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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Note that I didn’t say it would save you a ton of money. I said it worked like a charm. Your array is purposely sized to take off just the top two tiers of your power bill. Those are the higher rates where solar is competitive. But still …it makes a lot of sense for a house, where you’re not using that much power per sf. On a commercial building it’s almost impossible for solar to keep pace with demand.
  2. Which guys are your eight?
  3. We had solar on our last house for over fifteen years. It worked like a charm, with zero maintenance. My electric bill was generally less than $2.00 per month. You’ll love it!
  4. I know you think war is some sort of a sport for your amusement but this is beyond ridiculous for civilized societies.
  5. I can understand being anti-Putin. I believe you’d find that most of the world is. But…this is NOT the way to accomplish whatever goal you’re hoping to accomplish.
  6. I’ve always wondered why he didn’t go play in the CFL. Seems like he’s able to hang around NFL rosters, just below the radar.
  7. Complain? I simply made an observation. That’s not allowed anymore? Blame? Again, I simply made an observation. The minute you revert into your Putin-speak you lose the respect of the audience.
  8. That is always the case. I can’t say I know why but there’s a tour you can take where they explain how it all works.
  9. I’m only basing it on what I see when they show him on the sideline.
  10. Ya see, here’s the thing. It’s not for ME to determine ‘how the world would do that’. It’s for the people who are charged with doing it. There’s not a thing I can list here that you won’t offer a “yeah, but” response to. But I’m hoping you’ll be honest enough to agree this has gone on way past long enough now. We’re coming up on almost a calendar year of this ridiculous crap. Too many lives lost, too many lives destroyed…and for what?
  11. Thanks I didn’t say that UN wasn’t doing anything. It was the picture of US provided generators that made me wonder. As I’ve said many times, this entire conflict seems stupid to me. The world needs to step in and break these two sides apart. (I know you disagree.)
  12. Excellent response. The most efficient source would be nuclear power but the world is very squeamish about it for obvious reasons. Traditional electricity is an answer, but it is not THE answer. It is very inefficient and generally requires another form of energy to create the energy from electricity….which most people simply don’t understand.
  13. Morning Tibs i look to you as our resident expert in all of this. Why isn’t it the United Nations that’s providing this type of humanitarian support? Or are they?
  14. My biggest problem with McD is that he appears to be very uninvolved during the game. He looks like some soccer coaches where he figures if given a chair he’d sit there and let the players work things out. Maybe he’s right, and he’s definitely VERY trusting of his Assistants, but I’d prefer it if he would get more involved. It’s just a management style thing to me.
  15. Don’t go down the leftist rabbit hole. That’s right where they want you to go. There’s absolutely zero case here. Zero.
  16. Are the shopping malls all closed in New England today? GO OUTSIDE!!
  17. I rarely do this but let me ask again here. What’s the role of a Special Counsel here? How complicated is this case? Seems to me it’s just a simple question of a legal interpretation.
  18. Can anyone do the math on how many additional throws to Dane Jackson’s side the Lions could’ve attempted had they been down by four instead of three points? I’m thinking they had enough time to throw at him at least two dozen more times.😉
  19. How about eliminating Thursday games unless BOTH teams are coming off a bye week? Thursday is simply not enough time to recover or game plan from the preceding Sunday game.
  20. Boogie Basham is a total disaster!
  21. It what definition of the word would this numbskull be considered a ‘journalist’? I would think his own network wouldn’t toss that word around so easily.
  22. I believe I’ve mentioned it many times. I’m not a gun guy. It’ll be interesting to see if you’re right on this issue. Time will tell. By the way, in case you missed it….the House is now controlled by Republicans.
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