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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. No idea….it was a long time ago. But it got me out of a year of college history. 👍
  2. Thanks…I’ll be sure to write a stern letter to the administrators of the AP American History exam to let them know my nationally recognized high score was based on total ‘junk’! May I give them your name?
  3. It’s an interesting discussion point for sure. For many years, benefits were considered something that drew employees to work for certain companies. I know it’s true of my company. (If I’m correct, that’s why we have employer provided health care.) If you take away that competition you’re bound to end up with way more turnover of employees, which is obviously not good for business. While your intentions are noble I prefer the current free market approach.
  4. Reasonable people don’t belittle others because of their faith. Reasonable people don’t accuse other people of thinking that other are ‘dirty’. Something to think about…if you’re open to it.
  5. That figures seems rather high to me. Those are FULL TIME employees? Are they hourly? Or salaried? Now with regards to the portability of sick leave, as an employer I disagree with your position. That sick leave wasn’t accrued/earned while working at my company. But just to show you that I’m not a slave driver, we allow sick leave and vacation to be accrued virtually indefinitely. Unused vacation time you are compensated for upon exit but not sick time.
  6. I‘ve been told it’s one of my greatest assets. 😉 (But it usually comes from my wife.)
  7. I can see how reasonable adults talk to each other. That I can clearly see. It’s amazing how well it works when ‘someone’ isn’t trying to WIN every discussion. Every topic isn’t supposed to be a fight to the death.
  8. Goose….I’m curious, but do you have any statistics on the percentage of full time working Americans who don’t get paid sick leave? I know I’ve never worked a full time job that didn’t offer it. I have to think it’s a very small percentage.
  9. Thanks! There’s no intent on my part to be disrespectful to anyone. I just personally loathe the new hyphenated trend in our shared language. And while it’s immediately exciting for the gay community to be married, I believe over time if it continues to be called “gay-marriage” they are going to look back and think this isn’t the equality they were striving for. We’ll see where the language takes us.
  10. Obviously a move to free up space for Zach Ertz. Get ‘er done! 😉
  11. Well reasoned response. My sole contention is that people in general do in fact use two words to define it. It’s most commonly referred to as ‘gay marriage’ not ‘marriage’. So to show my sincerity to your hypothetical proposition, yes I’m okay with changing traditional marriage to another word. Again, mine is not a primarily religious position. It’s in essence a linguistic one. Trust me when I say I’m not losing sleep over the matter. I just believe it’d be a more accurate (not right or wrong, nor better or worse…as Chef likes to accuse/imply) use of the language. I’m fully aware that my position goes against the common narrative. But I can also assure you that it’s not coming from a position of hate or ridicule. Thanks for the discussion.
  12. Those old time Bills had some really great names.
  13. That picture gives new meaning to the phrase “just rub some dirt on it”. RIP: John Hadl…remember him well.
  14. Yikes…there’s an awful lot of anti-Christian posts on here today. I guess that’s the one remaining acceptable form of group hate speech. Who knew?
  15. Ha! Thanks….I thought maybe I’d just ease him into the misery! 😉
  16. Yes.....you are and were wrong. I'd respectfully suggest you back away from your religious folks hate Jim. Whether you know it or not it's just another form of blatant blind bigotry.
  17. Go get that mirror Jim. Your bigotry is hidden right under the surface of your reply. Sorry to be this way, but you’re the one that went all nasty in the discussion. ‘Dirt Gay People’….really? That’s pretty bad.
  18. Bigotry comes in all shapes and sizes Jimmy boy. I recommend you go buy yourself a mirror.
  19. My story would tell you that I don’t think of them as ‘dirty’. Nice hate speech there master chef. I rarely do this but …GFY
  20. Yikes….careful there Jim. You project a bit too much. You do NOT know my story.
  21. I think the same could be said about the Patriots as the Jets but Billy B certainly isn’t going to coach forever.
  22. A guy with a last name of Fuentes is into white supremacy? Go figure.
  23. Nice try. That’s not the same as ‘owning’ the word. Knock it off. You’re CLEARLY not religious and yet you’re married. The religious definition is just one definition.. not THE definition….counselor.
  24. I may be wrong but I think you’re quoting someone else. Mine is NOT a religious position. Even if you desperately want it to be.
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