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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Deal! I’ll be counting on you to let me know when I start defending the shuttering of houses of worship.
  2. Not being able to understand your posts is indeed frustrating as all heck. Thanks for noticing. 😉
  3. I hear that condos in Beijing are going for dirt cheap these days. You might want to try Zillow.
  4. This is straight out of the Clinton playbook. Hilary was/is a master of the ‘we’ve been over this already’ deflection strategy. Don’t apologize for the issue, and don’t defend your actions, just tell anyone who asks that this has already been discussed….and then just sit there. It’s brilliant, actually.
  5. I’ve put them in the same category as many of the politicians they run cover for. Both professions were generally not high earning fields. People sought public office to make a difference and people went into journalism to speak truth (or at least pose questions) to power and shine a light on corruption. When you spend so much time with lobbyists wearing really expensive suits and eating in really expensive restaurants, you start to wonder why you’re sacrificing for your ‘calling’. Fast forward a few years….and here we are. Sell outs to the left and sell outs to the right.
  6. I just mentioned it in another thread. The Russell Wilson trade has to be going down as one of the worst in recent decades. Heads are going to roll in Denver.
  7. The real story of that game has to be the complete implosion of the Broncos, who were considered preseason darlings based on the acquisition of Russel Wilson. A really incredible collapse. I don’t follow league wide chatter but somebody has to be getting fired there…no?
  8. Thanks for the shout out Shaw. With so many incredibly knowledgeable Bills fans on this Board I couldn’t believe that no one had noticed the way the schedule lined up for us yesterday. A great day to sit and watch football knowing we’d already taken care of our own business on Thursday night. I can’t recall that ever happening before.
  9. Funny you mention that. My pastor is a sports nut. He’s fixated on fantasy football and every year I tell him it ‘devil worship’ because I’d have to root against the Bills players now and then. 😉 The term ‘lapping the field’ refers to picking up a lap on all the other competitors in a race. The Bills did exactly that on Sunday, with the exception of the Ravens who stumbled into a win against the hapless Broncos.
  10. Boom! Exactly. Can’t ask for better than that except for maybe the Ravens over the stupid Broncos. Its really rare that you get that kind of opportunity to lap the field in the NFL….but the schedule Gods smiled on WNY today. Go Bills!
  11. In this case it’s way way worse than that. This single event started the entire ‘Trump’s a Racist’ theme that many still believe to this day. It’s inexcusable. This Message Board alone STILL has threads devoted to this completely fabricated theme.
  12. You’d be surprised as to how many people have never heard or read the entire in context comments from President Trump. It’s beyond appalling that the left wing media ran with this completely ridiculous take on a sitting President’s remarks.
  13. And ….the interpretation of the tweet is just plain WRONG. But hey it’s Trump so Tibs doesn’t care.
  14. Now don’t be silly. You’re confusing triggered with purely shocked by your dumb thread. Everything doesn’t have to be a death match. Just say…my bad…and get on with it.
  15. And his Jewish son-in-law….of course.
  16. I’m not the one who started this thread. You could just say ‘my bad’….but nope just keep digging in.
  17. I’m sure it’s been said but watching the game from Minnesota it’s hard to believe the Bills aren’t building a domed stadium. Those fans look pretty darn comfortable for a December home game. I went to Allen leap game a few years ago and that place is spectacular.
  18. Tibs We just went over this with Mr Alf in another thread. Trumps tweet does NOT call for the termination of the Constitution. Who are these nitwit commentators? They’re definitely not English majors. Copy and paste might be a simple skill to learn but it’s no way to spend a lifetime.
  19. What? So Ukrainians can’t go to church and pray for an end to the madness? Come on Alf. I’m guessing you’re against anyone putting Russian dressing on their salads.
  20. Huh? It’s not an opinion piece. It’s a synopsis of a TWEET. You can’t read a tweet? It is, by definition, very few words. Blaming your lazy copy and paste on the media seems a bit odd. The proper response would be “my bad, that headline is wrong”.
  21. You’re not able to read it for yourself? I did.
  22. Not sure what all the hate is about. The Rams won the Super Bowl. Isn’t that the goal anymore? They didn’t cheat to do it.
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