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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Thanks for sharing. As they always say: “Planes don’t make money sitting on the ground”. And likewise: “Cranes don’t make money standing in one place.” Come on boys, put your backs into it! 😂
  2. I honestly thought the Saints was a type-o so I ignored it. 😂
  3. The one I find fascinating is the Seahawks haven’t drafted a QB in the first two rounds in over 30 years. Really?
  4. This has to be because that stupid webcam now proves that the new stadium is NOT in downtown Buffalo. 😉
  5. I still say that Knox is a luxury we can’t afford. And I still can’t believe the Bills couldn’t find a suitor for his services.
  6. Actually, you get wealthy by spending way less money than you take in. This is true no matter how much you make, and the earlier in life you learn that lesson the wealthier you will end up. If buying Bills tickets doesn’t impact that most basic of equations, you’ll be just fine.
  7. Gunner I asked earlier, which former Bills WR would you compare Mitchell to? And if nobody, what current NFL WR on some other team would you equate to him?
  8. Wait! What? We lost? I turned it off when we scored. Dammmmit!
  9. Very well done Gunner and much better descriptions than you get from most ‘professional’ pundits. Question: Which present or former Bills WR would you most closely compare Mitchell to?
  10. Thanks for posting. I only see one picture but my initial response is that I thought it’d be taller. 😂
  11. That’s also common but a different type of camera. The challenge with a project progress camera on a project as large as an NFL stadium is choosing an angle and a height that will consistently show something of value. We often have to move the camera location at least once or twice duration the construction schedule so you’re not staring at a never changing blank wall after a few months.
  12. It’s typically provided by the Builder because of liability etc.
  13. As I said earlier, the key variable right now is that the free agent has to be CHEAP. So the universe of potential signings is down to players who’re 25-29 and have probably been close to a bust off of their rookie contract, and players who’re 29 and over who at least some point were considered good to decent. Without any money to spend, those are your choices.
  14. In most cases it’s actually the Construction Company that installs the camera. It’s considered to be good P.R. for the company. No idea why that isn’t being done here. It’s literally chump change to the Builder.
  15. You’re right…we, the fans, don’t know but I’m betting that the Bills staff does. They see these guys every day in practice. I’m betting that they’ve had plenty of discussions with McGovern about the move.
  16. That’s one of the challenges in the modern NFL. When you’re young, age 21-25 you’re on a cheap rookie deal. If you’re good you’re probably on your second contract (high paying) contract from age 25-29. If you’re not at all that good by age 25 you’re often considered a bust and thrown on dumpster fire. If you were good you don’t resurface until you’re 29-30 when you fall back into the availability pool.
  17. What if it turns out that McGovern actually makes a great Center? What if he was sitting there waiting for Morse to retire? Do we know that he isn’t?
  18. A valid point, but keep in mind the draft has yet to happen. It’s through the draft that teams get younger. The only cheap veterans available (and we need cheap ones) are bound to be older guys. As others have said, it remains to be seen if they make the roster.
  19. The camera angle looks like the steel is coming around from the corner down the sideline.
  20. I can’t answer this until I know what uniforms we're wearing!
  21. I’m guessing it was. The way you would tell is from the rise and run of the stringer. A typical stair is much steeper than a stadium riser.
  22. Thanks for sharing! Really cool. You can definitely see the lower bowl seating risers beginning to take shape.
  23. I agree. Seems odd to be so concerned about a change that hasn’t happened yet and one that would only impact your team about once every ten years. Most people are pretty much done going to church, opening gifts, etc long before these games would kick off. So just like Thanksgiving the games will become some often needed background noise while families gather to chat, celebrate the holiday (and/or a welcome excuse to ignore their annoying aunts, uncles, and cousins).
  24. Answer: Easter Sunday is the first Sunday after the first full moon after March 21st, the Spring Equinox. You'll note we just had a full moon earlier this week.
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