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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. A bunch of armchair GMs on here can watch the meltdown and say ‘what the heck’…but what does that say about the professional pundits who were all saying the Broncos were for real just two months ago? Amazing
  2. Okay Doc…does the doctor who authored the tweet have a point? What’s up with the President’s hand?
  3. Huh? Talk about a nitwit! The discussion is not about ‘having a baby’. It’s about killing a baby. Sheeessh what an idiot.
  4. Oh know…looks like you’re the ‘fool’. I don’t work in finance. So that right there shows you how hard it is get every fact correct. BOTH sides spin every story to their political advantage. That’s not the problem. The problem is that the press has stopped asking good questions….on both sides.
  5. Oh come on! This crazy dude isn’t your classic Trump supporter. He’s a not job! How you overlook that the sitting President just suggested this was an act of right wing extremist is beyond me.
  6. We’re not to that stage…yet. We’re still in the ‘you just told me that exact same story ten minutes ago’ stage.
  7. One man’s “fake news” is another man’s “disinformation”. If you haven’t figured out that both sides are doing this, I’m not sure what to tell you.
  8. My Dad’s almost 90. He’s declined more in just the last year than in the ten years before.
  9. Yes….but do they sell professional football teams? Hmmm? 😉
  10. When the ‘gashing’ begins I normally avert my eyes. 😉
  11. Is it a valuable program? I guess. But it was conceived as a self funding program. If it was poorly constructed, or poorly run/adjusted over time, that doesn’t mean you dip into another well for what you clearly believe is a bucket of untapped tax money. That’s not how social security was ever supposed to work.
  12. I agree with a bunch of that....but it sounds a little bit like you're asking for Social Security to be funded by Income Tax.
  13. I feel for this lady as well, but blaming others for your son's heart attack is nothing short of ridiculous. Police Officers live in a high stress environment, every day. I don't think I've ever heard of a spouse, or parent, blaming the job for the death of their son/daughter. He had a heart attack, the next day.....no? As I mentioned some time back. I had lunch with a guy, who then suffered a heart attack on the freeway while driving to his next meeting. He later died at the hospital. His family didn't blame me. Nobody even contacted me about his last meal, or called me to see if I'd noticed anything odd about him and yet our lunch appointment was on his calendar. I was the last person to see him fully conscious.
  14. I'm just reacting to you.... "The approach to everything is to ensure that the rich and powerful have a larger share of the pie at the expense of the working schlubs. "
  15. Nice try.....but the tax rate that I pay has nothing to do with your personal success or prosperity. I truly wish you nothing but the best, but blaming me (or my company) for your financial problems is nothing short of ridiculous.
  16. Say what? I distinctly remember when Joe Biden, in one of his first presidential bids, offered this exact same solution to Social Security solvency in a debate. I thought it made a lot of sense back then, and I still do now. Social Security, as originally constructed, is impacted by the generational birth rate and the increasing age of the senior population. It definitely needs to be tweaked now and then to stay afloat. I've held this position no matter which party is in charge....and so did a much younger Joe Biden. Nothing to see here!
  17. Bank of America sells football teams? Go figure! I was just hoping they'd get me a little bit better interest on my checking account.
  18. Ha! I'm sorry for not keeping up with the #4 Running Back on the Indianapolis Colts. I have to say that I'm constantly impressed with the level of interest shown by so many on here. I guess it's partly because I refuse to play Fantasy Football. But...just wait until you get old, young man, and all of these players will start running together in your head as well. (kidding)
  19. One party rule is always a disaster. No matter which party is in charge. This country (and most States) thrives when there’s a healthy balance of ideas and policies. California is the poster child for one party rule and the decline is apparent everywhere you look. Really sad.
  20. I can’t say I disagree but isn’t that more about play design and play calling than personnel? We were using Singletary in that role in last year’s playoff game against KC and he did just fine, picking up first downs at will. I’ve always felt it was better if you keep the defense guessing rather than them being able to say “Hines is in…here comes the swing pass”. With that said, I trust the leadership. But I do think this was more about getting ‘something’ for Moss, who they’ve mentally moved on from, than it was about acquiring Hines or any particular skill set. Just my two cents.
  21. No idea who Hines is (I had to Google him) but we’ve all clearly seen enough from Moss…and so had the Bills obviously. Being on the west coast I saw a lot of Moss while he was at Utah. He was great in college. It shows how hard it is to evaluate these kids. I’m hoping he gets a fresh start in Indianapolis.
  22. Next time just work it out be gone in the bye week! (Kidding) We were on Waikiki beach last week, and it was great! Honestly, hope you have a great trip. Stay safe down there.
  23. I’m living this cognitive problem in real time with my own father. The decline is both rapid and increasing in pace. There’s no way that my father should be President and neither should Joe Biden at this point. Somebody on his medical team has to stop this! Where the heck is his wife? Embarrassing!
  24. Isn’t it “what goes around, comes around”? At least it’s that way over here in the Western Hemisphere.
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