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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. For the life of me I cannot figure out why these ‘idiots’ won’t just shut up and conform already! It’d sure make the fundamental transformation of the country a whole lot easier.
  2. We have very little standing on the world stage, unless we bring our wallet to the table.
  3. Good luck with that one. 😉
  4. We disagree. Kamala is a nitwit for sure but in the end she’ll do what the puppet masters pulling Joe’s strings will tell her to do, so she’s harmless….and it’ll be good for more than a few laughs along the way.
  5. Can some run to Staples and get them some ink for the printer? Or at the very least show them how to clear that pesky paper jamb message? I hate that one.
  6. At some point, somebody has to start asking some serious medical questions here….no? This isn’t right! I don’t care if Kamala takes over. This has to stop.
  7. I’ve never understood the line of thinking that says it’s the government’s job to ensure sure I won’t die from a virus. It isn’t! Whether you’re talking about Trump or Biden, neither have the authority to ensure you aren’t going to die….and if that is indeed the President’s job, I’m thinking the facts show they BOTH failed because people indeed died. The impact and threat of the virus was communicated to the American people by BOTH administrations. It’s then up to the people to react to that information as they see fit for themselves and their families. The only failure here was Fauchi….who proved to be the court jester under both administrations.
  8. And there it is people! In plain sight just as it’s always been. The diverse, tolerant, inclusive Left making comments and judging people on how they ‘look’. Very nice Tibs. A new low.
  9. I’m going out to watch my paint dry…..let me know if anything happens.
  10. Watching Dallas and Detroit. The officiating needs to be reviewed by the league. Unfortunately I think the league is partly responsible.
  11. I agree. And if you’re going to bow out mid season why not wait until halftime of an important game like a real professional? 😉
  12. I find it hard to believe that having spent so much time in Detroit that you found San Diego to be nice. (Kidding)
  13. Tried having a regular conversation and you immediately retreat to this stuff? Sheeeesh
  14. On that we differ. It no longer works the way it was intended to.
  15. Tibs, in all honesty it actually applies to just about all of them on both sides of the aisle.
  16. I hate to break it to you but McConnell is the John McCain 2.0. Just other old fart trying to do everything he can to hang onto his power seat.
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