‘work’ thing. It’s just getting in the way now!
  8. By far the biggest difference in the defense is having finally moved on from Edmunds. His lack of football sense in the middle of the defense was a consistent challenge.
  9. I think what it shows is that we sometimes forget that so much time has gone by and now Allen is the veteran presence in the huddle. He simply doesn’t need the security blanket or the training wheels anymore. He knows what he’s doing and seeing from the defense and his WRs now all know that he knows.
  10. Offensive linemen are a dime a dozen, I tell ya! 😉
  11. Come on Coach! Everyone knows he's slow!
  12. It may have already been said but the Bills have outscored there three opponents by 91-29 since trailing early to the Cardinals. Yikes!
  13. Announcers are idiots! He was held and pulled down into a low hit. Come on!
  14. It always seemed weird to me that Chicago doesn’t have two teams. (Or even Houston). They have really large population bases, and could each support another team.
  15. If a specific area is done then they ‘can’ work but it really doesn’t help with the final completion date. That’s why the critical path is called the critical path. Busy work is nice but it’s very inefficient. There’s a tremendous logistical effort that goes into scheduling all the tasks on a job of this size. In general, construction doesn’t stop completely during the winter months….but there’s quite a bit that has to be in place to make it productive. Turner Construction who’s overseeing the project is VERY experienced. I guarantee they’re on top of the things that they can control, but as a few have mentioned, the construction industry is still experiencing significant post-pandemic supply chain problems. On many of our projects the contractors are having to order electrical switchgear equipment in excess of a year ahead of when it’s needed on the job site. You can just imagine what that does to a project whose schedule is less than a year in total. 😳
  16. You may recall me mentioning a few months ago that it looked like the precast concrete subcontractor must be behind schedule as they were clearly not keeping up with the steel erection. That continues to appear to be the case today. In construction scheduling it’s called the ‘critical path’. Which is to say they can’t turn loose the next major trade crews until that critical element is completed. So with regard to working out of the elements in winter, yes, if the precast seating risers aren’t installed then there is no ‘inside’ to work in. Those precast risers essentially form the roof of everything below them.
  17. I always thought it was spelled with a ‘k’….no?
  18. Anyone see the articles showing that Cincinnati is already going to spend many $ millions to upgrade their relatively new stadium? Sounds like there are multiple design shortcomings. I sure hope the Bills thought through the new stadium layout better than those folks.
  19. One of the all time great football names. He was born to play! Always sounds like a 1940a era comic strip character to me. 👍
  20. I’m curious. With all the teams you could choose to despise, why Seattle and San Francisco?
  21. Ya see? Coleman is so slow he’s actually running backwards! sarcasm
  22. Well I guess the Bills got beat by a wounded Jets team in last year’s opener….so there’s that
  23. So just exactly how bad are the Bengals if they lost to NE?
  24. Michaels is bored in every game these days. He’s done.
  25. You know it’s not in London, right. Just checking. Hate to see you fly across the pond just to find Wembley empty.
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