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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. While I didn’t like the run defense I couldn’t help but think the Bills were just scratching their heads wondering what the heck the Packers were doing. It was like watching a boxing match where one guy is way ahead on points and the other guy is still bobbing and weaving well into the late rounds. The Packers are a mess.
  2. Honestly? That was the best thing that could’ve happened going into a road game against the upstart Jets this Sunday. The Bills coasted through a dull second half, that despite winning, will give both the players and coaches a motivational wake up call for next week. I’m good!
  3. My theory is the coaches told him not to tuck and run….and he just has never liked throw it out of bounds. Let him play Coach!
  4. We were utterly amazed at how quickly they moved an entire stadium full of fans out after the Bills game in London a few years back. They know there’s a game and they have the trains lined up and ready to roll. It was incredibly efficient!
  5. It’s rare, but I’m not into cancelling people. 😉
  6. I expect virtually nothing from BillSy but I’m always fascinated to read his take on every subject. Even more so when he refrains from calling people names, and when he’s not posting childish memes, or yelling in a really large font.
  7. Says the lunatic who immediately makes everything about politics.
  8. May I suggest that everyone on here put things in a really large color font? It’ll make a huge difference in showing the rest of us when you’ve totally lost your mind. Ready…set….go!
  9. Stop taking everything on face value. The adults I saw this past week wouldn’t have been helped by another pork filled federal spending bill. WAKE UP!
  10. No offense, but I believe you’ve missed the point of why Musk bought Twitter. It was NOT to silence anyone. He bought it to allow everyone to speak. I’ve personally learned more in the last year or two about how the various people on here process information then I could in a couple of decades by just walking around. And it isn’t pretty! 😉
  11. What’s really sad is that either side of the political aisle would make this about politics. The issue here is rampant, and ignored mental illness in this country. Just spent a week in Hawaii and I can’t tell you how many people we saw staggering down the street rambling incoherent gibberish. Are most of them violent? Obviously not. But what are we doing as a civilized nation?
  12. Excellent! Then we are ALL in agreement. 😉
  13. If he’s a conservative, and is now in custody, that means there are literally ZERO conservatives left on the streets of Berkeley, California.
  14. TH3….relax. I am an architect. I’m not suggesting it will be an issue. I’m agreeing with you that it can be designed around. (My point is that if you have a wide open plane of ground, a depression (valley, gulley, or crater) does effect the wind pattern, just as it does in a moving stream of water.
  15. As I mentioned, I’m no a wind expert…but it would seem that having a depression in a large flat surface would cause a disruption in the flow. Not an increase or concentration, but a disruption or ripple-like turbulence. No?
  16. I’m not sure that’s correct. The reason an airplane has lift is because of the shape of the wing. The ground depression at field level will have an impact on how the wind reacts as it moves across the ground surface. The shape of the surrounding grandstands can of course either concentrate or dissipate that flow.
  17. And this is from the ‘lady’ who paid for a made up story about her opponent and then sat idly by while he was hounded over it for over four years. Please Hilary….just go away!
  18. Thanks for sharing! It’s truly amazing how these facilities have evolved through the last century. The Bills three stadiums are excellent examples of all three major eras….although Rich Stadium being a football only stadium thankfully avoided the anonymous multi-purpose era of the early 70s. If you go to England you’ll see that the majority of their soccer stadiums are actually still located on their original grounds, in the middle of a little residential neighborhood, but now with modern grandstands looming up over what was once just a local park. Since everyone arrives via public transportation they don’t need the large parking lots we have.
  19. Classic Obama….doing the least amount possible when it’s not about him.
  20. Can you imagine that they dragged his pompous arse out from Martha’s Vineyard and that’s the best he could come up with? Wasn’t Warnock a minister before his recent election? Talk about pathetic.
  21. I find all of these pundits to be full of themselves. They’ve turned politics into a sporting event. The vast vast majority of Americans couldn’t care less about the midterms and have no idea who’s running. It’s no different than the World Series, that started last night. I’m guessing the vast majority of Americans can’t tell you who’s playing in this years Series and couldn’t care less.
  22. The ‘leader of the opposition party’ is playing golf today. (Just like BillSy said he did while in office.) You don’t see everyone else on here talking about Obama every day….do you?
  23. TH….I’m not a ‘wind designer’ but I’d imagine lowering the field would indeed have an impact on how the wind reacts inside the stadium especially when it’s been funneled through the canyon created by the grandstands…like at Rich Stadium. That however doesn’t appear to be the case with the new stadium design which has enclosed end zones.
  24. The problem with nudists is that it always end badly right after a hammer enters the picture.
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