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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Well that’s sad. I live in Southern California and have literally zero interest or clue about WNY politics. My questions are purely out of honest curiosity? I have no agenda whatsoever.
  2. I’ve asked a few times now for ANYONE to explain it and have not gotten a single response.
  3. I appreciate the sentiment of the OP, but after the last couple of seasons I don’t think there are ANY Bills fans that don’t believe we have a really good team. Everybody knows that. For me, it’s all about getting through the regular season and into the playoffs where we’ll all see what happens this time. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while…right? Please!!!!
  4. Thanks for your efforts. I don’t think people are injecting ‘politics’ into the discussion. At least not in the traditional sense anyway. I think people are beginning to wonder if there’s a problem that has nothing to do with design renderings, or football…and are sincerely hoping not.
  5. Ha! Yes the 88 and 89 Bills. But I guess one could compare the current roster with the 90 Bills….but what I remember about the 90 team was that going to the Super Bowl was not a reasonable expectation until 51-3 happened, and then it sunk in. Why not us?
  6. You picked the wrong years. The current Bills would be best compared to the 1998 or 1999 teams. The current group hasn’t been to a super bowl. Most people forget that the Kelly era Bills lost to the Bengals in the AFC Championship and to the Browns in a playoff heartbreaker as well before they broke through in 1990.
  7. I only have two words to offer here: Zach Ertz Enough said.
  8. Let me try this again. How is what Billsy put in large font an example of antisemitism? Reads more like he’s cautioning them against throwing in with people who aren’t who they claim to be.
  9. Please explain how you’re super large font is antisemitic. Not trying to be a jerk, but I’m not getting it.
  10. How the mighty have fallen. Check out the disparity in viewing between New England v the Jets, and the Steelers v Philly. Yikes
  11. My favorite was throwing in the homeless. I thought the Left loved homeless folks. Now they apparently make a place dangerous? How so?
  12. Billsy watches quietly while Hilary literally called half the country deplorable, and then gets upset about this? Really? Come on Man!
  13. Transfer wealth from the average American to the rich? Please explain.
  14. That’s an interesting theory but wouldn’t the stadium boost her popularity in WNY? You know, showing some good news for a change? Again, not living there anymore I don’t know what the general sentiment is.
  15. No worries I was attempting to explain what I believe the architects are shooting for. It’s less about ‘style’ and more about gameday experience.
  16. Bro…..I didn’t flame on anyone! I said I found the comments to be interesting. Sheeesh….lighten up
  17. She seems like the kind of gal most would love to bring back and introduce to their parents. Yikes!
  18. Not even close to correct. Please try again later. If all lines are busy, please remain on hold.
  19. If you think that’s going to get a rise out of me, you’ve missed the mark…again.
  20. No longer living in WNY I’m interested to know if the ‘delay’ is a topic in the local media. Until now I’ve just looked at it as a bit of a comic relief thread. But it’s all fun and games until somebody loses an eye…or a stadium.
  21. I’m not sure you got the hateful word FREAKS in that post enough. Please call back later.
  22. I find these architectural critiques to be interesting. Not sure what you think a downtown stadium is supposed look like. It appears to have lots of plazas and balconies for restaurants etc which would seem very appropriate for its context. The architects are trying to engage the surrounding neighborhood. Which is really hard to do with a building that’s inherently inward focused. And…Since it has a roof you’re not going to see tall stadium light poles. If that’s what you were expecting.
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