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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. I love this sort of thing while the college season's actually in full swing, so I can actually see a player in action. With that said, if people want to post their lists, adding the College after the players name would be super helpful. (I have no idea where these offensive linemen play.)
  2. Please share….we’re all dying to find out what the life of a troll is really like. Don’t be shy.
  3. Unemployed and spend the whole day in your mothers basement on PPP….sounds, what’s the word? Pathetic!
  4. lol….hard to tell…it’s really nice at the beach today
  5. Afternoon Ron When the ‘sketchy things’ rise to the level of: Spying on a campaign and an administration. Boycotting an inauguration. Setting up a fake narrative to stage an impeachment. Tearing up the State of the Union address. Lying to the American people by burying the truth about the candidate before an election. When it gets that sketchy, feel free to get back to us.
  6. Never forget that you’re in full denial and desperation mode? Got it! I’ll keep that in mind. But now you remember when I told you that your guy was going to be in charge now…so get ready. I’m guessing that the piper is about to be paid. We’ll see.
  7. Way past time to step away from the keyboard and go outside. Take a deep breath and re-read what you just posted. That knock on your door might just be from some 'friendly' government officials asking you why you just posted a death threat. Relax!
  8. Tibs….please try and keep your sense of humor. It’s not a fight to the death. The government you appear to love so much doesn’t give a rats arse about you.
  9. Shut down the government? If you haven’t noticed, it only results in paid time off for the millions of mindless cubicle workers. So sure….shut it down.
  10. Conservatives don’t hate our government. We just want it to lose a few pounds.
  11. How many shopping days left until we see those renderings? I’m way behind and rapidly running out of time this rendering season.
  12. Three years after the cuts? You’re really reaching now. Desperation!
  13. Impossible! He didn’t have time for any of that. He was obviously too busy sleeping with your sister
  14. Worsen inflation? Not possible! There is NO inflation…Joe fixed it. He told us all so. 😂😂😂
  15. Still get excited, and still yell a bit. My daughter and her mother in law joined us for the game. The mother in law is a great friend and a sports fan. Her husband is a high school football head coach. So when it was close all game long she asked me why I looked so on edge, I responded that I’ve been watching and waiting for SIXTY years and I’m praying this is finally the year. Her answer? “Oh, that makes sense.” 😉
  16. If true, is there an obvious heir apparent as our DC on the current coaching staff?
  17. Very well summarized. It’s infuriating to watch as a fan but I have to hand it to them for sticking with it.
  18. They just showed a graphic where the Eagles have a great point differential in the second quarter….but check this…the Bills currently lead the league with a +95 points. Doesn’t sound like much? The Bills would have to lose the next three by 30-0 then 30-0 and then 35-0 just to even that out. (Or …lose every single remaining game by 9 points.) Yikes!
  19. Well lets keep fighting another useless war then….nothing to see here.
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