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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. The staggering part of this story is that the Washington based Democrats actually thought they could use this contrived ‘threat to democracy’ narrative to softly install one party rule like they’ve achieved in New York and California, where so many of their congressional representatives are from. It hasn’t worked. The American people are not ready to turn over everything to either donkeys or elephants. (If they’d have only asked me, I could have told them, and saved everyone a ton of time and money.)
  2. So paying off other people’s debts is progressive?
  3. I’m certainly no genius when it comes to macro economics but you don’t have to be one to realize that the Biden Administration’s policies were NEVER designed to curb inflation. Why? Because for the longest time they refused to admit there even any inflation even happening! Remember the infamous 18 cent Fourth of July? So instead they just kept spending. The motto was “We can’t be out of money…we still have checks!” Like everything else, this issue isn’t complicated!
  4. It’s definitely gone through stages. At first everyone was rightly concerned. Then it became ‘required’ just to function in society. Now there’s virtually no place where it’s required. So, I’m going to say it…..why do so many of Asian descent still wear them? Are they for some reason more inclined to a collective societal response? Or open to government direction? I find it hard to believe that the vast majority of them are not multi generation Americans? I find it fascinating.
  5. I’ve not met a single person who believes Putin was correct in attacking Ukraine. Not one! The issue being discussed here is NOT about whether the US should be on the side of the Ukrainians. The discussion is about how much oversight is presently going on (if any) with our significant financial contribution to the effort. Which I believe is an entirely appropriate discussion given the Ukraine's horrible record for accountability and corruption. It’s not complicated.
  6. BillSy apparently believes the millions of billionaires votes are what put Trump over the top. The comments get more desperate and ridiculous as we get closer and closer to the midterms.
  7. It’s an interesting study in human and cultural nature for sure. If you’re not going to observe it now, when the pandemic has obviously waned, then when will you ever get the chance? Hopefully never. I don’t believe anyone is wearing one as fashion statement. So it’s a great study in psychological control. We went to an outdoor professional sporting event last weekend; a mother and her two elementary aged school kids sat in front of us. They were the only three people out of the 20,000 that I observed wearing masks. I had to wonder what the kids thought about that.
  8. I’m old enough to remember when a semi-coherent Joe Biden proposed gradually raising the retirement age during one of his many presidential runs. I thought it was a great idea then, and still do. There’s zero chance he brings that up now.
  9. People flame on me when I suggest the entire league should take their byes over one or two weeks in mid October. Everyone would take mid season’s vacations all over the country. It’d be great!
  10. Exactly…my flight leaves on Saturday morning. 😎
  11. You know more about these topics than me Chef, but I’ve never understood where the constituency is for capping your contribution after you reach a certain level of income. I used to always say ‘hey, my take home paycheck went up’ every year when I eclipsed that cap. I honestly can’t imagine anyone getting upset. It’s a perk nobody requested.
  12. So you agree with McCarthy ….no blank check funding. I’m done here. Thank you
  13. So if we just raise the corporate tax rate we’ll have no inflation? Interesting. I wonder why Joe, Chuck and Nancy haven’t thought of that. You still have their hot line number down in the bunker, right?
  14. The discussion was on if we should write a blank check. You don’t want to even give a total anonymous opinion on a limit. So I’m guessing that’s much closer to bull then I’ll ever be. Answer the simple question!
  15. So we shouldn’t try and draw the line at burning a church?
  16. Now do Biden and Nancy on abortion. We’ve been over this!
  17. So everyone else on here is supposed to express their personal feelings…..just not you. I see!
  18. Fake news. Holding up the Bible in front of a burned church sends a message to those trying to damage to the building. It’s not a symbol of Trump’s personal religious feelings. Sheeesh!
  19. Okay? You find it odd that someone would hold up a Bible in front of a church? If you say so, it must be right.
  20. Care? No....but it makes for an interesting study in human nature.
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