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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Just one more reason why I never married a supermodel. Way too high maintenance! 😉
  2. I’m surprised I didn’t see more discussion on here about Akers. The story of his potential availability came out over a week ago.
  3. Thanks for sharing! The Northwestern stadium is another recently revealed design. If you’re interested, Everton’s new stadium in Liverpool is right on the waterfront and is a completely different aesthetic.
  4. Excellent question. The answers are all around you. Would you say that Dallas, Minnesota, Los Angeles, London, all look the same? They do not. The architects went to great lengths to make sure that they don’t…..and it’s NOT about cost. The same is true with more recent outdoor stadiums like San Francisco, Seattle, Cincinnati, Philadelphia, Miami and others. Again this not about ugly or beautiful in the traditional (layman’s) sense of the word. It’s about making a place that uniquely unique…..if that makes sense. And I’m sure Poplulous will bring a lot of that into the final development. They are VERY talented.
  5. Renderings are often deceiving because of the perspective. Just go on Google Earth and look straight down from the satellite. You’ll see that virtually all of the seats are covered in European soccer stadiums, especially in England where it rains a lot during their season.
  6. I agree…somewhat. Most people get into government funded industries because they love what they do. After a few years you realize that you’re totally engulfed by the profession and then it becomes really hard to distinguish between the passion and the paycheck.
  7. No argument there. That’s what makes stadium design so challenging. The architects have to work really hard to make the facilities look different, given that there are so many things that are by the nature of the facility going to be similar. Remember, my critique says nothing about whether the Bills stadium is what most people would say is nice looking or not. My comments come strictly from the point of view of an architect. I’d be shocked if Populous didn’t actually try and talk the Bills out of having it look at all similar to one of their more recent designs. Again, it’s what we do.
  8. Remember it well. I was at a wedding in Waikiki. Watched the game at 7:00am in a bar with the entire groomsmen party…. and the minister! We had a blast. The entire place was high fiving us and comped our breakfast. Nice!
  9. It’s the general exterior shape clad in a glass/metal panels with undulating openings. And the general interior shape featuring the steep rake of the seats and high pitched overhang halo at the top. Both are very similar to Tottenham. I’m guessing that from this point forward in the development of the design that the architects are going to work like crazy to make sure they look less similar. It’s what we do.
  10. Thank you. I had rhetorical questions in both of my most recent posts to you. Was it really that hard to tell me which one you were prattling on about? Really? And to respond directly, if you have no filter for sarcasm you are truly beyond all hope.
  11. I’m in full agreement with you there. My comments are from the world of architecture….not from the viewpoint of your typical sports fan.
  12. As they say….It’s all in the eye of the beholder.
  13. Desperation on full display. Tick, tick, tick. Remember when I told you, your guy was going to be in charge now?
  14. As I mentioned yesterday, renderings are no longer what they used to be. With the architect long now selected and the design process having gone on for many months, these types of images are typically generated from the final construction drawings/ computer model of the facility. They’re created with software. They are NOT done by an artist sitting down with a paintbrush. I hope that helps.
  15. Let me guess: Joe wants the airlines to designate seating areas for people based on the color of their skin. Is that it?
  16. Why would it be any different this time? Young people have absolutely no idea what mid-term elections are about. Most Americans don’t. The end.
  17. I’ve refrained for a day now so that I could gather my thoughts on the very limited renderings the Bills released yesterday. Will the stadium be an upgrade from ‘Rich Stadium’…obviously. My problem/concern is that they better make sure it doesn’t look quite so much like Tottenham. Which it definitely does now! (I’ve been there.) You don’t build a once in a generation facility like this and more less copy another stadium inside and out. One of the reasons that the reveals of these stadiums are so anticipated is because they’re truly our 21st century iconic buildings that have the opportunity to become signature representations of their cities. I’ll be really anxious to see more views.
  18. I saw this and couldn’t believe it. What now, Joe? Having separate pricing for different levels of seating is racist? Really? Is that true at the theater? A sporting event? How about special park access at Disneyland? Unbelievable! As I mentioned yesterday, the Left has pushed this nonsense way, way too far and I’m guessing they’re going to see some major pushback in two weeks. A totally unforced error right before an election.
  19. Virgil, it’s yet another reason why releasing a single static view isn’t a good idea. People are being forced to make judgements based on that one rendering. You’ll notice that I’ve refrained. In an age of too much information the Bills have unfortunately blundered into providing way, way too little. I’m hoping they fill in the public….and fast!
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