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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Great public, national park in Cozumel. (Chakanab?) Not far from where the cruise ships dock. Excellent snorkeling right off the beach there.
  2. How is this any different than every other news story? The initial reports are rarely anywhere close to the actual facts. It doesn’t make anyone evil or a member of a cult (as you like to say). It’s just the normal evolution of the facts.
  3. I love the smell of desperation in the morning. Time’s almost up for the current clown show. Bye, bye
  4. All of that peace and prosperity was really bothering you….huh?
  5. I always liked Marlowe. He knows the locker room and knows the scheme. Well done!
  6. It’s common knowledge that the very best coups are planned over a plate of spaghetti. If my AP American History memory’s correct I believe that’s exactly what Paul Revere had just before jumping on his horse.
  7. I’m not actually paying much attention to either. My point was that the Biden Administration really miscalculated here (politically speaking) and chose to believe that the American people either wouldn’t notice or wouldn’t care if the cost of everything they buy went up. Was it that hard to say ‘we feel your pain’? Really bad move on their part…not that anyone behind the curtain will get fired over that unforced error.
  8. The mistake the Biden Administration made was their persistent insistence that inflation wasn’t happening. Joe continues pushing that narrative even now. You can do that with a topic like climate change, where the repercussions are decades away, but not with the price of gas and groceries, which people experience every week. We’re going to see if they pay a political price for that mistake.
  9. Ha! I was just thinking I should go back and find my post on the Bengals and you did it for me. I was out helping the grandkids with trick or treating (night games are on early on the west coast) but I was catching the score on my phone. I have to admit I did NOT see that coming. Go figure.
  10. Count me amongst those who’ve been hot and cold on Singletary for most of his career but in last year’s playoffs and a good part of this season I’ve seen his skill set used quite effectively. I swear he’s open on virtually every play for a quick check down over the middle if Josh wants to get it to him. I’m not sure why Dorsey went away from him in the second half the other night but the few times they tried to run it Devin was hit three yards in the backfield….obviously not his fault.
  11. They always go too far with their nonsense. Who are these Twitter hacks? So Tucker Carlson is less of a person because he’s employed by a company owned by a rich person? Hilarious! That would describe virtually….everyone! Again, my comments here are not about Mr Carlson but about the moronic tweet copied and pasted above. Did the tweeter get his ‘blue check mark’ in a box of Captain Crunch? Sheeesh On a related note, I think it’s pretty cool that he’s somehow related to the Swanson TV Dinner family. I saw their story on The Foods That Built America. Which is a really great series on either the Discovery or History Channel, if you never seen it. PS: Mr Tweeter you might want to check the resume of John Kerry, who married into the Heinz Ketchup family…also featured on that same TV series.
  12. Cute little graphic someone spent their weekend creating. But why is there a little girl with the elephant?
  13. Don’t blame me when the knock comes at your door. I’m going to say “Sure, Tibs always seemed like a deranged lunatic…but not a violent lunatic…just the normal kind.”
  14. Do you ever read any of the stuff you post on here? You do realize this latest one could be construed as a credible threat of violence. To quote you from earlier today: Calm Down Sheeesh!
  15. I think Milano knew it hit the ground first. He didn’t react at all like a guy who’d just been robbed.
  16. You’re clearly not buying that the Jets are an actual contender.
  17. I go back and forth on the stadium funding discussion. On the one hand I know the Bills are a private company but on the other hand the stadium has become much like a public park in WNY. In fact I’m guessing that it gets way more visitors on annual basis. And the construction itself is a huge jobs program with the vast majority of the money going to local construction workers who turn around and put it right back into the local economy. Again…I go back and forth on it.
  18. Keep your sense of humor Tibs. Resist the urge to become a clone of BillStime. One is more than enough! Remember it’s just a political message board…not a fight to the death.
  19. You beat me to the thread. I think he caught the ball and I didn’t think the tip of the ball hitting the turf meant anything anymore if his hands were under the rest of the ball and under control. But that’s the whacky modern NFL for ya.
  20. People are overlooking the Bengals. They lost a head scratcher in the opener to Pittsburgh in overtime (that stuff happens in Week 1) and then to the Cowboys the next week. But after digging themselves into that hole they’ve been on a roll. I’ll be interested to see how they look tonight.
  21. The only concern I’d have is if Josh didn’t sound like he cared in his post game on-field interview. He clearly knew he’d mucked it up in the second half and that was before he’d watched tape or talked to the coaching staff. We’re good.
  22. Morning Tibs….the funny thing is you could post the same thing from both sides of the aisle right now, and nobody would think anything of it. 😉
  23. This is setting up for a HUGE game in just two weeks with the Bills hosting the Vikings. Who saw that coming when the schedule came out?
  24. Sorry for not reading through everyone’s posts but have they said when he hurt it? I noticed that he completely whiffed on a couple of long runs up the middle and wondered while watching if he was protecting a shoulder. It turned out to be an elbow.
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